Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

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Mean Pup by John Murga

Post by darry19662018 »

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Firehydrant by Ttuuxxx

Post by darry19662018 »

Lovely old pup by Ttuuxxx - used this in my early Puppy days. Based on 3.01 (One of my all time favourite Pups).
A Puppy Linux derivative by ttuuxxx called Firehydrant
A slimmed down version that runs 26Mb ram at boot, kernel Desktop was Icewm.
Original thread: https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=17234
Iso's: https://archive.org/download/Firehydran ... LiteV2.iso
https://archive.org/download/Firehydran ... teV2.1.iso
https://archive.org/download/Firehydran ... LiteV1.iso

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Fluppy by Jemimah

Post by darry19662018 »

Today we remember the lovely series from Jemimah especially 013 based on 4.31 - highly modified though.....

A Puppy Linux derivative forked from the brilliant puppeee1.0 for the eeepc created by jemimah using kernel with more drivers and support for other netbooks....


Iso: https://archive.org/download/Puppy_Linu ... py-013.iso
Forum: https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=56156

My update: https://archive.org/download/Puppy_Linu ... re2018.iso
.pets: http://www.smokey01.com/jemimah/pet/


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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by ally »

puppeee was phenomenal and I wish it could be modernised

a real work of art and it get pulled out every now and then on an eeepc 701


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Puppy Stardust Zigbert

Post by darry19662018 »

Today we remember Zigbert's Stardust Puppy based on the great workhorse 4.31
Original thread:
more details here: https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=53419

Iso's: https://archive.org/download/Puppy_Linu ... st-013.iso
My updated version: https://archive.org/download/Puppy_Linu ... bc2.10.iso

Last edited by darry19662018 on Sat Mar 05, 2022 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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2.14x by Ttuxxx

Post by darry19662018 »

Old forum member Aitch remembers 214x and its origins....
http://puppylinux.info/topic/the-origin ... x-an-intro

2.14X - Classic Pup, as it's become known, is an update of the update 2.14R. 214X, or Classic Pup, is a Puppy Linux derivative based on Puppy 2.14 and updated with newer applications and incredibly good looks. The project was spearheaded and managed by ttuuxxx, with development help and testing by several others in the Puppy Linux community.



Old thread: https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=42553
http://www.smokey01.com/ttuuxxx/2.14X/iso-sfs/ - Downloads.


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Series 2 by Barry K and others

Post by darry19662018 »

We remember the series 2 of Puppy all so very different and long running - including 2.14. 2.14R, 215CE and more favourite 2.17.
There was a fatfree version which was a barebones Puppy 2.17.

Series 2 was built from T2 packages and was built with the Unleashed Build System before Woof became a thing.

They archived here: https://archive.org/details/Puppy_Linux_Series2

Interesting info on Puppy 2 based Pupplets here: https://puppylinux.dreamhosters.com/wik ... -09-02.htm

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by ndujoe1 »

i used 2.15CE for sometime with ICEWM
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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by darry19662018 »

Yes there were some nice icewm Puppy set ups back then. :D
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Dpup 009 by Iguleder and Squeeze Pups

Post by darry19662018 »

Today we remember Dpup009 by Iguleder here: https://archive.org/details/Puppy_Linux_Dpup009
A Puppy Linux derivative by Iguleder built using debian packages uses kernel 2.6.32.
Old Forum: https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=59867
Dpup 009 was a great Pup and was what pupbang by Cagwait was based on. It was built with Debian squeeze packages.

https://archive.org/download/Puppy_Linu ... upbang.iso

Also Next Pup
https://archive.org/download/Puppy_Linu ... -5.0.1.iso
Couldn't find Dpup009 at archive.org, but I made a Pup based on the Iso here:
https://archive.org/download/Puppy_Linu ... seosa1.iso

Talking of Debian Squeeze based Pups try these other ones Igueleder also made

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Guydog 5.01 by Iguleder

Post by darry19662018 »

A lovely openbox Dpup very small in size..

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PostPosted: Sat 15 Oct 2011, 12:09 Post subject: Guy Dog 5.0.1
Subject description: Full-featured 105 MB puplet with Openbox, tint2 and wbar

Guy Dog is a minimalistic, elegant, innovative and full-featured puplet based on dpup. Its main goal is to be a modern battle machine that can compete with the official line of Puppy releases in speed, size and features: all three at once.

Its desktop is based on the wonderful combination of Openbox, tint2 and wbar, which conquered the hearts of many minimalistic desktop lovers and eventually spawned a new generation of lightweight distributions, most notably ArchBang and CrunchBang. Guy Dog joins this party.

Guy Dog was born out of frustration with Puppy’s growing size, decreasing functionality (e.g a browser, Xorg_High) and the lack of innovation in the never-ending battle against size. It rose from a solid infrastructure that automates the process used to build it, which means development is extremely easy and requires zero effort.

