How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

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How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gilles »

I like to use unetbootin ( !!!) to install puppy linux (or others systems like ubuntu for instance) on an USB. It works fine.
But I should like to do everything with linux.
But I cannot find an unetbootin package working properly in linux !!!
I tried to install it
- from the PPM (xenial 32), but several dependencies are missing and don't exist in the PPM
- from here : ... 6&start=30 (several different ways)
- from there
but nothing works works properly.
The main problem is that I cannot choose the USB. I tried to open unetbootin with the console doing this : unetbootin installtype=USB targetdrive=/dev/sdb1 (where sdb1 is the drive I want to install to). It seems to work but unetboottin install only.... syslinux....
Any idea, or must I go on with unetbootin in windows ?
Thank you

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Re: unetbootin

Post by rcrsn51 »

Since 2011, the most reliable tool for non-UEFI machines has been isobooter.

1. Format flash drive as fat32.
2. Copy isobooter script onto flash drive.
3. Copy ISO(s) onto flash drive.
4. Click on script.

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gabtech »

Here is a unetboottin I use -

gabtech :thumbup2:

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by bigpup »

If you are trying to run Unetbootin in a Puppy Linux version.

This is how to do it: ... 88#p851153

Note what has to be done to run it to see and select a USB drive.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gilles »

Things are going better, but it still doesn't work.
May be it works better because I downloaded Python3 ? I don't know.
I installed again unetbootin_608-1_i386.deb from the xenial 32 PPM
Opening it from the menu, I cannot choose the USB to witch I want to install puppy linux. But opening the console and writing "unetbootin installtype=usb targetdrive=/dev/sdx" (where sdx is the USB I want), it opens unetbootin with my USB choice. Then, I can select the Iso I want to install (bionic 32, I already downloaded on another USB), and "OK". Everything looks to work fine, watching Unetbootin working, but, when I want to boot this USB (sdx) I have this message : "missing operating system".
Opening the USB (sdx), I have this :!Ajgd8QNjPIT0hHknRtD1Biq7TDMX . Something is missing ? What is wrong ?
Any idea to solve the problem ?
I read this : ... 88#p851153 but I did not found how to do. May be it is because I do not speak well enough english (foreign language for me)
Thank you for your help

edit : I have seen why sdx doen't work : only 28672 octets ! It means unetbootin install nothing !

Last edited by gilles on Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by rcrsn51 »

gilles wrote: Sun Oct 10, 2021 10:42 pm

Any idea to solve the problem ?

Forget about unetbootin and use a tool that works.

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gilles »

Thank you rcrsn. It is nice from you to try to help me.
You wrote : "Since 2011, the most reliable tool for non-UEFI machines has been isobooter". So, I understand that this tool will not work properly with UEFI machines.

Unetbootin works perfectly with windows...
I just should like it works as well with Linux. Do you think it is imposible ? With only a little experience with linux, I need something as simple as unetbootin : I just need to select the USB I want to use, and select the ISO to install. Nothing more ! Do you know another toll as much simple, working as well for non-UEFI as for UEFI machines, or must I go on with unetbootin for windows ?
Thank you

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gilles »

Thank you gabtech, but I use xenial 32 bits...So, a 64 bits will not work

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gilles »

I uninstalled unetbootin and install it again from the xenial 32 PPM (unetbootin_608-1_i386.deb
The PPM says the missing libraries are : libcom32.c32 libgpl.c32 liblva.c32 libmenu.c32 and libutil.c32
I don't know how I can do.
Thank you for your help

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by BologneChe »


Try balenaEtcher :

Screenshot.jpg (14.64 KiB) Viewed 2715 times

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by williwaw »

gilles wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:36 am

Unetbootin works perfectly with windows...
I just should like it works as well with Linux. Do you think it is imposible ? With only a little experience with linux, I need something as simple as unetbootin : I just need to select the USB I want to use, and select the ISO to install. Nothing more ! Do you know another toll as much simple, working as well for non-UEFI as for UEFI machines, or must I go on with unetbootin for windows ?
Thank you

Unetbootin is a good choice if you only have windows to work from. For installing puppies from linux, I would keep a puppy cd or usb available, as it has, or can easily use, puppy specific installers along with included partition tools and bootloaders, the use of which is better documented by the community.

Not all linux installers work the same, nor do all linuxes install in the same way. To install another distro, I would look to that distros documentation for recommendations and tools....

The "one tool for everything" is a windows or mac concept.

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gilles »

Hello BologneChe

Thank you very much.
it is very interesting !
I gave a try. sdd1 is the target, sde1 is where the iso is
First problem : in balenaEtcher, both sdd1 and sde1 are unknow...
Well, I put the ISO in root. But I can do nothing for the target sdd1...
And you can see all I have done there :!Ajgd8QNjPIT0hHoAXFk ... T?e=9YaSjL
I don't understand how to follow the instructions given. Do you have any idea ?
Thank you for your help.

