How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

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How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by andrewlen »


I'm not at all fond of the ROX-Filer File Manager in Fosapup and much prefer the way that Nemo 4.8.6 File Manager that I've gotten used to in Linux Mint works. I'd love to replace ROX with Nemo if possible.

How can I install Nemo into Fosapup64 9.5 and get rid of ROX-Filer so that Nemo replaces ROX as the default file manager in my Puppy?

Could someone explain the process of how to do that?

Clear noob type explanations though please. When it comes to puppy and Linux in general, I'm still a total noob. :lol:

Many thanks,


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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by mikeslr »

You probably can't replace rox with nemo in fossapup. If you examine nemo's dependencies, ... 4.deb.html you'll find that the file-manager, nemo, is so closely tied to the window-manager, cinnamon, that the later is a dependency. So you'd have to replace both.
[It's usually reasonably possible to supplement rox. That is add a different file-manager and use it whenever you want. But many Puppy applications have rox as a dependency. The right-click menu and your ability to add to it is an aspect of rox. Some key applications are structure as rox-apps. Take a look at /usr/local/apps. And those are the obvious ones. But, with cinnamon so tightly tied to nemo, I have serious doubts that it could even just be added as a supplemental file manager].

A better bet would be to find a Puppy or DebianDog which already uses cinnamon. One such is BionicDog-Cinnamon, ... 8#p1003063. FYI, the DebianDogs are pure-debian, but structured to function like frugal Pups.
To be a 'Puppy' an operating system has to be built with woof. josejp2424 has built several which employ a window manager other than jwm. For example, dpupbuster with mate as Window Manager. But AFAIK, he hasn't published a cinammon version. See his repo here,
Of course, you are free to master Woof, and create your own cinammon flavor. But, perhaps an easier road would be to start with josejp2424's mate version of dpupbuster and install nemo.
But, what exactly do you like about nemo. Perhaps there's an easier alternative to add to Fossapup64 which has the features you want?

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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by bigpup »

If Puppy Linux operated like other Linux OS's it would not be Puppy Linux.
If you want it to work like other Linux OS's, than just use one of them.

You may like this file manager:

The best way to use Rox is to have two Rox windows open.
Each one showing a different location in the file system.
Navigate in each window to the specific locations needed.
The specific location window will let you do anything specifically in that location.
Right click menu offers options.

If you want to move or copy from one location to another location.
Drag and drop from one Rox window to the other.

May want to try this:

Rox delete option, does exactly that, deletes.
It is gone.

Rox does not have a trash.
The trash icon, on the desktop, is the Puppy trash.
Drag and drop to the trash icon, to put something in trash.
Right click on the trash icon, to see options.

Rox right click menu, may have trash option, but this is just a shortcut, to putting it into the Puppy trash.

After using two Rox windows to do stuff in the file system.
I hate tree style file managers and navigating in them.
too easy to make mistakes and every time you select a location in the tree, the display window changes.

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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by mikeslr »

One of the first things I do when I setup a different Linux is install rox-filer. Once you've internalized how to use it, it is the most efficient file-manager. Rox-set, suggested by bigpup, is good. But you might also find the instructions provided by grey, summarized here, viewtopic.php?p=39586#p39586 useful. [Now I have to internalize those. :roll:]
On the couple occasions I've published a remaster --having newbies in mind-- I've included xfe.
xfe can be configured to provide dual panes and a tree-view. Click the graphic here, ... e-manager/. Once so configured there's little a newby has to memorize: accomplishing anything is prompted by the visuals. xfe is a small and easy to install via Puppy Package Manager. It is also theme-able. [Puppys run 'as root'. xfe warns you about that. But you can configure its 'Notifications' not to].

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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by mikewalsh »

@andrewlen :-


T'other Mike's right, y'know. Remember how tightly integrated File Explorer and Internet Exploder used to be in Windows, years ago? Nemo and Cinnamon are about the same; the desktop environment and file-manager are in fact both dependencies of each other. If you think that's bad enough, try installing anything from the KDE Project; almost everything, without fail, wants both the full contents of the Plasma desktop AND the Dolphin filemanager.....before they'll even condescend to install, never mind run.

