Does a remastered FatDog support script execution at boot time using crontab?
For instance:
Code: Select all
#crontab -e
@reboot root /usr/local/bin/
Thanks for your advice!
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Does a remastered FatDog support script execution at boot time using crontab?
For instance:
Code: Select all
#crontab -e
@reboot root /usr/local/bin/
Thanks for your advice!
Our Busybox's (v1.27.0) crond doesn't support special times yet, it was added in v1.28.0. ... e3a706c016
Thanks @JakeSFR. I think that would be a useful package update for future releases.
Is there an alternative way to load a script at boot time?
For startup : /etc/rc.d/rc.local
To execute at shutdown : /etc/rc.d/rc.local.shutdown
If you want to run a script once X is up and running then use the ~/Startup folder
Adding to rufwoof's list, the /etc/xdg/Startup folder - only the scripts with executable permission will be started. If you want a GUI for this folder as well as for ~/Startup, start Fatdog64 Control Panel then click System > Manage desktop startup programs.