(edit, changed title, as yt-dlp seems to be the new (frequently updated) fork of youtube-dl. not youtube-dlc anymore, see later in this thread for new developments)
Official youtube-dl development is taken down due to DMCA takedown notice by RIAA
New repository, see here:
(not sure how long that will stay)
I've compiled youtube-dl with newest fixes, version still says sep. 20 though.
https://github.com/doglinux/busterdog/r ... -dl.tar.gz
Extract youtube-dl.tar.gz in PATH, in e.g. /usr/local/bin/
EDIT: Found out recently that it's very easy to compile, just git clone the repository https://github.com/l1ving/youtube-dl (or download zip and extract), then from terminal in the youtube-dl folder type "make". (need to have "make" installed, obviously).