It is the direct descendant of Next Puppy and follows the footsteps of Puppy Squeeze, Squeezed Puppy and Dpup Exprimo, while combining the one-application-per-task philosophy pioneered by Zenwalk with the KISS principle followed by Arch Linux and Slackware.

It’s main features are:
- Completeness: Guy Dog ships with all applications a major distribution ships with, including a web browser.
- Small size: about 105 MB.
- Great speed.
- Rock-solid stability.
- Elegant and minimalistic looks.
- Built automatically, with strict quality control and optimization.

If you wonder what the name means, it's a pun on the term “guide dog": Guy Dog tries lead the way and show “blind” developers that is it is possible to build a puplet smaller than Puppy 4.x that has at least the same features as Puppy 5.x, include functionality sacrificed for on the Altar of Size (again, the best examples for this are a browser and Xorg_High).

Included Software

At this small size, you’d probably expect Guy Dog to be either totally outdated or missing important functionality. Prepare to be surprised.

Believe it or not, Guy Dog comes with all the functionality offered by official Puppy releases, at a much smaller size. It even has many extras, on top of the “standard” stack. All its applications, as mentioned previously, were built automatically using an in-house tool called “Builder”.

Here’s the full list of included software:
- Linux kernel, patched with the BFS scheduler
- X.Org server with Xorg_High integrated (so you get 3D acceleration out-of-the-box).
- A rock-solid Debian heart.
- SDL, for out-of-the-box support for games and multimedia applications.
- A vanilla Fontconfig package and an improved FreeType that make fonts smoother and easier to read.
- The Clearlooks GTK+ theme and the Vanilla-DMZ cursor theme, as in most major distributions.
- Openbox, lightweight window manager with minimalistic looks.
- tint2, panel and system tray.
- wbar, application launcher.
- Firefox, web browser, with Flashblock pre-loaded.
- Sylpheed, e-mail client and news reader.
- Transmission, BitTorrent client.
- Pidgin, instant messenger.
- PuTTY, SSH, Telnet and SCP client.
- Dropbear, SSH client and server with support for X11 forwarding.
- gFTP, FTP client.
- tcpdump, packet analyzer.
- MPlayer, media player/
- DeaDBeeF, music player.
- mhWaveEdit, sound recorder and editor.
- Pburn, burning application.
- Aumix, volume mixer.
- Volume Icon, volume tray icon.
- AbiWord, word processor.
- Gnumeric, spreadsheet.
- Dia, diagram editor.
- Zathura, PDF viewer.
- Geany, IDE and full-featured text editor (default text editor).
- Leafpad, simple text editor (default text viewer).
- nano, console text editor (for quick rescue without a graphical desktop).
- catdoc, a tool for extraction of text from Microsoft Office documents.
- Feh, image viewer.
- rgbPaint, image editor.
- XSane, scanning application.
- PupCamera, a digital camera access applications.
- gcolor2, color chooser.
- scrot, screenshot capture tool.
- emelFM2, file manager.
- Findwild, file search tool.
- GdMap, disk usage visualizer.
- gtk-theme-switch, GTK+ theme switcher.
- ObConf, Openbox configuration tool.
- LXTask, system monitor.
- Trayfreq, processor frequency and battery tray icon.
- HomeBank, finance manager.
- Galculator, scientific calculator.
- rxvt-unicode, terminal emulator
- Osmo, personal organizer.
- Xpad, sticky notes application.
- Xarchiver, archive manager.
- Parcellite, clipboard manager.
- gHasher, hash generator.
- xvkbd, a virtual keyboard.
- gRun, Run dialog.

Latest Version

The latest version is 5.0.1, released 20th October 2011.

Iso's: https://archive.org/details/PuppyLinuxguydog-5.0.1


Last edited by darry19662018 on Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Puppy 4.20/4.21

Post by darry19662018 »

Another great Pup from the 4 series.
Forum: https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=36978
Warren Willson has announced the release of Puppy Linux 4.2, a fast, user-friendly desktop distribution in 100 megabytes: "Both the 'Standard' and 'Retro' editions of Puppy Linux 4.2 are now available. Puppy 4.2 is the first official version of Puppy Linux without Barry Kauler making the final choices. Features: many tastes catered for with a choice of window managers, either IceWM or JWM, with extra themes, including Clearlooks GTK+ theme engine; optimized SeaMonkey web browser with MonkeyMenu extension; efficient management with Puppy Control Panel; elegant, graphical GRUB boot loader using gfx-boot; stay informed with Pwidgets running desktop programs; audiophiles will be pleased with AlsaPlayer and Pmusic for audio entertainment using the latest audio codecs for .flac, .ogg and .mp3 files; access to Internet radio using streamtuner....
ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/ftp/pub/os/Linux/dis ... monkey.iso
ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/ftp/pub/os/Linux/dis ... monkey.iso

Multi-user version by Pizzasgood: http://wikka.puppylinux.com/Puppy421Multiuser
Other versions... AnitaOS updated edition, barebones and other pupplets.

