CPU temperature monitoring

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CPU temperature monitoring

Post by Feek »

So far I have entered „sensors“ into the terminal from time to time.

Now I found out that pmcputemp is already included in Fatdog.
It doesn´t appear in the tray automatically.
I can launch it only via terminal (I created a simple script in /root/startup with text: <urxvt -e & pmcputemp> and it works).

The temperature values displayed simultaneously by pmcputemp in the tray and the „sensors“ in terminal seem to be different.
Which one is closer to reality?

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Re: CPU temperature monitoring

Post by JakeSFR »

I don't use pmcputemp, because there's already:

Right-click the LxQt-panel -> Manage Widgets -> + -> Sensors

It supports multiple sensor readings, through libsensors, just like the sensors command.


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Re: CPU temperature monitoring

Post by Feek »

@JakeSFR ,

I didn't know about this.

Very nice :thumbup2: ! Thank you.

I also don't use pmcputemp from today :) .


Re: CPU temperature monitoring

Post by user1111 »

This is a extract of the code I use to show a temperature icon in the tray of my bespoke containers. Generates its own .svg icon. Updates every 5 seconds (sleep 5 in _temp() function)

Code: Select all


# Requires 'sit' to have been installed (from gslapt/repo) as that is used
# to stuff the temperature icon into the tray

REDTHRESHOLD=66 # CPU temperature at which icon colour turns red

_tempsvg() {                                               # cpu temperature .svg

        cat <<EOF >/tmp/.temperature.svg
<svg height='32' width='32' viewBox='0 0 16 16'>
 <radialGradient id='rg' fx='50%' fy='50%' cx='50%' cy='50%' r='50%'>
   <stop offset='80%' stop-color='white' stop-opacity='1'/>
   <stop offset='100%' stop-color='$2' stop-opacity='1' />
<rect width='14' height='13' x='1' y='1' rx='2' ry='3' fill='url(#rg)'/>
<g font-size='8' font-style='normal' font-variant='normal' font-weight='bold'
font-stretch='normal' text-align='center' line-height='125%' letter-spacing='0'
word-spacing='0' text-anchor='middle' fill='$3' fill-opacity='1' stroke='none'
font-family='sans' dominant-baseline='central'>
<text x='52%' dy='11'>$1</text>

_find_func() {      # find function for Locate where to read cpu temperature from
        for n in `echo $FILES`; do
            read p < $n
            if [ $? = 0 ];then
                FILE=$n                                                # found it
                continue                              # didn't find, search again
                                  # if we get here we didn't find anything useful
                                    # Scan for where to read cpu temperature from
for a in `find /sys/devices/platform -type f -name 'temp*_input'|sort` \
			`find /sys/devices/pci* -type f -name 'temp*_input'|sort` \
			`find /sys/devices/virtual -type f -name 'temp'|sort`
do _find_func "$a"
        [ -z "$FILE" ] && continue || break              # if we found data break

_temp() { # Tray icon for cpu temperature

        if [ -f $CPU_TEMP ]; then
            _tempsvg 55 cyan black
            sit /tmp/.temperature.svg "cpu temperature" &
            while :; do
                x=$(cat $CPU_TEMP)
                if [ $x -ne $last ];then
                    [[ $x -ge $REDTHRESHOLD ]] && colour=red || colour=cyan
                    [[ $colour = "red" ]] && textcolour=red || textcolour=black
                    _tempsvg $x $colour $textcolour
                sleep 5
			Xdialog --msgbox "cpu temperature not found" 0 0

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