scim can work in abiword but cannot work in browser

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scim can work in abiword but cannot work in browser

Post by yalegodman »

I'm running a slacko64-7 ISO file, installed scim, and added these lines in /root/.bashrc
export XMODIFIERS="@im=scim"
export QT_IM_MODULE=xim
export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim

Then I found scim works well, by clicking Ctrl+Space, scim can be turned on and off.
I can input chinese in web browser and abiword.

Then I want to remaster a new ISO file, with all these changes.
During the remastering process, I manually added all the hidden files and hidden directories in root/, such as .config/, .xinitrc, etc, but not including .cache/, to new ISO file.

Then I got a newly remastered Puppy slacko ISO, and it can be booted, whole system looks good except one issue:
scim cannot be started by Ctrl+Space.

With "ps aux |grep scim", I can see there are 4 processes of scim were running, but no way to input Chinese in web browser.
I byped Ctrl+Space, but nothing happened, scim's small window didn't pop up.

in Abiword, scim also cannot be started with Ctrl+Space, but it can be started by "right click---choose input method---scim".
So, if I want to input any chinese in a web page, I have to input it in Abiword, then copy and paste it to webpage.

Any one can tell me how to solve the problem? how to make scim work in all applications?

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Re: scim can work in abiword but cannot work in browser

Post by mikeslr »

track down the missing files which weren't picked up in the remaster; add them, remaster. But if you were running your Web-browser as Spot from /home, and used the builtin remaster application it may not have picked-up the contents of /home; and IIRC, during the remaster process you have to manually add the contents of /root/spot to the build. The builtin remaster pre-dates the use of /home by a dozen or so years.

Easy way:
(1) repeat the installation and configuration process you did before the remaster creating, if necessary, a SaveFile/Folder as a temporary measure while you are doing that.
(2) Install nicOS-Utility-Suite, viewtopic.php?p=12983#p12983
(3) Run nicOS-Utility-Suite's Save2SFS creating either an adrv.sfs, or a ydrv.sfs. The primary function of Save2SFS is to 'capture' the contents of your SaveFile/Folder and any application/setting/config currently in RAM and active (after Restart-x/Graphical Server) but not yet Saved. Where settings/configurations are involved I think it prudent to have created a Save and rebooted to test that they have, in fact, become part of your system.

Both an adrv.sfs or a ydrv.sfs are read-only file-systems which will automatically be used on boot-up. In the event of conflicts, the adrv.sfs will have priority over a ydrv.sfs. If you have an existing adrv.sfs you can rename it ydrv.sfs. When you create or recreate a ydrv.sfs it can optionally capture an existing adrv.sfs.

I use ydrv.sfses primarily for applications I'll always want as part of my system; and adrv.sfses primarily for Web-browsers as they are frequently updated. When a new web-browser becomes available, I replace IN RAM the new for the old, and re-run the Save2SFS module creating a new adrv.sfs.

As scim with Abiword/Wordprocessors is something you'll probably always want, my suggestion would be to capture it in a ydrv.sfs.
If your web-browser is running as Spot and you had to install scim files to /spot or /home/spot, you may want to capture that condition in an adrv.sfs.
IIRC, both the Save2SFS and the remaster modules of the nicOS-Utilities-Suite can capture the contents of /root/spot and /home/spot.

After creating an adrv.sfs and/or ydrv.sfs, move your SaveFile/Folder so that it won't be used. Test. If everything is OK, you can delete the SaveFile/Folder.

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