Greetings, I am a new member.
I could not find an answer to my problem in previous posts, so I am hoping someone here can help me solve it.
I am having trouble getting Slacko Pup 7 (32-bit) to boot after installing it to the HD. I had wanted to install it as multi-booting with other distros and Win98 on an old "Alpha" computer running a Soltek MoBo with a 1.7ghz Celeron processor (approximately equivalent to a slightly stupefied Pentium 4). It booted fine from the Live-CD and ran great, and the install seemed to go OK, including setting up Grub2.
But on rebooting, Slacko Pup would not complete the boot, stopping when it could not find things it wanted, giving a big red error message that I could not understand.
Usually I can coax a distro to work by playing with the Grub commands, but nothing I tried worked.
I disconnected all my hard drives, stuck in a beater drive and tried reinstalling to a blank HD with no other OS on board. Same result.
I tried setting it up to boot with Grub4DOS instead - same result.
I tried a lot of things, and the only two that worked were: (1)installing it in the root of the drive (but not a subdir!) as a "full" installation, and (2)placing the squash files OUTSIDE the Puppy Subdir when installed as a frugal setup. This was even though the Psubdir was correctly specified.
I also tried installing it to a dedicated solo USB stik, and got the same failure.
USB-Multiboot test setups using both "Easy2Boot" and "Multiboot-USB" failed the same way. Another try using AIOboot produced a successful boot, so I cut and pasted the code from that into the Grub menu on my HD, thinking it would work. Nope.
Finally, I tested the 3 multi-sticks on another computer, a 2012 64-bit Toshiba laptop, and got the same fails and successes, SO I don't think its anything weird about the Alpha.
Does anyone have any suggestions what might be wrong here?
This machine boots & runs Xenial 7.5 and a bunch of other Puppies and Distros just fine, so I don't really understand what is going on.
The two things I would like help with are:
a) getting a proper frugal installation to work on the partition I've dedicated as my Frugal Bin.
b) Understanding what the deal is here. Its not just about getting things to work, I really like to know why - if that's not too much trouble for other forum members.