Other Pup on archive.org which are based on 4.21

Last edited by darry19662018 on Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by AstonX »

I must say that i am really impressed by one thread from old forum about Saluki puppy
it have 250 pages ,with really nice content, i have never figured that author is a woman from Florida.


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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by mikeslr »

Under-estimating Floridians is a common occurrence. :lol:

But more seriously, it's hard to over-estimate how great an impact jemimah had on Puppys' evolution. If jemimah wasn't the originator of using a combination other than jwm-rox, she certainly was one of the pioneers who paved the way for others not only to follow her example in using xfce-thunar but, by example, inspired exploration of openbox and other window managers, and pcmanfm and other file-managers.
At the time of her influence Puppys were much more dependent on the use of SFSes than now. jemimah developed an easy way to package applications in that format. But even more important, jemimah developed the use of an adrv.sfs, and a tool which would package pets from the repository into one. Unfortunately, that repository is no longer available; and the tool she created has not seen its way into any later Puppys.
However, many of the applications developed for Saluki and Carolina (it continuation) can be found here, http://www.smokey01.com/
One thing you may not realize is that Saluki was based on racy. You'll find recent work here, https://racypup.netlify.app/ and on the Forum for upgrading racy so that it can use some more up-to-date applications. By applying those upgrades to Saluki, it can also benefit.

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by AstonX »

Thank you @mikesir
on reply and on great explanation,i read that is based on racy...but i am not very much used on
linux ..even long time ago i tried puppy in qemu.
I download Saluki and put it on USB...boot time is not very fast from qemu or usb but work.
My intention is to use Saluki tool DistroBuilder to add few programming tools into distro and put it on stick
and on my one older computer on which modern puppy versions not work well but Saluki work excellent.

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by mikeslr »

Hi AstonX,

It's been awhile since I've worked with Saluki/Carolina. I'm not sure the Saluki tool DistroBuilder isn't dependent on accessing a repo which no longer exists. You might want to consider, PaDS, viewtopic.php?f=106&t=933 and/or nicOS-Utility-Suite, viewtopic.php?p=12983#p12983. I only used PipzDex's Puppy Utilities Center once, But it also has several useful modules, viewtopic.php?p=5619#p5619

Another tool which may not be obvious is jpeg's Gnewpet which makes pets from installed packages, http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 673#598673*. Puppy Package Manager can only automatically download the dependencies of an application from those repositories associated with its own and its binary compatible distro. There's a way to add a repo, but its complicated.
pkg-cli [not just a cli :D ] is a great PPM alternative with an easier way to add repos, http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 531#985531. But, as you might expect from a tool with many capabilities, it has somewhat of a learning curve. And I'm not certain it will function under a Puppy as old as Saluki.

So, if you know of a Puppy which has one or more applications you want, what you can do is boot into it and run gnewpet. It will create a new pet which contains all the files noted in that Puppy's /root/.packages. Its sufficiently useful that is worth using PaDS to convert it to an SFS so that it can be used with many Puppies without having to install. I've used fredx181's AppImage Creater to build it as such, viewtopic.php?p=18174#p18174.

The 'Package-Extractor' module of nicOS-Utility-Suite may do the same. But I couldn't successfully convert the Suite to an AppImage.

One last thought: You might want to take a look at battleshooter's version of Carolina, http://www.smokey01.com/carolina/battleshooter/ which is kind of the grandchild of Saluki: having its basic structure, but newer glibc libraries.

I'll be interested in learning about where you take Saluki.

* Available as an AppImage from here, viewtopic.php?p=18174#p18174

Last edited by mikeslr on Mon Nov 01, 2021 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by AstonX »

Well i don't have big plans
but what i would like to do is:
first ;
remove programs i dont like/need
one of this programs is geany editor ...i simply dont like it
i would like to add BaCon and FreeBasic and maybe just some thing for programming
change icons..etc..etc..
if i made something i will let you know

by the way i intalled Saluki on hdd and run Distrobuilder ...but cra**
he tell me that i need frugal indtall to make it work ...whta heck,,, :D

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by AstonX »

May i ask why i need to do "frugal" install.....instead of normal ?
and what exactly is frugal install ??
let say that i boot from USB stick...i supose frugal must be image of os ..or ??

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by amethyst »

With Puppy a frugal install is seen as normal opposed to a full install. With a frugal install the distribution is not really "installed" (extracted and installed on the system) but the Puppy files remains in the original sfs format which is read-only. A frugal install is more secure because the operating system remains read-only which basically negates the chances of system corruption.

