Hi all, this is a new thread to discuss this, originally talked about in the Remote Desktop thread I started, see pages 7 and 8 for the initial details there.
Moderators and Puppy gurus say that I should be getting prompted at shutdown or reboot for the save/no save GUI, as that this is standard.
It has never been standard for me for several YEARS now on various puppies, including Slacko64, Bionic64, FriendlyBionic32(I refer to as FB32), but FriendlyFossa64 DOES prompt for this, and I don't want it to, cos the other version never have done - for ME anyway.
To bring everyone up to speed, here are three short videos of the versions I use, and how the Bionic64 and FB32 DON'T ever ask if I want to save to the pupsave file, they just do it automatically as part of the reboot or shutdown, and the third video is of FF64, which DOES ask me.
FB32 startup/shutdown:
Standard Bionic64 startup/shutdown:
These two are the way that I have always seen any modern Puppy shutdown or reboot - they NEVER ask via the GUI if I want to save the RAM to the pupsave, they just automatically do it as part of the process.
FriendlyFossa64 startup/shutdown:
This one DOES prompt to save/no save, but like I said, this is NOT normal - for ME.
I'll try to find a box still running Slacko64, but it was the same as the first two - never asking me to save/no save, it just does it, which is what I have always come to expect. Very early puppies asked the question, but I noted that was just GONE in later versions, so I assumed that the new standard was to autosave RAM to the pupsave as part of the shutdown/reboot process, and that is logical, when you think about it. To me, anyway.
I am in the process of documenting step-by-step how I setup these puppies, but this will give you something to look at as a starter.
At the end of the day, Bionic64 or FB32 do as I want them to do with respect to shutdown/reboot, so I am not really gonna fight this too much with respect to FF64 and the GUI save/no save message, but this is just mainly so other members can see what I mean as to how my ones are USUALLY automatic save on reboot or shutdown, and always have been - for me - for years now, which is why the save/no-save GUI thing on FF64 is tripping me up so much - I am not expecting or wanting that to happen, when it never was a condition of shutdown/reboot before - again, for me anyway.
See what you think, and I will see if I can post a step-by-step of what I am doing later, so perhaps you can see why this is the case for me if it is not actually supposed to be - although personally speaking, I love that it autosaves the pupsave at shutdown/reboot without asking - I would have thought that SHOULD be standard, but.....