Zigbert, in his Gtkdialog tips thread, gave an example how a GTK2 theme can be custom tailored for a specific widget. In his example he applied monospace font to a particular text (see here). I tried to find parameters in the GTK2 documentation that would do a similar trick to the background, so far without success. May not be possible at all, but if anyone has an idea on how to achieve this I would love to know. Thanks.
Code: Select all
echo $'
<vbox width-request="300">
<edit><default>This edit widget has a white background</default></edit>
<vbox><text label="This vbox contains a text widget\nand backround of the whole vbox\nneeds to be made same\nas edit widget in Page1. How?"></text></vbox>
</vbox>'|gtkdialog -s