Pupsave files automatic at shutdown vs save/no save GUI...(SOLVED)

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Pupsave files automatic at shutdown vs save/no save GUI...(SOLVED)

Post by Grogster »

Hi all, this is a new thread to discuss this, originally talked about in the Remote Desktop thread I started, see pages 7 and 8 for the initial details there.

Moderators and Puppy gurus say that I should be getting prompted at shutdown or reboot for the save/no save GUI, as that this is standard.
It has never been standard for me for several YEARS now on various puppies, including Slacko64, Bionic64, FriendlyBionic32(I refer to as FB32), but FriendlyFossa64 DOES prompt for this, and I don't want it to, cos the other version never have done - for ME anyway.

To bring everyone up to speed, here are three short videos of the versions I use, and how the Bionic64 and FB32 DON'T ever ask if I want to save to the pupsave file, they just do it automatically as part of the reboot or shutdown, and the third video is of FF64, which DOES ask me.

FB32 startup/shutdown:

Standard Bionic64 startup/shutdown:

These two are the way that I have always seen any modern Puppy shutdown or reboot - they NEVER ask via the GUI if I want to save the RAM to the pupsave, they just automatically do it as part of the process.

FriendlyFossa64 startup/shutdown:

This one DOES prompt to save/no save, but like I said, this is NOT normal - for ME.
I'll try to find a box still running Slacko64, but it was the same as the first two - never asking me to save/no save, it just does it, which is what I have always come to expect. Very early puppies asked the question, but I noted that was just GONE in later versions, so I assumed that the new standard was to autosave RAM to the pupsave as part of the shutdown/reboot process, and that is logical, when you think about it. To me, anyway.

I am in the process of documenting step-by-step how I setup these puppies, but this will give you something to look at as a starter.
At the end of the day, Bionic64 or FB32 do as I want them to do with respect to shutdown/reboot, so I am not really gonna fight this too much with respect to FF64 and the GUI save/no save message, but this is just mainly so other members can see what I mean as to how my ones are USUALLY automatic save on reboot or shutdown, and always have been - for me - for years now, which is why the save/no-save GUI thing on FF64 is tripping me up so much - I am not expecting or wanting that to happen, when it never was a condition of shutdown/reboot before - again, for me anyway.

See what you think, and I will see if I can post a step-by-step of what I am doing later, so perhaps you can see why this is the case for me if it is not actually supposed to be - although personally speaking, I love that it autosaves the pupsave at shutdown/reboot without asking - I would have thought that SHOULD be standard, but.....

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Re: Pupsave files automatic at shutdown vs save/no save GUI...

Post by amethyst »

Most users would like to be able to control this behaviour, I would:
1. Change the pmedia parameter in the boot configuration file to pmedia=ataflash or usbflash (depending on the media you are using).
2. Change the save interval time in Puppy Event Manager to zero.
3. Also tick the box in Puppy Event Manager whether you want to be asked to save at shutdown or not.

In the above scenario no saves will be made during a session automatically. But there will be a save icon on desktop which will save your changes when you click it during a session. Depending if you checked box 3 above or not a popup will display at shutdown.

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Re: Pupsave files automatic at shutdown vs save/no save GUI...

Post by mikeslr »

So let's make sure we've got this right. PLEASE CORRECT OR CONFIRM.
All your Puppys are booted from a USB-Key.

You created them all using Menu>Setup>Puppy Installer.
If so, a menu.lst was written to (each of) the USB-Key's (first or only) partition.
Please provide the contents of the file name menu.lst for each of the Puppys. [menu.lst is a simple text file. You can either just copy it's contents into your post; or add a 'false' .gz ending to copies and attach them to your post].

Boot into each Puppy. Open Menu>system>Puppy Event Manager, click the Save Session Tab. Then tell us with respect to each (a) what number appears in the Save Interval Box; and (b) is there a 'check' in the Ask at shutdown box?

There are other question I could ask. But knowing what media each Puppy is being booted from and what instructions it has received on bootup (the arguments in menu.lst --or if it had been used in grub.cfg-- and the instructions of Puppy Event Manager) will go a long way toward enabling us to figure out if your Puppys are responding to the instructions they've been given.

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Re: Pupsave files automatic at shutdown vs save/no save GUI...

Post by Grogster »

Hello. :)

All your Puppys are booted from a USB-Key.

You created them all using Menu>Setup>Puppy Installer.

Yes, and no+yes. (see below)

I have not compiled the full step-by-step process yet - perhaps you don't even need that.

