I donwloaded this appimage, ... e.AppImage
and, while I've only done a bit of testing, it does seem to be quite fast.
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I donwloaded this appimage, ... e.AppImage
and, while I've only done a bit of testing, it does seem to be quite fast.
Thought I'd have a bit of a look at it in xenialpup64-7.5 but it does not want to start there .
Can I trick it to start to test it?
root# ./linux_czkawka_gui_alternative.AppImage
czkawka_gui: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by czkawka_gui)
The Australian State Governments have all enacted laws to steal your assets on your death. All legal paperwork is binned and all assets seized on one disgruntled child's complaint.Move them well before you die or go into a home.
Do you know anything about this package you present?
GLIBC_2.27 is not available in PPM but GLIBC_2.23 source is .
If I locate and install GLIBC_2.27 will it run ?
What do you know about it please?
The Australian State Governments have all enacted laws to steal your assets on your death. All legal paperwork is binned and all assets seized on one disgruntled child's complaint.Move them well before you die or go into a home.
I was under the impression that app images contained all that is needed to run on any device .
It seems that has broken down somewhat now.
I tried an alternative GUI with the same disappointing results.
Code: Select all
root# ./linux_czkawka_gui.AppImage
/initrd/mnt/tmpfs/tmp/.mount_linux_59V3in/AppRun.wrapped: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by /initrd/mnt/tmpfs/tmp/.mount_linux_59V3in/AppRun.wrapped)
/initrd/mnt/tmpfs/tmp/.mount_linux_59V3in/AppRun.wrapped: /lib64/ version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found (required by /initrd/mnt/tmpfs/tmp/.mount_linux_59V3in/usr/bin/../lib/
Looks like this is just flagrant advertising and it does not run on any Puppys I have tried . Don't wast your time. It should not be on this board at all.
The Australian State Governments have all enacted laws to steal your assets on your death. All legal paperwork is binned and all assets seized on one disgruntled child's complaint.Move them well before you die or go into a home.
Well, it definitely works with LxPupSc64. I also tried on xenialpup64-7.5, but encountered the same error message as you. I thought I'd try
compiling it from source on xenialpup64-7.5, but ran into problems with xenialpup64-7.5 not seeing my Nvme Hdisk, & not seeing my
wifi, so gave up.
I understand your frustration with it not working. I guesstimate that only 33% of appimages work for me.
As a general rule, AppImages are only tested under Ubuntu, debian, and a couple of the 'Major' distros; and even as to those only their most recent versions. You might search a repo for earlier versions.
Like everyone else, creators of AppImages are human, with limited time and resources; and assistants.
There's not much that can be done if your Puppy uses too old a glibc. But AppImages can be decompressed, their binaries searched with LDD, and missing libs --other than glibc-- installed into your system; or into a re-packaged AppImage.
Thanks Mike I guess thats a bit too complicated for me . Been down too many rabbit holes trying.
The Australian State Governments have all enacted laws to steal your assets on your death. All legal paperwork is binned and all assets seized on one disgruntled child's complaint.Move them well before you die or go into a home.
I tried a different method of bypassing the glibc error, using /lib/ to load a local stored, working glibc. Now on Xenial64, I don't
get the glibc error, instead getting an unknown gtkpopup error. I think I'll give up with Xenial.
But, I can confirm, it works with Mistfires QuickPup64.