Loading an sfs on-the-fly results in its contents being loaded "underneath" the base sfs (any corresponding files in the base sfs will have preference). In some cases the application will not run because it needs to have preference to the base sfs (this does not happen often but it happens). Now this issue can be solved by loading the sfs as a drive, eg. an adrv or ydrv at bootup however this will take away the flexibility of loading it quickly on the fly when needed. Another way which is often overlooked, is to turn the specific extra sfs into a .pet file. You then install it like any other pet during the session and uninstall it again (via the package manager) if not needed anymore. This works particularly well when you work in RAM only because then you don't really need to uninstall it again since it will be gone automatically at next bootup. User shinobar has also published a utility called sfs_load-above which attempts to address this issue of loading an sfs above the base sfs however it does not work well for me and causes some issues on my system but maybe it could work for you.....
General tips for those using extra sfs files
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