I use several different Pups, mainly ScPup32 20.05, though also ArchPup 32...anyhow, all my Pups are "installed" into
their own directory ("folder") on the internal HDD which is NTFS formatted, contains Windows XP Home. I created a
swapfile in the "root" directory of my C: drive, using the tools included in ScPup and other Puppies (called Pupswap).
So yes, you can use NTFS formatted drive without major problem. The primary issue I have noticed is not with the
swapfile itself, but something in the way series 5.X Linux kernels handle NTFS...maybe something changed in the
ntfs3g "driver", I don't know, but so far any series 5.X kernel results in super slow access of ANYTHING on an NTFS
drive. Even opening a file manager, such as RoxFiler or PCManFM takes super long time...this also shows up whenever
any access of the C:\PUPSWAP file is attempted by the system, most notably when web browsing (my old Acer Aspire
netbook only has 1 gig RAM)...anyhow, downgrading back to older 4.169 or so kernel along with matching fdrv "fixes"
this issue.