PupMates An integrated suite of Puppy-Linux applications

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PupMates An integrated suite of Puppy-Linux applications

Post by bigpup »


This is a collection of some of the most popular Puppy specific programs.
Most Puppy versions have many of these already installed, but not all of them.
So, you will probably see one you do not have or even know about.

Being script files, there is a very good chance they will just work in any Puppy version. (32bit or 64bit)

Even if a program is in the Puppy version you are running.
There may be a newer version, that will provide more features, functions, or maybe a small bug fix.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: PupMates - PupControl

Post by mikeslr »

For those of you who aren't happy with having to deal with Puppy's menu-maze in order to make adjustments, among radky's PupMates is PupControl. It is an 133 Kilobyte pet which provides IMHO a very 'Mint-like' GUI. Combined with radky's JWMDesk, and both assigned to Panel-Launchers you may never have to use the Menu again.

PupControl & JWMdesk.png
PupControl & JWMdesk.png (224.23 KiB) Viewed 1719 times

If you don't mind a little delay and an extra click, you really only need one Panel Launcher. The Launcher on the bottom, lower-left of PupControl GUI opens JWMDesk; and the "Puppy Setup" button on JWMDesk's GUI open PupControl.

P.S., Clicking the "Menu" Button at the top of JWMDesk's GUI will open Menu-Manager so that you can 'toggle-off' all the distracting Listings on the Menu to applications you never use.

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