please stop theming gnome apps puppers!!!!!!!
the closed github issues ... s%3Aclosed
P.S. fossapup made the apps pink
please stop theming gnome apps puppers!!!!!!!
the closed github issues ... s%3Aclosed
P.S. fossapup made the apps pink
fossapup64 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=88
I installed the system (fossapup) to a family living next door. Their 13-year-old daughter likes it. She says it's glamorous!
Different devices. Different approach.
Phil, I think that in the new versions of Jammypup and subsequent ones, it's just necessary to bring the design to perfection
Here, a great sample. You have something to strive for
It is also possible to add theme songs so that they appear at the start of the system. I don't know who will write the text, but success is guaranteed
Different devices. Different approach.
Grey wrote:Here, a great sample. You have something to strive for
Reminds me of biebian (which is a Puppy derivative)
Personally, I wouldn't use GNOME apps if ya paid me. ATM, the entire GNOME eco-system is just a gigantic cluster-f*ck, with functionality being removed on a daily basis.
The GNOME top brass seem to have this bee in their bonnet about ultra-minimalism taken to extremes. Not my "cup o' tea" at all.....
It's yet another nail in the coffin of why Linux will always be fragmented, and why the much-hyped "year of the Linux desktop" is as far off, in real terms, as it's ever been. Yet to me, that's its strength......the fact that you can do whatever you want with your desktop, and you don't HAVE to 'conform' to someone else's idea of what the ideal computing experience should be.
Move over, MyCrudSoft. Forget the .NET framework & Direct X; IBM's gonna sock it to ya with systemd & pulseaudio instead!
There are Gnome Apps?
The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected
Interestingly, I don't remember that
Biebian is not based off Debian or Ubuntu. It is based off Puppy Lucid 525, and that is part of the joke.
I understand that this is part of the joke. And yet. Why not Bieppy or something? Debian got all the glory for no reason
STILL better than Windows!
That's the truth. There is no way to argue here
I do a million things,
It sounds menacing, almost ominous
Different devices. Different approach.
I will try not to miss such events
12 years ago, a Russian schoolboy named Denis Popov "invented" his operating system. BolgenOS. "Fundamentally new." They even wrote about him in the newspapers, filmed a report on local television. He won a young talent contest. Even somewhere in the depths of Siberia, laptops with a system on board appeared.
Of course it turned out to be Ubuntu with a new wallpaper and name. ClamAV has turned into a "Popov Antivirus". Arora has turned into an "OgenBrowse". tar has turned into a "Popov Backup Center". QT4 development environment for Gnome (based on gtk2).
Then there was an exposure, the story broke up into memes and quotes.
A typical joke about this epoch-making event:
Different devices. Different approach.
Grey wrote: Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:35 pmIt is also possible to add theme songs so that they appear at the start of the system.
A small musical pause. The same song about Hannah Montana Linux performed by a fan from Russia. The melody of the music from the series is recognizable, plus excellent Californian pronunciation, almost without an accent Probably the only way to perform such specific songs
Different devices. Different approach.
Grey wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 7:32 amThe same song about Hannah Montana Linux performed by a fan from Russia. The melody of the music from the series is recognizable, plus excellent Californian pronunciation, almost without an accent Probably the only way to perform such specific songs
He forgot to apply the hot potato therapy.
How do you sing Grey? Can we hear some opera?
Do you want to exit the Circus? The Harsh Truth
Of course I sing, how else in our time ?! In the bathroom mostly. If you can quietly approach at least 20 meters away, you will hear everything
Mostly at these moments I am drawn to songs about someone historical Often this one, in Spanish with two verses in Russian: !Hasta siempre, Comandante!
In English? Today, just now, I was singing about Joe Hill. Just not the way Pete Seeger did it. I respect Pete, but I think that the folk version of this song does not fit. My version is fast, anxious and jerky, like a march
I know almost all the contents of this site in Russian. But the water in the bathroom should be turned on harder so that there is a background
Different devices. Different approach.
Of course I can sing operas. Only very bad And there are a lot of bears here and they are all tame and love vodka
By the way, I saw an interesting map here. It seems my bear is not far from you If you see him, tell him not to fool around and come home. I'm bored of drinking vodka without him
And there's Count Dracula next to him. I'm very worried
Different devices. Different approach.
Deanna Durbin singing a selection of Barber of Saville (14MB, fuzzy picture.)
Yes, a great version of Figaro Old black-and-white movies contain the best versions.
Thanks to this, I remembered that I still sing opera in the bathroom (clumsily) More precisely, an aria.
This is Mr. X's aria from the 1958 Soviet film. The film is named after the main character, Mister Iks.
Well, the opera (Circus Princess) was written by a Hungarian composer, an Estonian singer sang in Russian (Georg Ots), and the action of the opera was transferred by the authors of the film from the original St. Petersburg to Paris with the change of all names from Russian to French
The essence there is this. The circus performer complains about the nobles and the rich, who call him a buffoon and do not give a hand.
It is absolutely necessary to sing this fragment in the bathroom :
Then, when the screen starts to turn white, you need to stop singing. Because someone starts screaming behind the wall. They don't let you reveal your talent
Different devices. Different approach.
Grey wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 3:56 pmOf course I sing, how else in our time ?! In the bathroom mostly. If you can quietly approach at least 20 meters away, you will hear everything
I was singing about Joe Hill. Just not the way Pete Seeger did it. My version is fast, anxious and jerky, like a march.
Thank you for the invitation, it would be both funny and awkward if I catch you while you anxiously perform "Assholo mio".
Grey wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:40 pmOf course I can sing operas. Only very bad And there are a lot of bears here and they are all tame and love vodka
By the way, I saw an interesting map here. It seems my bear is not far from you If you see him, tell him not to fool around and come home. I'm bored of drinking vodka without him
And there's Count Dracula next to him. I'm very worried
I saw the map the other day. I never saw a bear in the nature so far.
It probably went to the restaurant. If I see the bear I'll deliver the message from you.
There are only 60 of his cousins and most of them party in the Tara National Park.
But the colonizers and discriminators decided the people don't live here.
Only grass, bears, and the bridge so that the poor bears can cross the Danube river.
Do you want to exit the Circus? The Harsh Truth