But the first important steps are:

- Boot from Puppy USB created with Rufus 3.17 (3.18 has a bug as pointed out in the Remote Desktop thread when I was playing with images and VNC etc)
- Once all up and running and at the desktop, install Puppy to a 2nd flash drive. (this is so as not to alter the boot-up one)
- BootFlash USB Installer
- Select target drive
- Create grub4dos USB
- FAT partition + grub4dos
- Click OK (copy begins, "Please wait, formatting sdc drive..." then "Please wait, copying files from .iso file...")
- Copy complete ("Puppy installed! USB drive now(hopefully) bootable!"
- Click OK
- Menu/Exit/Reboot
- Remove boot Puppy flash drive, leave install Puppy flash drive in place
- System boots from the clean-install flash drive just setup

This is PERHAPS where I am going wrong, Perhaps I just use the ISO-burned USB drive and make changes to that right from the off?

Contents of menu.lst from FB32(FriendlyBionic32):

# menu.lst

# f/b f/b f/b f/b
color white/blue black/cyan white/black cyan/black

timeout 15
default 0

title BionicPup32 19.03
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash
initrd /initrd.gz

title BionicPup32 19.03 - Don't copy SFS files to RAM\nIf you want more RAM available
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck,nocopy
initrd /initrd.gz

title BionicPup32 19.03 - Check filesystem\ndo filesystem check on savefile (and host partition)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title BionicPup32 19.03 - Force xorgwizard (xorgwizard)\nForce xorgwizard (if you are having problems booting puppy)...
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=xorgwizard
initrd /initrd.gz

title BionicPup32 19.03 - No X\nTry 'xorgwizard' after bootup succeed to start graphic mode.
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=nox
initrd /initrd.gz

title BionicPup32 19.03 - No Kernel Mode Setting\nNo KMS
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash nomodeset
initrd /initrd.gz

title BionicPup32 19.03 - Safe mode, no X\nTry 'xorgwizard' after bootup succeed to start graphic mode.
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=ram,nox acpi=off apm=off nosmp noapic
initrd /initrd.gz

title BionicPup32 19.03 - RAM only - no pupsave\nBoot up Puppy without pupsave
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=ram
initrd /initrd.gz

title BionicPup32 19.03 - Ram Disk SHell\nExecute 'init' then dropout to prompt in initramfs
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=rdsh
initrd /initrd.gz


title Help - Boot Params
configfile /menu_phelp.lst


# Boot from Partition Boot Sector

title Boot first hard drive (hd0,0)
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1 || chainloader /grldr || chainloader /bootmngr


# additionals

title Grub4Dos commandline\n(for experts only)

title Reboot computer

title Halt computer

Menu/System/Puppy Event Manager, Save Session tab, Save Interval box = 30
Ask checkbox is UNTICKED.
I have attached an image, but this appears to be exactly what is happening, as described by this Puppy window itself, and this is how I like it to work, but I never entered 30 in here, and I never unticked the checkbox, so this must be done by the install script or however the install to the 2nd flash drive is done down at the nitty-gritty level of the install process.

I will add another post with Bionic64 and FF64 details soon.

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Re: Pupsave files automatic at shutdown vs save/no save GUI...

Post by Clarity »

HI @Grogster in an effort to help, I've booted the ISO of the distros you mentioned.

I've just checked my copies of Bpup and FFPup and I am NOT seeing these or any PUP that does not offer a save-session on a pristine boot.
My ISOs are

  • bionicpup64-8.0-uefi.iso

  • friendly-fossa64-rc3.iso

Every PUP I booted, mentioned, at session end, ask if I want to save the session's work.


  • Are your PUPs remasters?

It ONLY ask on the pristine boots. If I save, then all future session-ends do not ask again as they 'directly write the sessions work to their save-session folder.

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Re: Pupsave files automatic at shutdown vs save/no save GUI...

Post by Grogster »

Hi - thanks for trying to help. :)

My PRISTINE installs ask for a save - that is not the issue.
It's AFTER I specify that the very first time, on subsequent reboot/shutdowns, that it asks when other puppies don't but FF64 does.

Having booted YOUR FF64, install it to another flash drive, boot from that, exit - you will get prompted here to create the pusave file for the first time - create one, reboot, now try rebooting or shutdown a 2nd time or any other time subsequent to the first initial creation of the pupsave file. At this 2nd reboot/shutdown point(or more), it will pop up with the GUI, asking to save to the pupsave, when the other pups don't do that.

I have a feeling that wizard nailed it in a late post on the Remote Desktop thread - I need to go into FF64's Menu/System/Puppy Event Manager, Save Session tab and make sure there is no tick in the checkbox, as I think this is where the problem will be.....and I think there will be a tick in that checkbox.

