FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

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FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by Kliber »

Hi, my name is Kliber Pereira and I'm trying to run FSComp under Puppy Linux using WINE since was reported once to be achieved by Janne at this thread:

http://fs.fai.org/forum/topic/fs-1-2-13 ... ux-ubuntu/

Hi Pablo,
I got FsFlight, FsComp and GPSDump to work with wine in PuppyLinux.

Best regards

FsComp ( http://fs.fai.org/ ) is an Scoring Software for Paragliding and Hang Gliding Competitions, the reason I want to Run it under PuppyLinux is because 1) Was reported to run successfully on Puppy and 2) I have an old Laptop Compaq Presario C780LA with Core 2 duo processor and 1024mb memory and Puppy runs great on it, I want to use that laptop instead my cumbersome desktop rig to score competitions due its portability.

The Distro I'm using is BionicPup32 19.3

So far the best results I got was with Wine-Portable from this thread viewtopic.php?p=43684&hilit=portable+wine#p43684

It does install correctly, there are three executable files: GPSDump runs great (for communications with GPS, still need to figure how to manage ports but ill get there) FSFlight runs great (is used to display the GPS tracks information loaded from FSComp) and the main Program: FsComp.exe (is used to manage pilots database, check tracks from pilots and score tasks with a mathematical formula) this one is giving me headaches, and I know I'm almost there, been trying from the last 5 days with Ubuntu, Zorin OS and Puppy, being Puppy my best result; executing it at wine console give me this error:

Code: Select all

 c:\Program Files\FS2021R1.2>fscomp 
           c:\Program Files\FS2021R1.2>libgluezilla not found. To have webbrowser support, you need libgluezilla installed                                               
             [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.Refresh (System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserRefreshOption opt) [0x00042] in <dfcf5e19b3744f6abc3507fe9dffa1dd>:0
                                                                                c:\Program Files\FS2021R1.2>libgluezilla not found. To have webbrowser support, you need libgluezilla installed                                                 [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object                                            at System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.Refresh (System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserRefreshOption opt) [0x00042] in <dfcf5e19b3744f6abc3507fe9dffa1dd>:0                 at System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.Refresh () [0x00000] in <dfcf5e19b37
c:\Program Files\FS2021R1.2>libgluezilla not found. To have webbrowser support,  

and so on, so the clue is libgluezilla doing a bit of research found that the Lib to add is libmono-webbrowser4.0-cil in puppy package manager found version and installed it, rebooted and still wont work, same error message, I suspect is due Wine-Portable working in its own enviroment? I really dunno and want some help at this point and also to make this thread so ppl looking for the same info gets an idea too

thanks in advance for any help and Merry Christmas!

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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by Wiz57 »

Welcome to the Forum, Kliber! :welcome:
From what I've gathered after brief search, since I have little experience with Wine (other than the liquid variety, lol),
you need to install the "DOTNET40" libraries using Winetricks from within Wine itself, rather than installing into the
base Linux distro. Read this for more help...

Perhaps someone with more experience with Wine in Puppy will have a better idea!

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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by Kliber »

Thanks for your warm welcome Wiz! I just did a .net framework install from within portable-wine using Wine Control Panel, rebooted, installed the program again and launched the program from wine console and the error repeats itself, now I wonder if I need to do a fresh reinstall of all, cannot use winetricks at puppy since I'm root (and to be honest, I'm complete new to wine) been reading a lot these days and trying stuff in two PCs, at least I know it can be done, just need to keep trying...

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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by Kliber »

OMFG!! I did it!! well, not yet technically to be Honest, I did manage to run FSComp at Ubuntu 20 Focal Fossa, just not yet at Puppy Linux...


But I can confirm that FSComp runs in Linux using WINE, tested, scored, loaded a competition, and printed results. So, its seems to be working as intended...

What I did:

Fresh Install of Wine

kliber@DarkStar$ wine --version

Fresh install of Winetricks

Create new Wineprefix with Winetricks Prefix 32

Install NET 2.0 with Winetricks (add windows components or DLL)

Install FSComp setup

Run FSComp

Now gonna try to reproduce this at PuppyLinux, need to figure it out since I cannot run Winetricks at PuppyLinux yet...

