So I installed web browsers dillo, links and netsusrf to try them out. I guess I wanted to try some browsers outside of the ones based on code from others and the like.
Reasons, well it seems that chrome phones home and also, and firefox has alot of phone home stuff now which I don't like.
So I went through the steps to harden firefox because it is an excellent browser, fast and so on.
But I also wanted to try the alternatives so I tried netsurf, but that doesn't even work with this forum so not impressed.
I tried to install Dillo and Links, but they don't fire up. There are no icons for them added and I tried then to start them up directly from usr/bin, which also didn't work. Got them both from the PPM and
Has anyone got these browsers up and running?
How did ya do it if so?
Is dillo not working with javascript? If so I assume it's use is limited. Experiences here?
Any other recommendations for independent browsers.