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by bigpup »

A live install on a USB stick, is the same as a frugal install, as to how Puppy works.

Frugal installs:
Can be put on any partition any format, any type storage device.

They load more of Puppy into RAM.

Some features only work in a frugal install.

Uses a save file or folder to store all changes, settings, added stuff, etc.....
Has control of how the save is used, when it is written to or not written to, where it is located.
Easier to backup, because all changes, settings are in the save. The core Puppy files never change. Only what is in the save changes. All you have to do is copy the save to have a backup.
If Puppy really gets messed up. Just delete the save and replace it with the backup save.

You can easily load or unload SFS program packages.
This lets you use a program without actually installing it to Puppy. You will have to use this option to fully understand it.

All of Puppy is placed in a directory (folder).
You can have many Puppies on one partition.
All completely separate from the other.
All in different directories (Linux term for folder).

Full installs:
Must be installed to a Linux formatted partition.
Uses the entire partition.
Main advantage is it uses less memory to boot to desktop. (will run a little slower)
Does not use layered file system.
Works best for compiling.
Does not run into size limit that a save file has on a fat32 format.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by Clarity »

@amethyst, Frugal install is NOT as secure as you suggest. Any simple user could easily open and write to any of the files of your Frugal. Little to no knowledge is required. Frugal is more of a means to use one's HDD/USB to boot a PUP versus using a CD/DVD (CD/DVD have an inherent physical high secure level).

But, if you used SG2D to boot your ISO, the ISO file provides a greater level of security above Frugal. An ISO file is a self contained entity that requires knowledge beyond that of a simple user. Notwithstanding, both some greater knowledge and some effort even the ISO file boot approach "could" be defeated...yet not so easy as a Frugal would be.

This is just one of several reasons why the PUP developers, last year, made 2020+ PUPs capable of booting via the ISO file directly from the SG2D USB system start or an SG2D DVD system start. This maintains ALL of the benefits of a Frugal PUP operation while negating ANY need for Frugal storage or Frugal management.

Just a note.

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by wiak »

Clarity wrote: Sat Mar 13, 2021 7:29 pm

@amethyst, Frugal install is NOT as secure as you suggest. Any simple user could easily open and write to any of the files of your Frugal. Little to no knowledge is required. Frugal is more of a means to use one's HDD/USB to boot a PUP versus using a CD/DVD (CD/DVD have an inherent physical high secure level).

That's a good point. And it certainly is a bit more difficult messing around with and then rebuilding iso files. That's both a plus and a minus though - from a development point of view, we often want to fine-tune/modify a system, which as you say is relatively easy when main system is stored as one or many sfs files.

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by amethyst »

It's MORE secure in comparison to a full install which is what this thread is about. Tell me how easy it is to overwrite the actual Puppy files (base sfs) of a frugal install operating in RAM and without a savefile/folder. I'm talking about corrupting the actual puppy file system itself whilst in basic operation. You can of course mess about and delete/overwrite the whole puppy sfs file from a partition of a writable drive but this is not what I'm talking about.

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by Clarity »

@amethyst I want to apologize for the possibility of my post being viewed as challenging. I hope it is not read that way. That in no way was my purpose.

I wanted to provide a view that Frugal is a way to boot a Puppy, but there is a 2020+ way that offers a better approach to booting PUPs that provide a better bit of security than a Frugal while providing EXACTLY the same operations on desktop as Frugal (in a way one could look at it as "Frugal-plus without the hassle" . There are several more reasons why that better way is a better secure option for those now using it to boot, but that also is beyond the scope of this thread, as you've identified.

We can cover those offline if you choose or we can open a thread discussing those additional secure merits provided thru the "development boot changes" that PUPs/DOGs now come with.

I mean no offense, believe me.

P.S. For anyone reading my post, here, my SG2D comments ONLY APPLY to those PUPs that have been produced in 2020-2021 by WoofCE. PeeBee is one of the PUP developers who has provided PUP distros for older hardware since 2020 that allows users to use SG2D as a means of booting to RAM.

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by AstonX »

Well i don't expect such a large explanation but thank you all, i was asking
necause i do full install of Saluki on hard drive and system work excellent but then i try to run DistroBuilder
and i receive messaage that this app work only if Puppy is installed as frugal not as full.
So i must repeat installation.
Also ...Builder not work from live USB ,,,because need to be installed
but is not sayed how ??
ok thanks again :thumbup2:

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by bigpup »


Start your own topic, about your issue(s).
Beginners help, is good place, to post it.

This information is very helpful, in helping you.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Old Vintage Puppies Thread from the Glory Days

Post by AstonX »

but this one is connected with old and vintage puppy derivative.
Sure i will make frugal install then i will open new topic.

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