TED 64-bit RTF WordProcess & Instructions for 32bit etc.

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TED 64-bit RTF WordProcess & Instructions for 32bit etc.

Post by mikeslr »

TED is a no-frills word-processor at least in the sense that it doesn't have a lot of pretty tools in a toolbar nor have all the 'Bells and Whistles' you'll find in the 250 Mb+ download of LibreOffice.
But at 2376 Kilobytes it can handle some font changes, insert symbols and graphics and do a Table. (Sorry, the table doesn't do math).

Ted's Capabilities.png
Ted's Capabilities.png (23.06 KiB) Viewed 471 times

Although RTF is its default file format, it can also create txt, html, epup, pdf and svg documents.

This version was built for Bionicpup64 using a binary found here, https://www.nllgg.nl/Ted/. ListDD revealed that libtiff.so.4 was required and lacking. libtiff.so.5.3.0 was located via pkgs.org, downloaded, unpacked and that library included at /usr/lib along with a symbolic link to it named libtiff.so.4 before packaging as an SFS.
This SFS was built in Bionicpup64 but also works OOTB under Xenialpup64 and Fossapup64. [Ted's publisher, however, offers a newer version for the latter.] Untested under other 64-bit Puppys. If it doesn't work, or you have a 32-bit Puppy, you can obtain a binary from the referenced site and use the procedure I suggested above to create an application. At less than 3 Mbs, you may want to consider building a pet for installation.

One quirk I think I've discovered. Closing Ted by clicking the "x" at the top-right doesn't always close an open file properly. Use File>Close or File>Quit.

TED64-bit can be obtained here, https://www.mediafire.com/file/to7d7zum ... 0.sfs/file
The MD5 is 6e4a5650d499bbaa0c896f6dac7e8c93

Not included are the files required if you want to use TED in languages other than American English. However, TED supports many European languages including British English and Russian http://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/editors/ted/Ted ... en_US.html. I would expect from the latter, therefore, that Cyrillic fonts can be used and displayed and that there must be some way to configure TED to use them. Installation of languages other than American English appears to be a simple download and install [or unpack and properly locate before creating a pet or SFS].
Although colored images can be displayed, I could find no way to change the background color (white) nor the font color (black). Right-to-Left text, and the languages which use that, are apparently not supported.
Extensive documentation is builtin: available via Help>Document on the far-right of the Menu. I'll leave to those who know what they are doing the chore of 'filling in the blanks'.

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