Sorry for the poor title - it is hard to describe in a few words what I am looking for.
I would like to create some sort of file sitting in /root that I can click and have a url automatically copied to my clipboard.
But I do not want it to be an actual url that automatically opens my defaultbrowser or similar. (ie: I don't want a script opening the url)
I will try to explain:
I do not use a savefile and I use multiple different browsers without saving cache or bookmarks. But I would like to be able to quickly pick up a specific url into my clipboard so that I can paste it into the address bar of whichever browser I am working with at the time.
Yes, I could have a text file with my favourite urls written in it - and then highlight and copy the one url I want - but that is too slow. I would prefer to just click the file itself (I guess it would be a script or link) and then manually open my browser and paste the url into it from the clipboard (or "primary buffer" or whatever). This means I would have one file for each favourite url.
(ps: or maybe one file that contains a whole list of favourites - and when I click the file a panel of favourites opens up and I just click on the url I want - without having to lasso text. Sort of a rox panel within a file)
For example - I want one separate file for each of the following:
1) Puppylinux forum
2) Rockedges puppy search
3) My banking website
4) Youtube
5) eBay
6) Trademe
etc etc
Does anyone already do this?
ps: there are probably many ways to skin this cat - what I am looking for is a way to avoid having bookmarks or similar grafted into the base puppy. I want each user to be able to have a single text file (or script) that gives them a quick way to get to the webpages they like.
EDIT: I can achieve something useful by pre-populating parcellite (or similar) but it has the disadvantage of still being slow if there are many entries in it (slow because I have to inspect each entry - some of which are lengthy pieces of text copied between documents), so not the solution I need.
Solution 1: viewtopic.php?p=38481#p38481
Solution 2: viewtopic.php?p=38487#p38487