Hi community. First post here, but have been reading for some time.
I have been used Puppy before, and now again, at the moment from usb stick.
I want to do a complete install, with dual or even triple boot, on an old Asus P5KPL/1600 mobo with Pentium Dual Core E5200, 1GB RAM. I want to make this systm a vintage gaming platform (I know, I need more ram) and currenty testing all kind of ethernet, wifi and VGA boards I found around (seems none of the RTL8139D-based pci lan cards work in ANY OS... windows/antix/puppy/mx/lubuntu... and I only have about 5).
Thing is, I already installed Antix in dual boot with Windows 10, and both worked fine together.
Then switched to Windows 7 (Win 10 seemed slightly slow ) and now I want to install both Antix and Puppy. Antix works very well so does Puppy. I like Puppy more 'cos the configuration is more user-friendly, but I still would like to keep Antix. For the sake of it.
My HDD is partitioned as follows:
Code: Select all
-> 150 GB Windows 7 installed.
-> 100 GB Extended partition freshly made for Linux (with the intention to support two distros)
------> 50 GB Logical - created for Antix (root and home)
------> 50 GB Logical - created for Puppy (root and home)
-> ~ 40 GB Data/Docs partition (for both linux and windows)
-> 3 GB Swap partition.
Funny thing, after I did this, I found a seemingly pretty well-written guide mentioning that this kind of configuration is valid: https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-insta ... partition/
While I partitioned the 2nd partition like this, I deleted the existing Antix install. Now I want to install Puppy, then Antix, while keeping Windows.
Now... the question?
When installing Antix, it simply recognised Windows 10 and dual boot worked fine (it uses its own boot selection screen). To be honest I was impressed. For other distros dual boot works with the plain blue grub screen. Still fine. But I was wondering if Puppy (BionicPup32) can do the same.
I spent some time setting the Windows install to my liking and I don't want to destroy it.
I keep reading about various way of achieving dual boot with puppy and it all seems very complicated. Why do I need LICK? And what a hell is that? Why can't Puppy use grub loader like Antix?
And none of the guides say "just install puppy over windows, it will recognize it fine and install as dual boot"... Why not? Is this not the case?
Any help please?
Not to complain and no offense meant, but I did search and did find various info (as mentioned above).
A fairly recent post (viewtopic.php?t=3170) in my opinion only ads to the confusion.
Three posts one after the other recommend differnt things:
- leave it on USB and don't install (but this is not what the OP wanted)
- install as the GUI is simple and clear (but I don't see any mention of recognising existing windows install)
- use LICK.
A simple and clear guide would be nice, on this topic. Preferably created or endorsed by the people who are behind Puppy.
Or at least some reassurance that dual boot will just work (like in the case of Ubuntu, MX and Antix).
Meanwhile I started the full install and I am curious if I will still be able to boot windows....
EDIT 2: finally, the installer reached the point where it mentions Grub4Dos... it appears my problem might be solved