Flash, you posted on another thread --can't find the post-- that you might want to wipe XP and just use a Puppy if there was one that would function on a computer with only IIRC 384 Mbs of RAM.
jamesbond posted on the 'old forum' about running dpup-stretch (in a virtual environment, no less) with only 256 Mbs of RAM. foxpup found the post and I copied it here, viewtopic.php?p=1320#p1320.
Inspired by jamesbond, while exploring the effects of 'stripping' to create a 'bare-bones' Puppy, I created a remaster of radky's Busterpup. It ran on my Asus 701SD which only has 418 Mbs of RAM. The remaster is still available, linked from this post: viewtopic.php?t=692.
[The post indicated that I intended to remove it from mediafire. Ideas fly bye. Actually doing something requires an effort.
And mediafire isn't complaining
The post may suggest some applications you could use. But it will also point out that the real problem with only a little RAM is that web-browsers are RAM-hogs. Disregarding caching and buffering, pupsys-info reported that the Asus still had 325 MB Free RAM on bootup. But:
"Closing that and starting palemoon, pup-sysinfo reported
Actual Used RAM: 177 MB Used - (buffers + cached)
Actual Free RAM: 241 MB Free + (buffers + cached)
Closing that and starting Mike Walsh’s Seamonkey 2.46 portable, viewtopic.php?p=2206#p2206,
pup-sysinfo reported
Actual Used RAM: 151 MB Used - (buffers + cached)
Actual Free RAM: 267 MB Free + (buffers + cached)
Entering “Cats Images” into a google-search in seamonkey pup-sysinfo reported
Actual Used RAM: 408 MB Used - (buffers + cached)
Actual Free RAM: 10 MB Free + (buffers + cached).
Moreover, it was also reported that 8 Mbs of the 377 swap has also been used. It should also be noted that it took about 3 minutes to load the web-page; and after it loaded it took over a minute for pup-sysinfo to complete and display its report."
I wouldn't be too quick to remove XP. It wasn't a bad operating system. Functional web-browsers may not exist; and if they do are security risks. But there are many programs for it. Many of those programs have been published as window-portables. (These require no RAM when not in use). Most of those will run under Puppys using Wine. The portable-wine versions require almost no RAM when not in use (probably less than 1 mb, consisting of links to the external).
If it didn't require an effort, I'd experiment with bionicpup32. I have no reason to believe that in practice it would require more RAM than debian-based Puppys.