Next "Personal" technology frontier

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A dog from Mars

Post by Grey »

backi wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 12:29 pm

Yes. The allegedly "brilliant" engineer who is on the way to colonize Mars.
It's been in the news for years: Elon is going to colonize Mars! Here, read this one; it lays out some of the details.
SpaceX's Mars Colony Plan: How Elon Musk Plans to Build a Million-Person Martian City

misko_2083 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 1:29 pm

Mars rovers were remote controlled from Earth by receiving coordinates where to go.

Everyone knows about the Tesla Roadster flight into space. Well...

One of the Tesla still reached Mars. Not Elon Musk's old Roadster, but a newer Model S. However, the car did not visit the Red Planet, which a Californian genius engineer dreams of colonizing, but a deserted village in the Chernihiv region of Ukraine :)

The name of the village was given in 1924, when there was a "great confrontation of Mars". The merry men drove into the village and photographed a Tesla near a sign with the name of the settlement. And then they tweeted:

Tesla Model S is in the Ukrainian village Mars. How do you like this, @elonmusk? Looks like we beat you

Elon Musk commented on the publication with a short "Whoa cool".

But Tesla is not the most important thing. On one of the photos you can see... The photo is unique by another moment... A dog from Mars ;)

Mars village и Tesla Model S.jpeg
Mars village и Tesla Model S.jpeg (104.49 KiB) Viewed 1047 times

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A bar from Mars

Post by jamesbond »

Grey wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 4:47 pm

Tesla Model S is in the Ukrainian village Mars.

LOL. If that's the case I've been to Mars too. Too many times, in fact, for my own good.
Especially in this festive season.


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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by misko_2083 »

Idemo na Mars :D
The song from 90s.

We're off to Mars

We are cosmonauts from the starry city
We're off to Mars where there's no work
There live people small, green and blue
Soon there will be some changes in my head

We're off to Mars where they're looking for
Foreigners on purple beaches
To stop being bored
It's the new place where there's something unique going on
I'm leaving and it's your fault

I never wanted to give you my love
I chased you away to Mars
It's rakija's* fault that you are there
Now you love some green woman

Now I blame, blame fate
For I love a green woman

Here on Mars all the women are the same
Of different shades but all whacked in the head
Green are skinnies and plump ones
A bit up, a bit down, your heart can burst

I'm only bothered by the cosmic birds
Whether we are black, white or green creatures
We'll remain in our rocket
For women are damned on every planet

What can I do, I cannot hope
You're so high up yet scraping the bottom
There's no return for you
What did this green whore do to you?

*Rakija is a fruit brandy that forces foreigners to make weird facial expressions.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Grey »

misko_2083 wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:54 pm

Idemo na Mars :D

Идемо? Да ли је то пешке на две ноге? Било би боље позајмити ракету од Рогозина (шеф свемирске агенције Роскосмос). Иначе, Рогозин може да украси ракете у стилу фресок српског манастира Милешева ;) Сада му је веома драг стил Гжель (плаво-бела композиција) :D

Ceramic rockets in the Gzhel style (Russian art style with a white and blue composition). The head of Roscosmos dreams of launching ALL rockets with a similar art design in the future :) :

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by rockedge »

@Grey Those are really cool. 8-)

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by misko_2083 »

Grey wrote: Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:47 pm
misko_2083 wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:54 pm

Idemo na Mars :D

Идемо? Да ли је то пешке на две ноге? Било би боље позајмити ракету од Рогозина (шеф свемирске агенције Роскосмос). Иначе, Рогозин може да украси ракете у стилу фресок српског манастира Милешева ;) Сада му је веома драг стил Гжель (плаво-бела композиција) :D

Ух, нећемо пешке, не исплати се. Далеко је Украјина. Није због нас него да не поцепамо патике од толиког пута. :lol:
Најбоље на исти начин као у споту, у сновима.
Кад се пробудио онај на крају спота схватио је да је све био само сан.
Фреска "Бели анђео" из манастира Милешева, је прва слика послата из Европе у свемир као порука мира разумним бићима.
А нешто раније је била међу првим кадровима када је успостављен први сателитски видео пренос између Европе и Америке.
Да ли ове ракете имају слојеве мањих ракета у њима? Као бабушка "ракетушка".

