Loot boxes with video cards appeared on the Japanese Amazon. The buyer is offered to pay a certain amount for the so-called Lucky Box - a box with a random video card, among which there may be both a brand-new flagship GeForce RTX 3090 accelerator and a used GeForce GT 710. At the moment all offers are sold out.
What exactly the buyer will get depends on luck. But the seller promises that the buyer "will definitely get a video card," at least some kind The chances of getting the latest generation accelerator are only 2%. The probability of getting GeForce RTX 20-series or Radeon RX 5000 card models out of the box is 4%. The GeForce GTX 10 and Radeon RX 500 series models, as well as the GeForce GTX 900 Series or Radeon RX 300 Series will be found in only 8 and 16% of boxes, respectively. The remaining 70% is occupied by older video cards, that is, various kinds of "plugs", like GeForce GT 710.
Lotteries and their variants will never stop working