Evening, gang.
I'm pleased to be able to make these available. Despite that SMPlayer is my personal 'go-to' media player, VLC also sees plenty of use.....and is arguably one of the Linux world's premium media players. A long-standing, do-everything favourite for many people.
As with many of the other 'portables', these, too, are based around an AppImage.....in this case, the newest 3-series packed as an AppImage that's in general circulation ATM - v3.0.11.1 'Vetinari'. Not the absolute newest, bleeding-edge release, but plenty new enough for most of us. Plus, a portable 32-bit build of v2.16 'Rincewind' for older 32-bit Pups.
However; the only Puppy where the 3-series would actually run AS an AppImage was Xenialpup64. In Bionic64 and Fossa64, I was getting the usual complaint about not "seeing" its own Qt5 libs, and not being able to initialize "xcb", despite it being present & correct.
So, I've 'unpacked' it with the "--appimage-extract" switch, so's I could point it at its own stuff with an LD_LIBRARY_PATH clause.....and left it unpacked. (I tried re-packing it, but for some reason this particular one just wasn't having it, in any way, shape or form).
At 320 MB, it's quite large when unzipped, but you must remember, it would normally be occupying this much space in RAM while unpacked in /tmp for the duration of the session. AJSlye, the packager of this particular AppImage, has included just about everything you can possibly think of, and then some.....including the kitchen sink, I reckon! However, since it works 'as-is', and I don't know what half of these deps do, I'm leaving well alone.....
I've had this a wee while, now, and when I first got it found the same as everybody else did here in Puppyland; it wouldn't run-as-spot, it wouldn't run as root.....and none of the usual 'voodoo' incantations & 'switches' seemed to work. Fast-forward to this evening, and I was re-visting the 'AppImages, Snaps & Flatpaks' section for the first time in a while. Turns out @fredx181 got to the bottom of this about 6 months ago:-
AppImages use the 'fuse' library in order to 'mount' themselves into the /tmp filesystem (or something like that). Anyway, the 'fix' revolves around setting the 'sticky bit' for the 'fusermount' executable.....after which, VLC will run-as-spot, & fire up quite happily.
So; all running happily. So I thought - as I do! - was it a candidate for portabilization? Answer? Yup; most definitely...!
I've built it after the same fashion as the Chrome-portable, which will only run-as-spot; it contains its own, mini-'spot' directory within, with all directories created as required inside that. It sets its own permissions as it goes along, along with making sure the 'fusermount' 'sticky bit' is set, too.....and then it's show-time. Runs with remarkably little fuss, if I'm honest.....
For anybody who might be interested in these, you can find them at my MEGA.nz a/c, as always:-
64-bit - https://mega.nz/folder/Ha5g0DpR#jh_ZMSM4WD_5xUe_YDZ4zw
32-bit - https://mega.nz/folder/GOZ3ABaR#dEEUmg1J-ttGnucX4h0Ufw
VLC3 64-bit also available from MediaFire, for those of you that have 'issues' with MEGA.nz:-
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/zdkppc ... 4-portable
AND at my GoogleDrive (everything is slowly migrating back here, since I now have a paid 100GB/mo subsciption):-
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
D'l; unzip; place anywhere you like, preferably outside the 'save'. Click to enter, click on 'LAUNCH' to fire it up. Scripts let you add a MenuEntry from wherever you've situated it. The "MenuReadMe" explains how to use these.
(If you want to, you can add an 'AppRun' symlink to the 'LAUNCH' script, and then it becomes a RoxAPP.....just clicking on the directory will launch it.)
Thanks for the 'fix', Fred. Enjoy, y'all!