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Grey »

misko_2083 wrote: Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:50 am

Да ли ове ракете имају слојеве мањих ракета у њима?

No, this is not a "matryoshka doll", but rather a large mug :) You can also hide various liquids from your wife in them ;) Slivovitsa, beer, vodka, denatured alcohol from the airfield...

By the way, I keep forgetting to ask @rockedge what the airfield's technical staff drank when he worked there :)

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by misko_2083 »

Grey wrote: Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:48 am

No, this is not a "matryoshka doll", but rather a large mug :) You can also hide various liquids from your wife in them ;) Slivovitsa, beer, vodka, denatured alcohol from the airfield...

By the way, I keep forgetting to ask @rockedge what the airfield's technical staff drank when he worked there :)

Really? You hide alchohol?
Ts, ts, ts...
And you were so happy when you got married. :lol:

Tomorrow is Christmas. The oak branch (бадњак) is ready for tomorrow.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by rockedge »

@Grey Onboard the Академик Мстислав Келдыш the Russian crew called it "Shelia".
96% ethanol alcohol mixed with black tea and some sugar. The sailor's will tell you by the time you feel it, it's too late.

The crew told of a story during the Soviet era, when the ship was much longer at sea than planned because of bad weather and they ran out of alcohol. They drained the main binnacle on the bridge for the alcohol in it, which is used to float the clinometer and dampen the compass movements.

Old-timer's from the US Navy call it "torpedo juice". The alcohol came from the gyroscope housings in certain torpedos

Merry Christmas!!

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by misko_2083 »

rockedge wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:03 pm

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas Eve!
Tomorrow we greet other people with "Hristos se rodi!" (Crist is born!) And they reply with "Vaistinu se rodi!" (Indeed, he is born!)

@Grey what are Russian Christmas traditions?
Maybe they are different from ours ... traditions

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Grey »

misko_2083 wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 5:34 pm

what are Russian Christmas traditions?

The most important similarity (with Serbia) is not wine, but probably olivier (Russian salad). I think it's not even a tradition, but rather a way not to forget how to cook something edible from a limited set of foods in a difficult time :)

About the rituals... Maybe I should start lying and saying that everyone follows them :) But this is not the case. The list of actions is long and clear... But only ON PAPER. In reality, not every Christian performs them properly. There is an official celebration procedure and everything is very beautiful on TV. At the same time, it is difficult to guess what is going on in the neighboring village and how they celebrate there (and whether they are still alive) ;)

Merry Christmas! There are Czechs in my town, so I have already celebrated Catholic Christmas with them (I watched the Czech movie "Three Nuts for Cinderella" three times a week) :) And now Orthodox Christmas.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Clarity »

I was just reviewing the announcements at 2022 CES. Really fasinating stuff.

I, personally, was interested in the advancements in USB4 stuff and any KVM advances.

But this Intel "standardization" also caught my eye. This will make life for Linux kernel easy in the future for motherboards which adopt the standard. Merely ask the motherboard "which standard" it has.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by garnet »

Clarity wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:03 am

But this Intel "standardization" also caught my eye.

Err ... I'm a bit confused. The article talks about "specification". I though "specification" is not the same as "standardization", or is it one of my slow moments again? :lol:

Hope that helps ^_^

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by misko_2083 »

Setting the minimum requirements for a sticker on a device?
Kernel may know what are minimum specifications for a device but not what hardware it has.
It only narrows it down to all hardware that is meets minimum requirements.
Minimum webcam spec is 720p but it may be any webcam hardware with 1080p or above.

@Grey The West hasn't recognised you as "white". In my private messages:

Clarity wrote: Sun Mar 07, 2021 9:53 am

Since Trump got on the world stage, he has had a detrimental impact on what is happening as he points fingers at non-white nations while demanding that white nations follow his lead. (He has never shown any signs of understanding that Russia is a country of non-whites...something he doesn't get). As such, his behavior has gotten western societies on alert as what to make of the new occurances of hatreds that are erupting resulting from that US leadership.

They recently recognised the Eastern Europeans as "white". Well kind if "whitish", white with the question mark.
This whiteness seems like a perception of cultural domains.
There are like "white", "white?", and the rest of us as non-white.
The westeeners put me in a "white" box at first. That is until they see my passport or know where I'm coming from. Then they put me in maybe some "grey" box :-) and keep me for 10 hours at the border.
And Africans usually see all the Europeans as homogeneous gang of thugs. :-)

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Grey »

misko_2083 wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:30 pm

The West hasn't recognised you as "white".

The "Collective West" is different in its different parts. Anyway, I just don't care about it :)
If we move from abstract concepts to the physical world, then I live in the southernmost part of the country. In summer, the heat is over 40 degrees Celsius. At this time, people around begin to look like mulattoes or creoles - from sunburn (sometimes it seems that it's not Russians planting vegetables, but Negroes working on a plantation with sugar cane). That's why I'm white three seasons a year, and one season I'm not very white :)

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by misko_2083 »

We southerners are generally cheerful people. :-)
Just wondering why does the coloration matters so much in some places?
Hey I get darker in the summer too. My brother doesn't have that much pigments and easily gets red sunburns.
Over 40 Celsius in here too. In winter can be -20, btw this one is hot for now.
I get sunburns too but after more exposure.
We used to put yoghurt on the burnt skin before going to beds, to easen the pain when were kids. :-)
Some of my cousins in the southern part of the country have even darker skin tone. But there isn't an obsession about who's more pale then others.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Grey »

misko_2083 wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:20 pm

We used to put yoghurt on the burnt skin before going to beds, to easen the pain when were kids. :-)

I think there was no yogurt in your childhood (in Yugoslavia?) :) Most likely it was some kind of sour cream :D

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Clarity »

Hi @misko_2083

I am not sure if that statement you reference from me, has ANY relevance as we have moved much more away, from that, toward focusing on issue of Puppies, DOGs, Linux, and technology.

If we can, and certainly I will, stay out of those utterance in this forum, as for me, I feel it inappropriate location for those kinds of discussions.

There are so many more non-technical places on the internet for that kind of discussion without bringing those distracting non-technicals, here...including those from me...IMHO.

Good will to all forum members as we match into the future wrestling with the technology changes that are accelerating for our incorporation and usage.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by misko_2083 »

^@Clarity Not relevant? Everything is relevant, this is life. Even if this is not a serious topic in an off-topic category.
It's philosophical rather than technical.
You see, the future doesn't exist, it's only a projection of our minds.
In your projections 128 bit computing was coming next:

Clarity wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 5:32 am

PCs and use thereof continue to advance. We've gone from 8bit to 64bit. It seemed, strongly, that it would move to 128bit in mainstream motherboard (I did not forget nVidia), but 'now' it may be abandoned as there is a rising push in Quantum.

I had my own projections. If someone told me years ago that some cartoon characters were banned because they are not wearing clothes, I would think he's crazy.

We are seeing the evolution of technology for sure.
But evolution isn't progress, it's an adaptation.
Someone posted a picture of TRex evolving into chicken.
Funny but it can happen according to the theory of evolution. The environment changed and big animal adapted in countless life cycles to the new conditions.

Everything is connected in this world. The changes in one part of the planet will eventually affect all the planet.
Pollution in one country can cause a storm in another.
You cannot isolate the technology from life because we made it be a part of it.
The technology is being adapted around the demand and needs of the evolving civilization.
Every aspect of life good or bad, influences the development of technology.
Keep in mind that civilization has cycles of rise and fall just like the stock markets.
When there is mass surveillance embedded into the technology then it's an obvious sing that something is very wrong with the civilization.

Personal technology is here today to monitor us and drain the last drop of productivity life out of us.
People live only to work and buy new things they don't really need only to impress the people they don't even know.
And the lucky ones, when they are old, senile and ill they start to live for a few years they have left.
The projection of the future I see is very dark. It may or may not be realised. Something can change it perhaps but the current trend is in degradation.

Location? Technically this isn't an actual location. Just lines of text on a computer screen. :-)
Non-white and now non-technical, are you in some exclusive club? Freemasonry?! :-D
Is it so bad to embrace everything rather than to exclude everything?