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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by Wiz57 »

Looks like you're making some progress, however the thing to keep in mind in regards to
Puppy is most things need to be geared to running as "root", the default user in Puppy.
So look for packages specifically designed for Puppy...version2003 posts several Wine
packages in his thread, and if memory serves correctly includes winetricks and winemenu
"pets" you can install. There are a few members that recommend wine-3.3_v2.1.pet as it
seems to be fairly stable and usable. From reading, install the pet, then the wine_extras-v2.1.pet
then in Puppy terminal (usually urvxt) run wineconfig. May need to double check these steps
to be sure.
Still hoping someone with more experience will jump in and help an old wiz out, lol!
Good luck!
Wiz :thumbup:

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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by mikeslr »

Ditto what Wiz57 wrote. Just some information which may help. I'm still using wine-portable which was built using a pet version2013 published. But as far as I know, all the wine pets version2013 publishes include winetricks.
What Wine does is create an emulation layer for running a windows-like operating system, and installs a version of that operating system that enable you to run some windows programs in it.
Although the program you run under wine are either those which were built into it, or the windows programs you install, winetricks, itself, is a Linux application.

You run it by opening a terminal (console) and entering one of the following two commands:

If running wine-portable, the command is "wine.sh winetricks" --without the quotes
if running wine, the command is "wine winetricks" --without the quotes

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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by Kliber »

Ok, lets try again, take 2:

1) Fresh BionicPub32 install > Full install due this laptop have a slow CPU and low memory > Finish local configurations and stablished a Wifi conection.

2) went to https://version2013.yolasite.com/page1.php#wine-6.0 and downloaded wine 6.0 PET since this version worked at my Ubuntu Desktop (fingers crossed).

3) installed Wine 6 PET and downloaded wine_extras-v2.1 PET as Wiz recommend

4) Went to Terminal to run winecfg, Updating configuration, installing mono , installing Gecko, finishing configuration

5) Invoked Winetricks from aplications>Utility Menu - Create new wineprefix, dang, winetricks not working as intended, going to console as Mike recomends, nope winetricks not working error in console - CRTL-C

6) went to FAI FScomp download the program and will try my luck as is #wine FS2021R1.2-Setup.exe (same error as witth winetricks about the Vulkan Driver wine was built without Vulkan support) installer completed, error in console: fixme:plugplay:pdo_pnp_dispacht Unhandeld Function 0000002 CRTL-C #wineconsole > c: and run FScomp

7) OMFG!! its working!! even with all those errors in the backgound, awesome... testing for stability...

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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by snoring_cat »

I got it to install with puppy Linux Bionic32 8.0. I see you posted an update while I wrote this. Do note that steps 2 and step 3 are still useful for you.

Step 1 - Install Packages
Update Puppy Package Manager, and then install the following:

  • winetricks

  • wine32_3.0

  • wine-stable_3.0

  • wine-binfmt

  • wine32-preloader_3.0

  • fonts-wine_3.0

Step 2 - Create Start Script
This script will be used by user "spot" when you want to run FS. Type the following in a Terminal window

Code: Select all

cat > /usr/local/bin/run_fs <<EOF
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/wine

wine /home/spot/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/FS2021R1.2/GpsDump.exe &
wine /home/spot/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/FS2021R1.2/FsComp.exe &
wine /home/spot/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/FS2021R1.2/FsFlight.exe &
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/run_fs

Step 3 - Menu Entry
Now we will create a menu entry for FS. If you find an icon to use for the menu entry, it should be called "FS.png" and placed in /usr/share/pixmaps. Run the following in a Terminal window

Code: Select all

cat > /usr/share/applications/fs.desktop <<EOF
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=run-as-spot /usr/local/bin/run_fs

jwm -reload

Step 4 - Install FS
Even though we have a menu entry, and a start FS program, we still have to do the following

  • Set up Wine for user "spot"

  • Install FS and it's dependencies

Code: Select all

su - spot
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/wine
export DISPLAY=:0.0
winetricks dotnet20

wget http://fs.fai.org/trac/raw-attachment/wiki/FS2021R1.2/FS2021R1.2-Setup.exe

wine FS2021R1.2-Setup.exe

Step 5 - Run
All finished installing FS. You should be able to run the application by using Menu > Personal > FS.

Note that we are not creating a SFS or PET file, since it looks like you are only installing this application on one computer.

Last edited by snoring_cat on Mon Dec 27, 2021 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by Kliber »

Meeeooow! Snoring Cat!! that is the Post I was looking for!

Step 1 Install Packages

New Fresh installation BionicPup32 (is so easy and fast!)
Dont Forget to Update the Package database!! (got some missing dependencies because I didnt first, hope I sorted that out)
all required packages installed from Package Manager

Step 2 Create Start Script

This is Fancy Stuff!! thank you very much for your Work!!

