Problem compiling udunits package in VoidPup

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Problem compiling udunits package in VoidPup

Post by hinojojojo »

Hi all,
I have been testing VoidPup to try to be able to run some very specific data processing on it. For this, I need to install the udunits package (and its libraries), which are not included in the main void repos. So I am trying to compile it from sources (here is the source ... s/current/). After installing all dependencies (expat, CUnits, and I think gcc-fortran), and run the ./configure , the configure step stops with the error:

checking for library containing log10... no
configure: error: cannot find function log10

Its not clear to me how to solve for this error, but may be related to the libraries in VoidPup. Not sure if this may be the right place to post this, but I was wondering if I could get some help/advice from people with more experience compiling stuff on VoidPup.

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Re: Problem compiling udunits package in VoidPup

Post by williams2 »

You might need to link to the math library. Maybe

./configure -lm

./configure --help might list an option that it needs.

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Re: Problem compiling udunits package in VoidPup

Post by rockedge »

First package compile run on Bionic64-8 successful. Here is a PET package.

It woks with simple tests in a terminal but not tested yet with anything more intensive.

Compiled in KLV-Airedale (Void Linux based) install the .xbps package in VoidPup64 and it should work.

to compile in VoidPup64 install the package expat-devel

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Re: Problem compiling udunits package in VoidPup

Post by hinojojojo »

Thanks @williams2 and @rockedge for your answers. I havent been able to compile it myself, still have the error about the missing library containing log10 function, even after installing expat-devel or trying to link the library. The "-lm" is not recognized as an option for the configure script, but I tried linking it by using environment variables like CFLAGS or LIBS. Thanks for providing the xbps file, I will try to install it and use that for now.

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