Did you ever need to open a 2nd File-Manager Window so that you could create symbolic links or copy/move files from where they are to where you want them to be. Well, of course, you can open a second window from the Menu>Filesystem or a launcher on a panel. But then you have to file-browse from the File-Manager's default opening location to the folder you're want to work on.
Edit: Recommend that you skip the rest of this post and instead read William2's reply, here, viewtopic.php?p=39552#p39552 for the reasons given here, viewtopic.php?p=39586#p39586
The attached AnotherWindow.pet will open a 2nd window in the parent directory of your work-folder. Just Right-Click the folder you're working on and select anotherwindow from the OpenWith drop-down list.
It's a simple application consisting of two files: (1) a bash-script in /root/my-application/bin which calls your default file-manager, and (2) a relative symbolic link to that bash-scipt in
I would like to have published something fancier. Such as file "2" being a symbolic link to a rox-app in either /usr/local/apps or /usr/local/bin that showed a nice icon. A renamed duplicate of the defaultfilemanager rox app in /usr/local/bin should have worked. Alternatively so should merely a renamed duplicate of
The optimum would have been that the choice would itself appear on the Right-Click menu without having to select "OpenWith". Even just having the choice appear with an icon. But I never quite figured out how.
If anyone feels like providing those aesthetic improvements, don't hesitate. I'd be interested in examining how it's done. Feel free to use this icon if you want: