I just installed yt-dlp, on my Zorin full-install system via pip3 admittedly, and then used this other bash/yad youtube-dl GUI I found whilst browsing:
(nicer style of coding the above than I ever manage! so a good exemplar too; I just fetched it with git clone, though you just need to downstream and DownStream.desktop file probably - has MIT license).
I made /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl a symlink to the python3 yt-dlp I also stored in /usr/local/bin
I had earlier used pip3 to download youtube-dl itself (ubuntu version from apt was too old) and it worked, but took 3 minutes to download a 12MB youtube clip. But with that yt-dlp it just took seconds! No idea what the transfer speed was, but great! My fibre internet is a super-fast one nowadays (had copper slow rural ADSL prior to March this year).
Works via clipboard -> auto-pastes into the GUI on starting DownStream app; also works with wayland via wl_paste.
Fred's frontend is probably more flexible though - I haven't used it for a long time so haven't compared.
EDIT: Now simply using the release binary of yt-dlp from here (copied into my /usr/local/bin directory): https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#release-files
"...Platform-independant binary. Needs Python (recommended for Linux/BSD)..."
works even faster I think! (I was running the raw python first time rather than compiled)
I should probably compile the raw one to get latest 'binary' really:
Code: Select all
$ file yt-dlp
yt-dlp: a /usr/bin/env python3 script executable (binary data)
I see from https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp that "yt-dlp is a youtube-dl fork based on the now inactive youtube-dlc". Okay, I see Fred said as much in first thread post, sorry... It is being activity maintained (fixes applied just a few days ago).
Since it is a modified fork of the original, I wonder why it is so much faster (much much much faster)?