No Dual-Boot Display (Solved!)

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No Dual-Boot Display (Solved!)

Post by tosim »

I guess I've reverted to "newbie" status!
Yesterday, using gparted, wiped my hdd completely, repartitioned, and installed Win10Pro on sda1,MiscBU's on sda2, Mint20.2 on sda3, Extended part on sda4,/Home on sda6, swap on sda5. (Please see attachment below; ss of gparted.) However whenever I boot--up, it boots right into Mint; no display of grub menu, as always in past. I'm sure I must have forgotten to do something in gparted with the Win10 install, but do not know what. I looked into the Mint Install section of manual, but they only gave directions if Mint didn't display during dual boot. Any, and all help, will be gratefully appreciated. Thank you.
Update: While transferring folder from an external drive to (what I thought was), my /Home, on a separate partition,sda6(like it always was in previous versions), turns out it was transferring the files to the Home folder on partition,sda3(Mint install).
Do I have to completely wipe the hdd and start over from scratch or what? PLEASE HELP!

partitions.png (18.11 KiB) Viewed 774 times

NOTE: See last reply

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Re: No Dual-Boot Display

Post by backi »

Maybe try to restore your Bootloader from from an extern Puppy Linux install on a Usb-stick.....using Grub4dos....and applying it to your Hard-Drive.....
But i can not estimate how "dangerous" this "Operation" could be.....if it is "dangerous" at all .
But maybe anybody else knows more about it.

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Re: No Dual-Boot Display

Post by shinobar »

Download Grub2config and try from Live Puppy.

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Re: No Dual-Boot Display

Post by bigpup »

Are you sure Windows 10 Pro is actually installed and boot-able?
Did you install it by using the Windows 10 installer?
The partitioning, does not look correct to me, for how the Windows 10 installer, would setup a drives partitions.
Windows installer, usually repartitions the drive, the way Windows wants it partitioned.
The last partition, will be a large ntfs format, usually using most of the drives space.
That one you can resize, to give room to make other partitions.
Then install other OS's.

Basically when you installed Mint.
It installed it's boot loader.
That is controlling the booting process.
Never used it, but it seems it does not pickup, that Windows is installed, and made a boot menu entry to boot Windows or any other OS's, installed.

Try as suggested installing the Grub2config boot loader.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: No Dual-Boot Display

Post by tosim »

Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. What I finally did, yesterday,was, using gparted, was to wipe the hdd completely, install Win10Pro, then Mint20.2. I did the repartitioning
using the "something else" on the Mint DVD, and MADE SURE that for my (separate) Home partition, I created the /home mount point. All is now working fine, however, I'm still
leaning more and more, to Puppy. Thanks again, everyone.

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Re: No Dual-Boot Display (Solved!)

Post by bigpup »

You still have 97GB unallocated space being wasted.
Make it into a usable partition!

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: No Dual-Boot Display (Solved!)

Post by tosim »

Not really wasted yet; I didn't have time to finish the partitioning. Am thinking of extending partition sda6, and moving some of my "heavy folders", such as Music, Pictures, sfs files, etc., there,
and then symbolic links back to the respective folders in /home/user. Your suggestions, please. Thank you.

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Re: No Dual-Boot Display (Solved!)

Post by Clarity »

Hello @tosim. Looks like you are making progress on your HDD effort, which is a good thing.

@bigpup raised a very good question earlier about "how" or rather "if" Win10 was properly installed and running on the HDD.

I ask, too, same but differently, since as you indicate, you installed Win10 1st:

  • Did this drive come with your PC, originally?

  • Was Win8/10 already installed on the PC?

  • If so, what did you use to setup the HDD to a 'virgin' state before starting Win10 installation?

  • When Windows asked to setup the HDD, how/what did you respond?

  • Did Win10 complain when it noticed that your HDD was created in MSDOS mode?

Just curious how you were able to accomplish a running Win10 as you show on the HDD.
Reason: I am planning a similar effort on one of my PCs.

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Re: No Dual-Boot Display (Solved!)

Post by bigpup »

If you expand size of sda6, Windows will not be able to use it. Ext4 is a Linux format.
If you make the unallocated space, into a partition formatted ntfs, any OS can see and use it.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: No Dual-Boot Display (Solved!)

Post by tosim »

bigpup-Thank you. I did now that, but basically, I only have Win10 installed in order to use TurboTax, and possibly 1 or 2 other programs. Therefore, almost never go into Windoze.

clarity-Thanks for response. I purchased this hdd on line, and using gparted(on a CD) setup various partitions. Then, used Win10 on a DVD to install. Win requested on which partition to install, and no problem on my msdos. Next, I installed Mint20.2, also from a DVD. I've been running my (frugal) Pups on flash drives and cards, with no problems.

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