I've got 2 ten-year-old computers I'm working on. Both are Intel Core2 6700 @2.66 ghz. Their BIOS's date from 2006 and 2012.
Both computers boot BionicPup64 8.0 and XenialPup64 7.5 off USB memory sticks just fine.
However, when I try a bootable USB with FossaPup64 9.5, it won't boot. It's like it doesn't even recognize the USB as bootable.
I've tried multiple memory sticks and several different apps to create the boot images, and the USB files look fine. So I believe the USB image is correctly created.
My question is -- does FossaPup64 9.5 work on these old computers?
Or is something (like say the kernel) fundamentally different with FossaPup that might cause it not to work on these 2 old computers?
Thank you for your feedback.