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by mikeslr »

gilles wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 3:10 pm

I uninstalled unetbootin and install it again from the xenial 32 PPM (unetbootin_608-1_i386.deb
The PPM says the missing libraries are : libcom32.c32 libgpl.c32 liblva.c32 libmenu.c32 and libutil.c32
I don't know how I can do.
Thank you for your help

You can search for missing libraries on But when I plugged libcom32.c32 into its search box I only found 64-bit versions. After a Ubuntu version reaches END-OF-LIFE, Ubuntu no longer provides direct access to the files used/created for it. So neither Puppy's Package Manager nor can reach them. But Ubuntu doesn't discard those files. Rather, it moves them here: It may take some searching to find what you want, even if it's there.
Your project is well worth undertaking. A functional Unetbootin would be a useful tool to add to Puppys’ kit.
A large part of the problem is that you have undertaken your project under a Puppy which is 32-bit, an architecture being phased out. And ‘xenial’ is now more than 5 'human' years old. In computer technology, that translates to at least 85 years. We put horses of analogous age ‘out to pasture’. We put up gates and provide a comfy-bed so that old dogs don’t hurt themselves and have a nice place on which lay about during their ‘golden-years’. But we are humans. We are sentimental about our toys. We even write stories and produce movies about the lives of toys whose masters have out-grown them.
Xenialpup is neither alive nor sentient. It won’t know that it is not being used anymore than it knows that it is now being used. It’s time to choose a newer Puppy as your daily driver. You don’t have to entirely abandon xenialpup32. Boot into it once in awhile ‘for old time-sake’; or to use that special application which ‘just works’ for the task at hand.

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gilles »

Hello mikesir,

I use xenial 32 bits for 2 reasons :
- It works perfectly, and I do not need anything more.
- when I travel around the world, I use a very old netbook 32 bits (Asus Eee 701 PC), nobody will want to stole. It depends where I am, but it is not always posible to keep the computer in a safe place when I am traveling. So when, I travel, I can remove my bootable USB from my usual computer at home (Acer aspire 7715Z) and I can use my bootable USB with the netbook. I have, too, puppy linux, xenial 32, in full install in this netbook, which works perfectly for what I need when I am traveling : Internet (with slimjet), Abiword, take a shot, pdf, and gimagereader (OCR) for languages I don't know, and, if I need it, I use my bootable xenial 32 USB, and another storage USB in which I have many files.
These are the reasons why puppy linux became my usual system.
But, even if I don't use it often, I have windows on my Acer aspire, with unetbootin which works perfectly. Now I use windows only when I need unetbootin...
It is a pity I cannot install unetbootin in xenial 32 or another similar tool...
So, if it isn't posible to install unetbootin in xenial 32, I will go on to use unetbotin for windows...

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by BologneChe »

Bonjour @gilles

J'ai investigué le tout est utilisé balenaEtcher avec de nombreux ISO avec succès sauf avec...Xenial en 32 bit.
Il serait intéressant de l'essayer avec une autre version de Puppy (par curiosité).

en vous souhaitant une réussite!

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gilles »

Bonjour BologneChe
Et merci. Je vais voir ça et je reviens ici.

Hello BologneChe
And thank you, I am going to see that, and I come back here.

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gilles »

Hello BologneChe
I am french, but I answer in english because, this way, everybody can understand.
I found Etcher .deb packages there : ... g/v1.5.122. The 2 deb work (badly), even with xenial 32, only if I run etcher with my 64 bits computer. They say they are 32 bits packages !
And I have these problems : With the new bootable USB my Acer aspire 7715Z computer boots,.. or not...! My very little netbook boots, each time, with the new bootable USB...
Automaticaly, etcher does 3 partitions. For instance with a 4GO USB (sdb for instance). in Gparted, I see : sdb CDROM iso 9660 274 M, sdb1 vfat 6M, and sdb2 CDROM 3G/OB
When I shut down the computer (the first time or not), It is imposible to create a pupsave. Once, I had this message : "puppy is currently using a savefolder. There is no need to resize it" !!! But looking at the botom, I had this : "6.8 Gib personal storage, free space 3.8 Gib" with a 4 Go USB...
But once (and only once) Etcher did a full install on the USB !!!
Another problem is that when I want to delete all by formating the new bootable USB, it is very difficult. But, finaly, I succeed to do it.
Thank you for your help.
Cordialement et merci encore de ton aide.

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by gilles »

Unebootin-linux-506 32 bits works with bionic 32

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by vtpup »

Unetbootin latest (unetbootin-linux64-702) works in Bionic64 if you add the missing dependency mtools from Puppy Package manager.


Unetbootin produces the equivalent of a Live CDROM on USB.

It does not "install" a frugal Puppy on USB. As a result, with a Unetbootin produced "liveCD" on USB, you can utilize a pupsavefile which resides on your hard drive, unlike many USB installs, which only want to work with a savefile located on the USB drive.

I found Unetbootin, very easy to use, compact, and fast.

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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by bigpup »

The 702 version of Unetbootin has a 32bit and a 64bit Linux version.

It also has been much improved over older versions.

The download link in the above post provides them.

Unetbootin v702 Linux version, now seems to have no problem working in the newer or newest Puppy versions.

The ability to choose a USB drive is now working OK.

No longer need to use terminal command to get the USB drive selected.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: How to get unetbootin to work in Linux?

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

BalenaEtcher appimage BionicPup32
worked in bionicpup32
not in bookworm beta pup64
Edit after 6 months: It works ✅ I right clicked and filled in the boxes. then refresh

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