About distractions. From my experience, own crap is always the most distracting. :-)
Especially when it doesn't turn the way we want on our end.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by misko_2083 »

Grey wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:28 pm
misko_2083 wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:20 pm

We used to put yoghurt on the burnt skin before going to beds, to easen the pain when were kids. :-)

I think there was no yogurt in your childhood (in Yugoslavia?) :) Most likely it was some kind of sour cream :D

Oh, there was always yogurt.
And there were no lines of people in front of the shops like in Poland and SSSR.
But you are right must have been, pavlaka or soured milk.
Yogurt would make a mess.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Grey »

misko_2083 wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:10 pm

Oh, there was always yogurt.
And there were no lines of people in front of the shops like in Poland and SSSR.

In my region, too, there was no "long line of people" in front of grocery stores. The reason is simple, there was a village called Giant very close by, which at that time had the largest grain harvests in the World. There was also a lot of milk.

There was a shortage of equipment and transport. One day, my grandfather and I waited almost two days for our turn to buy a bicycle of the brand "Salyut". All this time we were behind the store and each applicant had his serial number written on the palm of his hand. Despite the numbers, it could be announced at any moment that there were no more bicycles left. One customer was even punched in the face for changing the number on his hand to be at the top of the list.

Savagery? Sure. But you know... to get a bike in this way was... how to say... as a coveted prey for the hunter, whose meat tastes better than the one bought in the store.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by misko_2083 »

Grey, relative term "very close" could be in range of 100 km in a big country. :-)
You went on a camping with grampa. I guess two of you brought a tent, few blankets, food and water while waiting for your turn to buy a bycicle.
The longest I spent in line was 12 hours in September last year.
There were hundreds of people in front of covid ambulance building.
The fact I had a fever of 40°C that morning made it seem much longer. Many used connections with nurses to be in top if the list while others yelled at eachother and the nurses because of that. And some selfish people smoked cigarettes while waiting. I almost coughed my lungs out. No wonder I ended up in a hospital.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Grey »

misko_2083 wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:15 pm

And some selfish people smoked cigarettes while waiting.

I understand you, I have never smoked in my life.

In your case, less time has passed, but the intensity of passions is greater... You've won. Okay, I'm giving the first place to your story :thumbup2:

But you didn't guess about tents, blankets and a picnic. People just sat on the bare ground and waited. Nothing more :)

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by misko_2083 »

Thanks for the medal. It's that important I can hang it on a cat's tail. :D Along with the story. That's actually what @Clarity is thinking at this very moment. Ha ,ha.

But everything is important. Without knowing the past we would not know who we are right now and where are going.

Times have changed, you can order bicycle online now and it can arrive in less time than you had to wait in line to order one.
In the near future probably a drone will deliver it in a few hours.
And it's probably going to be a smartbike with a GPS and a camera that streams back to the big (tech) brother.
Flying bikes do exist but I don't think they will be cheaper.

As for health issues there are already implants that monitor some parameters and send them to doctors.
People won't be able to receive medical insurance without them in the future.
Bioethics and transhumanism, those would be interesting subjects in this thread.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Grey »

misko_2083 wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:10 pm

Bioethics and transhumanism, those would be interesting subjects in this thread.

Easy :)
Look here. A new version of the humanoid robot companion Robo-C-2. Made in the sinister basements of Perm, Russia :) The robot can express various emotions, gesture with its hands on command from the outside and on the engineer's command, as well as communicate with the audience. It uses new servos. It can reproduce over 600 variants of human micromimics, realistically IMITATING ;) human emotions. At the moment, 19 robots of the Robo-C model have been sold in Russia. They will be sent to work in shopping malls and museums.

I have three thoughts:
1. Hints of Iron Man. Well, it's clear here, such a fashion.
2. It is planned to make legs based on a dynamic stabilization system Image What for? We are humans, a biological species. But for a robot, this is an inefficient means of transportation. It has long been clear that the robot does not need legs and wheels, but tracks Image
3. Imitation of feelings and facial expressions. It is also clear that the management wants to make money on fashion trends. Meaning? Masquerading as people? There are no feelings, but there are facial expressions:

Robo-C-2.jpg (92.16 KiB) Viewed 965 times

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Clarity »

With this discussion turning recent attention to robotics, CES shows this concept where its builder expects a product within a year.

