Hi Anyone,
I have an touch panel PC from China, model SK_K12DR, with Intel HD Haswell & Chrontel CH7511b display controller.
Using Windows 10, the backlight brightness can be adjusted by Intel HD driver application.
However, in FossaPup (kernel 5.4.53), the brightness can't seem to be controlled (not just adjust the gamma values which doesn't really change the brightness).
Is this an outstanding issue with Linux i915 & Chrontel CH7511B?
I haven't had the time to fully troubleshoot, will do as soon as possible, but... :
(1). "echo XXX > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0" NOT WORKING. Why is it acpi_video0 & not intel_backlight...?
(2). kernel log messages say something about "drm link training failed...", no idea what this means...
(3). BIOS has option for SMbus & PWM something, will check as soon as possible...
(4). Play around with kernel parameters? Will try as soon as possible...
If anyone has the same display hardware, would be glad if they could share some info...