For now, here is the standard B64 lst file:

# menu.lst

# f/b f/b f/b f/b
color white/blue black/cyan white/black cyan/black

timeout 15
default 0

title bionicpup64 8.0
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash
initrd /initrd.gz

title bionicpup64 8.0 - Don't copy SFS files to RAM\nIf you want more RAM available
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck,nocopy
initrd /initrd.gz

title bionicpup64 8.0 - Check filesystem\ndo filesystem check on savefile (and host partition)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title bionicpup64 8.0 - Force xorgwizard (xorgwizard)\nForce xorgwizard (if you are having problems booting puppy)...
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=xorgwizard
initrd /initrd.gz

title bionicpup64 8.0 - No X\nTry 'xorgwizard' after bootup succeed to start graphic mode.
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=nox
initrd /initrd.gz

title bionicpup64 8.0 - No Kernel Mode Setting\nNo KMS
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash nomodeset
initrd /initrd.gz

title bionicpup64 8.0 - Safe mode, no X\nTry 'xorgwizard' after bootup succeed to start graphic mode.
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=ram,nox acpi=off apm=off nosmp noapic
initrd /initrd.gz

title bionicpup64 8.0 - RAM only - no pupsave\nBoot up Puppy without pupsave
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=ram
initrd /initrd.gz

title bionicpup64 8.0 - Ram Disk SHell\nExecute 'init' then dropout to prompt in initramfs
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=rdsh
initrd /initrd.gz


title Help - Boot Params
configfile /menu_phelp.lst


# Boot from Partition Boot Sector

title Boot first hard drive (hd0,0)
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1 || chainloader /grldr || chainloader /bootmngr


# additionals

title Grub4Dos commandline\n(for experts only)

title Reboot computer

title Halt computer

...and an image of it's settings. I will upload the last lst file and image from FF64 soon.

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Re: Pupsave files automatic at shutdown vs save/no save GUI...

Post by Clarity »

Thanks for correcting the picture. Your concern, raised, is about subsequent boots after an initial save-session.

Are you aware of the "target audience" of @wizard's FF ISOs? That may explain your observations.

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Re: Pupsave files automatic at shutdown vs save/no save GUI...SOLVED

Post by Grogster »

Target audience I understood was to be newbies to some extent, as it is "Friendly" - an uncomplicated puppy for newbies to get into Puppy with, but my primary interest in it was the fact it had VNC included.

FF64 menu.lst:

# menu.lst

# f/b f/b f/b f/b
color light-gray/black yellow/red cyan/black light-blue/black

timeout 10
default 0

# 0.4.6a
graphicsmode -1 800 600
splashimage /boot/splash.jpg

title fossapup64 9.5
kernel /vmlinuz pfix=fsck pmedia=usbflash
initrd /initrd.gz

title fossapup64 9.5 - Copy SFS files to RAM\n
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck,copy
initrd /initrd.gz

title fossapup64 9.5 - Don't copy SFS files to RAM\nIf you want more RAM available
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck,nocopy
initrd /initrd.gz

title fossapup64 9.5 - Force xorgwizard (xorgwizard)\nForce xorgwizard (if you are having problems booting puppy)...
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=xorgwizard,fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title fossapup64 9.5 - No X\nTry 'xorgwizard' after bootup succeed to start graphic mode.
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=nox,fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title fossapup64 9.5 - No Kernel Mode Setting\nNo KMS
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash nomodeset pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title fossapup64 9.5 - Safe mode, no X\nTry 'xorgwizard' after bootup succeed to start graphic mode.
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=ram,nox,fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title fossapup64 9.5 - RAM only - no pupsave\nBoot up Puppy without pupsave
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=ram,fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title fossapup64 9.5 - Ram Disk SHell\nExecute 'init' then dropout to prompt in initramfs
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=rdsh
initrd /initrd.gz


title Help - Boot Params
configfile /boot/grub/menu_phelp.lst


# Boot from Partition Boot Sector

title Boot first hard drive (hd0,0)
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1 || chainloader /grldr || chainloader /bootmngr


# additionals

title Grub4Dos commandline\n(for experts only)

title Reboot computer

title Halt computer

...and image - which shows exactly where the problem is...

I simply UNTICKED the "Ask at shutdown" box, then "Save RAM to pupsave NOW" button, followed by a reboot, and the DOS-box type prompt screen is now GONE - FF64 shuts down/reboots and autosaves the RAM to the pupsave just like all the other puppies now, so wizard was right.

This dragged out a bit more then it should have, really. Sorry everyone.
I have had some issues at home which have been affecting my ability to concentrate which also have not really helped.

How do I mark a thread as solved? Do I just edit the thread title or do the mods prefer to mark them as solved in a specific way?
EDIT: I put SOLVED on the end of the thread title, but mods please change that to whatever you want if you have a specific way you like to do it.

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Re: Pupsave files automatic at shutdown vs save/no save GUI...(SOLVED)

Post by bigpup »

You marked it solved in the correct way.

Providing a post with the info on how you solved it. :thumbup:

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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