Some, here, might find this of interest from a technology standpoint.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier-Brain Implants

Post by backi »

User @misko_2083 asked for:

Bioethics and Transhumanism, those would be interesting Subjects in this thread.

As for health issues there are already implants that monitor some parameters and send them to doctors.
People won't be able to receive medical insurance without them in the future.
Bioethics and transhumanism, those would be interesting subjects in this thread.

Here we go:
Based on what we've experienced with the Covid Jabs, it isn't much of a stretch to see how they’d use incremental overt and covert steps of Propaganda.
Their minions will be out advancing the divide and conquer Tactics.
Punishment will be swift to those in Disagreement with digital Tags and the soon to follow Brain Implants

Implanted Microchip, Klaus Schwab
Klaus Schwab.- World Economic Forum and The Great Reset

From a 2016 interview with Klaus Schwab, Boss of the World Economic Forum in Davos, in which he says Humans will have a Chip implanted in their Brain or Skin within 10 years.

This is no Conspiracy Bullshit or Science Fiction......This is serious Stuff!!

These creepy (bloodless) Creatures are uttermost sick and evil Demons......and must be stopped :shock: :shock: :shock:
Hair raising.
WAKE UP !!!!

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier-Brain Implants

Post by Grey »

backi wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 2:32 pm

From a 2016 interview with Klaus Schwab, Boss of the World Economic Forum in Davos, in which he says Humans will have a Chip implanted in their Brain or Skin within 10 years.

Here it is necessary to clarify. Not Humans (the top of the nobility), but humans (ordinary mortal peasants).

You know, backi, your post reminded me of articles about Nazi atrocities in concentration camps that I read in the 80s in the Soviet magazine "Science and Life". Well, all sorts of medical experiments on people and children. Most of all I remember the article (I still remember) about the terrible woman doctor Herta Oberheuser in the Ravensbrück camp. By the way, the English version of Wikipedia is very "tactful and short" in describing events.

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by backi »

Hi @Grey !

Klaus Schwab & The World Economic Forum (WEF) ... reat-reset


He's just as dirty as Bill Gates yet no one is talking about Klaus Schwab and «everyone who's behind World Economic Forum (WEF), the global puppet masters that will stop at nothing to destroy what’s left of our individual liberties».

Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset' (10/11-21): Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

Another Excerpt:

Klaus Schwab and The Fourth Reich (11/3-21): A deep dive into the history and the lineage of the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab with shocking discoveries.

Klaus Schwab was born in Nazi Germany in 1938. His Jewish mother fled the country, forced to abandon her year-old son with Klaus’ father, whose family businesses were Nazi collaborators.

Over the course of Schwab’s life, he has ingratiated himself to the royal houses of the Holy Roman Empire, with the goal of consolidating Europe – and now the world – under the control of their Swiss bankers, aka “the Gnomes of Basel”.

Excellent background information on those who would would enslave you and the entire planet.

Can not prove myself if this is true.

B.t.W: @Grey

What about mandatory Vaccination in Russia.........any Information?

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Re: Next "Personal" technology frontier

Post by Grey »

backi wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:01 pm

What about mandatory Vaccination in Russia.........any Information?

So far, the voluntary system. In some areas (closer to Siberia) there are rumors about mandatory, but not yet. But even if such a system is introduced, it will not be for everyone, but for students and workers of some specialties.

Last year there were ideas to "make it like in China". But of course it all ended with "no, we have our own path illuminated by someone there."

As a result, everything returned to the good old scheme :) The essence is this. Lockdown is NOT introduced throughout the country, but regional governors are allowed to decide on the degree of danger. If the governor eventually makes a mistake, then "you know who" appears on a "white horse" and saves everyone. As a result, the federal authorities remain "white, fluffy and soft" ;)

Fossapup OS, Ryzen 5 3600 CPU, 64 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4 GB, Sound Blaster Audigy Rx with amplifier + Yamaha speakers for loud sound, USB Sound Blaster X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro V3 + headphones for quiet sound.

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