wiak wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:51 pm
That Puppy Derivatives forum is already needing a good clean out altogether. It would be good if members who have created threads in there would check it out and let rockedge/admins know what threads should now be deleted/moved. Mainline distros have their own area on the forum and should not also have threads in Puppy Derivatives.
I also wonder about Raspbian Buster; is that Mainline or is it a Puppy Derivative? I thought it was Mainline Puppy using Arm architecture and by 01micko so should be in appropriate location in thread started by 01micko since only the first post author can make alterations to such first posts of threads (which are often required as changes to distro get made).
Generally speaking, Puppy Derivatives looks like it is getting into a mess. Easy enough to create more subforums inside it to classify its constituents a bit better (should be discussed under Forum Structure area), but very important not to put Mainline Pups in there I'd say. We do know there can be hundreds of Puppy Derivatives in the form of remasters so expect a long remasters list... Just as well ally archive seems to have unlimited space.
I have noticed that all "Official versions as listed on puppylinux.com have an .iso file hosted on ibiblio.com
"Mainline Puppy Distros" has the description ""Offical" versions on puppylinux.com "
The "official" versions as listed on puppylinux.com are
Raspbian Buster armhf 32-bit Raspup 8.2.1
Ubuntu Bionic x86 32-bit BionicPup32 8.0
Ubuntu Bionic 64 x86_64 64-bit BionicPup64 8.0
Ubuntu Xenial x86 32-bit XenialPup 7.5
Ubuntu Xenial 64 x86_64 64-bit XenialPup64 7.5
Slackware 14.1 x86 32-bit Slacko Puppy 6.3.2
Slackware64 14.1 x86_64 64-bit Slacko64 Puppy 6.3.2
Ubuntu Tahr x86 32-bit Tahrpup 6.0.5
Ubuntu Tahr 64 x86_64 64-bit Tahrpup64 6.0.5
"Mainline" is missing the Raspbian Buster 8.2.1 , That release is currently located in the derivatives forum
"Mainline" also includes additional "unofficial" releases beyond what is included in "Official distributions" puppylinux.com
I have noticed that all the "official releases" per puppylinux.com have the .iso files located on the ibiblio server
Some "unofficial releases" have .html pages on ibiblio point to other download sites.