The latest issue is in printing. I'm getting a "Filter Failed" error when trying to print.
My setup:
1.) I have a DSL modem with buil-in print server.
2.) To access the printer in my normal Tahrpup CUPS network:
3.)My printer driver is "Xerox Phaser 6000B" for my Dell printer (which is a rebranded Xerox engine) from: ... form=linux
Has worked for years in Tahrpup. However when I set it up exactly the same way in Bionicpup64, I get the "Filter Failed" error message when printing a CUPS test page.
I'm wondering if the problem is that the driver is 32 bit? Does this make a difference in a 64 bit system? I have the 32 bit BionicPup64 compatibility sfs loaded. There is a discussion of 32 bit vs 64 bit for this driver in the Linux Mint forum:
Some people say it just works on a 64 bit system, some say you need to install libcupsimage2:i386, and lib32z1
Any actual Puppy troubleshooting or solution suggestions?