I have to agree with Mike & bigpup. After using ROX for so many years, I now find conventional file-managers cumbersome, awkward and a complete PITA to use. It's strange, 'cos all those years ago, XP was built to use drag'n'drop, but I could never get the hang of it over on the "Dark side". Here though, with ROX, it's become second nature.

But, horses for courses.....of course. Everybody's different, wants different things, and wants to do things in different ways. We'll always help where we can, though I fear you've immediately homed-in on one of Puppy's very few "weak spots". :lol:

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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by andrewlen »

Hi @bigpup,

If Puppy Linux operated like other Linux OS's it would not be Puppy Linux.
If you want it to work like other Linux OS's, than just use one of them.

I may have worded my question poorly, but I can assure you that out of all of the Linux distros I've tried to date. Puppy's GUI, speed and the way it operates, in general, is fast becoming my favourite by far.

So it's not that I want it to work like other OS's, just seeing if tools that I've discovered elsewhere could be enjoyed in Puppy Linux as well. I only mentioned Linux Mint because that's where I discovered the Nemo file explorer.

I'm particularly fond of the way Puppy allows you to log in and run as root for example. Something that (for me) makes it much easier to use by being able to avoid having to type into Terminal all the time as you do with every other distro I've sampled.

It's just that I've been told that Puppy is very configurable so thought I'd ask the question is all. I didn't mean to berate Puppy in any way. If I didn't like the OS so much, I wouldn't have registered at this forum in the first place :)

May want to try this: Pcmanfm

Thanks much, I'll give it a look. PcManFm looks much better with regards to what I'm looking for. The folders pane on the left-hand side of it very much appeals to me so will definitely give it a try.

I hate tree style file managers and navigating in them. too easy to make mistakes and every time you select a location in the tree, the display window changes.

Horses for courses. I'm the exact opposite. For me, it's far easier to make a mistake using an interface that Rox-Filer or Roxset provide because the window contents keep changing on me all the time with how they populate and I start to get lost, particularly when drilling into a deep nest of folders. Tree-style file managers have always suited me better. I guess we're just all different like that. No single way can ever make everyone happy. lol

Hi @mikeslr,

On the couple occasions I've published a remaster --having newbies in mind-- I've included xfe.
xfe can be configured to provide dual panes and a tree-view. Click the graphic here, ... e-manager/. Once so configured there's little a newby has to memorize: accomplishing anything is prompted by the visuals. xfe is a small and easy to install via Puppy Package Manager. It is also theme-able. [Puppys run 'as root'. xfe warns you about that. But you can configure its 'Notifications' not to].

Thanks so much for that link!

The pic of XFE (to me) looks absolutely brilliant and exactly what I'm looking for! Will definitely be trying to get that into my Fosapup. :D

Hi @mikewalsh,

We'll always help where we can, though I fear you've immediately homed-in on one of Puppy's very few "weak spots". :lol:

That's probably quite an accurate description of me. I beta test apps for a couple of programmers for Windows and they seem to like the fact that if a release has a weakness, or a way to break its functionality, then I'm usually the one to find or manage to break it! Haha :lol:

Thanks for the help guys!

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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by bigpup »

Welcome to the world of Linux software.

As you can see, we have provided some optional file managers for you to try.
WE hope one of them will give you what you are looking for.

With Linux software, it can become a hunting trip, but the internet is a very populated location to find Linux software.

The problem with Linux software is the fact that there are so many different Linux OS's.
A lot of Linux OS's have their own versions of programs specifically coded for that OS.
Even Puppy Linux has some programs that are specific to Puppy Linux.
Puppy Linux is all about not having big blotted programs to do something.
You want to do one specific thing. Here is a Puppy program that does that and only that.

