BTRFS and Rox Drive Mounter

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BTRFS and Rox Drive Mounter

Post by user1111 »

On my laptop I use a small/modest sized ext 1st partition for fatdog/system files (sda1), sda2 is a swap partition, sda3 is formatted to be a btrfs partition.

When I use rox to mount sda3 it automatically mounts with no btrfs compression being set, so I run a script in the root folder of that partition that remounts it with lzo compression activated i.e.

mount -o remount,compress=lzo /mnt/sda3

Running filemnt before and after that shows it as having correctly been set to use compression and btrfs-compsize /mnt/sda3 (or against individual files) indicates compression is occurring.
s.png (398.47 KiB) Viewed 528 times

My question is, is there a easier way, such as being able to set the default drives (bottom left corner) to automatically mount btrfs partitions with compress=lzo ? Such as perhaps adding something into my sda3 drives AppInfo files/folder ?

I don't really bother using the subvolumes and snapshot functions of btrfs, just really using it pretty much as a standard partition/filesystem (other than infrequent messing around with btrfs functions/capabilities as and when the fancy takes) for its background/transparent compression function. My laptop's HDD is relatively slow and for instance reducing a spreadsheet file down from 400MB to 300MB via lzo compression helps speed things up overall.
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Re: BTRFS and Rox Drive Mounter

Post by JakeSFR »

Most of mount options in /usr/sbin/ are hardcoded.
You could add a dedicated section for btrfs, though, e.g. between 'f2fs)' and '*)':

Code: Select all

f2fs) # special treatment for f2fs, otherwise conflict with xfs
	  mount -t f2fs $1 "$2"
btrfs) # enable lzo compression for btrfs
	  mount -o compress=lzo $1 "$2"
*)	  # others - just mount it directly
	  mount $1 "$2" ;;
Another way, if you don't mind auto-mounting sda3 at boot time, would be to utilize /etc/fstab.

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Re: BTRFS and Rox Drive Mounter

Post by user1111 »

Thanks. That code works perfectly :thumbup:
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Re: BTRFS and Rox Drive Mounter

Post by Clarity »

Has this been automatically detected (corrected) in FD 811?

Re: BTRFS and Rox Drive Mounter

Post by user1111 »

It's not a bug Clarity. Just a desire. You can choose a range of compression methods with btrfs, I just personally like lzo for its speed, albeit with less compression.
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