Just got a recent note from my daughter's school IT manager. My daughter is allowed to use Puppy Bionic on her converted Chromebook, while everyone else is using ChromeOS. He's not really familiar with Puppy, so has asked if we can get her off of the guest network with static keys to:
"The network I want people who are in the building regularly using is XYZ which uses enterprise authentication. Everyone has their own username and password in an Active Directory server here on campus. The Frisbee wifi setup utility in Puppy, though, doesn't seem to be able to configure an enterprise SSID. I googled it, a couple of posts said to get a different utility, PeasyWifi, but those posts were 7 years old, I couldn't find PeasyWifi anywhere, nor do I have any experience using Puppy's package manager."
"Do you have any experience with configuring an enterprise wifi network for Puppy? Or can you find a different utility that will do the job?"
I'm not really familiar myself with Active Directory/Enterprise Authentication, so would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks in advance!