Controlling-Laptop-Touchpads, Part Two

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Controlling-Laptop-Touchpads, Part Two

Post by rockedge »

revision 250212

This topic assumes you are using one of the recommended distro's or remasters.

This is an advanced topic.

For those who are continually hitting the touchpad while typing, the easy thing to do is just turn it off and use an external mouse. However, if you find you want or have to use the touchpad there are some scripts and settings that can ease the annoyance. disables the touchpad while typing.
(164 Bytes) Downloaded 143 times
  1. -Download the file
    -Rename as
    -Right click file>Permissions>Make executable
    -Copy to: /root/Startup/

  2. Click it to test.

The disable time can be adjusted by editing the file if desired.

If does not work or you want more positive control of the pad try Touchpad-toggle turns the pad on or off and is best used when assigned to a hotkey.
(393 Bytes) Downloaded 163 times

-Download the file
-Rename as
-Right click file>Permissions>Make executable
-Copy to: /root/my-applications/bin/
-Menu>Desktop>JWMDesk Manager>JWM Hotkey>Add new shortcut

In this example the hotkey is set to: alt z

  1. click Apply

  2. click Close

  3. click Quit

  4. Now pressing alt z will turn the touchpad off or on.

tp-toggle.jpg (30.14 KiB) Viewed 4302 times

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Author: wizard

Last edited by wizard on Wed Feb 12, 2025 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Add rename and permission notes

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