Stay open to using the programs that are already in a Puppy version.
You may find you like them. :thumbup:

This info may help you:
Installing additional software

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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by snoring_cat »


Rox-Filer is hard coded into a couple start up scripts in Puppy Linux. I do not prefer Rox and use XFE. For me to make XFE the default across the board with Puppy Linux involved tweaking these internal scripts. I do not recommend doing what I do since things can break. Specifically Rox-Filer is used to put icons on your desktop. It is also used with some applications, such as Puppy's Cloud Disk mounting system.

So yes, you can install other, or your preferred file manager. But you shouldn't remove Rox-Filer


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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by JASpup »

Glad you can join as a fellow Mint convert.

I had to refresh my memory as I've forgotten Nemo.

I suspect Nemo won't function exactly the same as it does in Mint without a comparable desktop environment.

I.e., I was using Mint XFCE. I would expect Nemo to be similar in Puppy XFCE, but not Fossa JWM. The reason is the dependencies required to make the file manager run, and graphics requirements:

In Puppy JWM I stick with Roxfiler and XFE, except in Tahr where I use Thunar for partition mounting. Rox can be the most agile once you get used to it. You'll miss tabs and partition mounting.

In Puppy XFCE like I'm in at the moment, every file manager works, but usually the default (Thunar) is most fully-functional. Non-default file managers tend to demand expert tweaking.

You can usually find XFE in the PPM. Graphically it's more a hybrid between roxfiler and the others, with plain visuals and panes, yet it functions well in every Puppy I've tried it in.

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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by wizard »


XFE is my file manager of choice, followed by pcmanfm. Here is a link to an XFE howto that you may find useful.



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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by andrewlen »


snoring_cat wrote: Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:19 pm

Specifically Rox-Filer is used to put icons on your desktop. It is also used with some applications, such as Puppy's Cloud Disk mounting system.

So yes, you can install other, or your preferred file manager. But you shouldn't remove Rox-Filer

Thank you so much for that advice. It came at a particularly handy time as I'm about to try installing XFE today!

Me being me, I probably would have tried to uninstall Rox-Filer so you've likely just saved me from experiencing some grief.


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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by andrewlen »


wizard wrote: Tue Nov 02, 2021 1:10 am


XFE is my file manager of choice, followed by pcmanfm. Here is a link to an XFE howto that you may find useful.



Brilliant! Thank you very much wizard. That link will be most helpful to me indeed. :thumbup2:

Best, Andrew

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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by andrewlen »

Just a final update to this thread.

I installed XFE and at first thought I may have not installed it correctly because it happened so quickly, but no, all works great. Guess I'm too used to things taking a long time to install in a Windows OS lol

Love it too btw. For me, it's so much easier and intuitive to navigate around in and use than Rox-Filer.


Managed to figure out how to set it as the Default file manager too.


I'm a happy camper in this regard now so thanks for all the help folks.


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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by mikewalsh »

@andrewlen :-

I installed XFE and at first thought I may have not installed it correctly because it happened so quickly, but no, all works great. Guess I'm too used to things taking a long time to install in a Windows OS lol

Trust me, you're far from the first to notice the almost eerie speed with which Puppy installs everything. 8 years ago, I was just the same; when I installed my Epson printer/scanner drivers for the very first time, I thought things had gone haywire. I'd never seen anything install so FAST.....

Like everything, you get used to it. This speed is noticeably there even with very elderly, older DDR-gen hardware.....with modern, high-speed hardware, like you and I are using, things happen in the blink of an eye. It's easy to miss things; if you're not used to it, you keep thinking you've "blanked-out" for a minute or two. You HAVEN'T. Puppy's like this all the time.....

Is it any wonder we get addicted to "da Pup"? :D

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Re: How to replace ROX-Filer with Nemo?

Post by wizard »


You might want to try the Tree and two panels view. It lets you easily compare files and directories plus quickly copy or move between them.

XFE2panel+.png (94.52 KiB) Viewed 450 times


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