Step 3 Menu Entry

this is another level! Bash hacking, menu entry created, I think... (BTW you have an small typo: change fixmenues for fixmenus)

here is my FS icon for the menu: Image

Step 4 Install FS

**Mind Blowing** Wow, just wow...

everything went so smooth and organized, very different to my spray and pray method...

dang, talked too soon, #wine FS2021R1.2-Setup.exe stopped at:

wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\FS2021R1.2-Setup.exe"
# 0012:fixme:msvcrt:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x64083a50) stub

It may be related to this other I ignored before:

# wineserver-stable
wineserver: directory /home/spot/.wine cannot be accessed

I'm not sure, gonna try to figure it out, but to be honest I don't want to mess your art sir...

EDITED: Found the problem!!

Code: Select all


wget http://fs.fai.org/trac/wiki/FS2021R1.2


wget http://fs.fai.org/trac/raw-attachment/wiki/FS2021R1.2/FS2021R1.2-Setup.exe

I have tears, FSComp Works like a Charm from my own personal menu!!

Snoring Cat, you the man! THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!

Look at this Beauty!!

FAI FSComp Scoring System Running on PuppyLinux! HowTo By Snoring Cat.

Thanks to Wiz and Mike also for your input and Help!!

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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by snoring_cat »

Glad to also help. Sorry for the typos. I had to do it from memory, since I had to reboot, losing some of the commands I did (I was running with no savefile. i'll update my previous with your notes...just because.


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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by Kliber »

Well, I just Finished with the testings on the FScomp install, created a competiton, created tasks, scored tasks, scored competitions, tested pilots database, etc. and here are my thoughts:

GPSDump runs, but connecting it to a Device is another thing, at first I thought would be easier to connect a device in Linux since I plugged a Flymaster and there appeared a /dev/ttyUSB0 so a symbolic link to the wine comm ports should do the trick, GPSdump recon the device (2 Flymasters tested, different models) it actually sees the Model and try to communicate BUT it gives an error: E503 COM port read error, it seems the data is loss at the "Wine Witchery" :lol: some testing later and research found this post: https://www.paraglidingforum.com/viewto ... ux#p191927 _So I just give up with GPSdump Windows GUI_ and embraced the GPSDump Linux command line Binary: http://www.gpsdump.no/body_linux.htm I will be a little slower when Dowloading Tracks from Pilots, thats all...

Fscomp and FSFlight stay connected under Windows but Seems this isnt the case under Wine-Linux, no harm here, just save the Competition in FSComp and reload the task in FSFlight to see the tracks you added so far in the task map.

Small bug when displaying a sub-menu at Tools>Usefull Stuff (its tricky to acces it since it disappears when hovering the mouse, but keep trying and you will "catch" it eventually)

Permissions: Be aware that you are Root normaly in PuppyLinux and most of the filesystem is owned by root (and spot is running wine), to avoid conflicts and acces denied files or paths I resorted to install the folders for the competitions at /home/spot/.wine/drive_c/users/spot/Desktop/ and save everything there, keep in hand Ye Olde:

Code: Select all

chown -R spot:spot  /home/spot/.wine/drive_c/users/spot/Desktop/<anyfile/folder>

to sort problems if FS hit any acces denied error, since you keep creating and moving tracks, files and stuff when using the proggie.

PuppyLinux have an strange way to deal with Android devices but so far I tested two models and mounted them with no problem so I see no problem with this...

So far I think I can Commit and score the next competiton, Ill be making a cheat sheet with commands to the diferent GPS devices (should be excellent to make an script or an small Python proggie, but I suck big time at coding) so a notepad file with the commands for copy pasting should do the trick...

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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by rockedge »

@Kliber Good report! Will follow your progress getting this to work as best as possible.

Interesting stuff. I once wrote (long time ago) a package for MS-DOS that scored Boomerang Tournaments. Gave it away as freeware and it was sanctioned by the USBA

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Re: FSCOMP R1.2 Official CIVL XC competition scoring for Hang and Paragliding

Post by Kliber »

Hello! some days ago I found a Bug that makes fscomp running on Puppy not reliable to score a competition, this happens when trying to score a stopped task: The program keep asking for the stop time, and wont go forward. The stop time is in a dialog box next to the radius check, and for some reason I still cant figure out why it wont read the time, or wont recognize the data there, the version tested was fscomp2021 1.2 , I ran a simulation in an Ubuntu box and this error wont appear there, the program is capable to score the task, same version. Next I updated to Fscomp 2022 1.3 in Puppy Linux and the error still there:


this may be for some error in wine execution perhaps, I really don't know, since Fscomp running in Ubuntu/wine doesn't give this error at all, so I assume is due this setup in Puppy Linux, I need to score a competition the next week and gonna need to ask for a backup computer to be safe just in case of an stopped task. :oops:

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