I retire later this year, so it'll be obvious what age bracket I fall into. On one of my machines I've been running Manjaro for a good few months, and haven't had any significant problems with it. A few things had me scratching my head when I initially installed it, so I poked around and figured most of them out. The one issue I was still puzzling over I simply searched for it, typed in my browser "Manjaro Linux - How to etc, etc". Simple, not rocket science.
So I've never had to ask a question on their forum. I've looked at it a few times, but I've never seen anybody else's questions that I could answer either. Consequently I've never even registered with their forum. In a similar vein, I look at the Puppy forum probably two or three times a week, but I don't post anything that often.
The other aspect to this is that I don't think Puppy, or any other distro for that matter, is really suitable for the type of person that wants everything handed on a plate, and can't be bothered to do anything for themselves. And yes, I am referring to generally younger people, although I realise there are exceptions.
Besides, don't the Mods have forum stats for such things as, for example, number of new registrations in last three months compared to previous three months, hits per day, and all that sort of stuff?