Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

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Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by kuman11 »

or Chrome OS for achieving the same results?

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by bigpup »

Could see if it has ntfsfix.
Most Puppy versions have it.
In terminal

Code: Select all


# ntfsfix
ERROR: You must specify a device.
ntfsfix v2017.3.23AR.3 (libntfs-3g)

Usage: ntfsfix [options] device
Attempt to fix an NTFS partition.

-b, --clear-bad-sectors Clear the bad sector list
-d, --clear-dirty Clear the volume dirty flag
-h, --help Display this help
-n, --no-action Do not write anything
-V, --version Display version information

For example: ntfsfix /dev/hda6

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by Phoenix »

Just note that the author of ntfsfix has stated that chkdsk is a better option.

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by bigpup »

Well, they asked if anything that could run in Slacko 7.0

Using Windows programs, to do stuff to Windows formats (ntfs, fat32), is always best.

But if you cannot get Windows running, because of something messed up with the ntfs format.
I have used ntfsfix to get it back to booting from the stuff, on the ntfs partition.
But to do a good complete fix.
I still ran Windows chkdsk and defrag programs, to check and fix the ntfs partition, after Windows booted.

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by kuman11 »

bigpup, I got this

# ntfsfix dev/sda1
Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
Checking the alternate boot sector... OK
NTFS volume version is 3.1.
NTFS partition /dev/sda1 was processed successfully.

# -b, --clear-bad-sectors
bash: -b,: command not found

Last edited by kuman11 on Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by bigpup »

Got this by using what in a terminal for the command to run ntfsfix??

I assume you are asking about ntfsfix giving this output you posted.

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by kuman11 »

bigpup wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 3:13 pm

Got this by using what in a terminal for the command to run ntfsfix??

I assume you are asking about ntfsfix giving this output you posted.

These are the commands I entered in the LXTerminal and the output.

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by Keef »

'-b' is an option for ntfsfix, it won't do anything on its own.

Run this instead:

Code: Select all

ntfsfix -b
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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by kuman11 »

# ntfsfix /dev/sda1 -b
Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
Checking the alternate boot sector... OK
NTFS volume version is 3.1.
Going to un-mark the bad clusters ($BadClus)... No bad clusters...OK
NTFS partition /dev/sda1 was processed successfully.
# ntfsfix /dev/sda1 -d
Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
Checking the alternate boot sector... OK
NTFS volume version is 3.1.
NTFS partition /dev/sda1 was processed successfully.

I run -b & -d
Despite of this above I still have a folder flagged in red as it's b4 doing that ...

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by kuman11 »

The HD also couldn't show the content of a lot of folders as well. If I could backup the content of the ones that are available in this condition ...

Btw, there's a utility for checking the exfat fs in usb sticks in Slacko?

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by bigpup »

Using Windows programs, to do stuff to Windows formats (ntfs, fat32), is always best.
Windows running and using it's chkdsk and defrag programs.

ntfsfix is not a Windows program and it does not do everything possible.
It is limited on ability.
Minor issues it fixes.
You seem to have more wrong than a minor issue.

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by bigpup »

For exfat file system checking.

In a terminal

Code: Select all


e2fsck is a complete package of programs for checking file systems. (well some common to Linux ones)
When you run it, with the correct command options and drive partition identified, to check.
It should automatically choose to use the correct tool, to check the filesystem, it finds on the partition.

If Slacko 7.0 has the full e2fsck package of programs.
exfatfsck should be one of them.

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by bigpup »

You seem to have already tried using Hiren's Boot CD and the programs in it.

Those programs should be Windows programs running in Windows XP.
If they are not helping.
Nothing in Puppy is going to help you.

If you could post an image, of what you see in Rox file manager, when you select it to show, what is on the partition.
Maybe it will show something, that is a clue, to fixing your issues.

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by cthisbear »

Many comments on this page.
Maybe the last will help.

" As of 15Jul2020, there is no option to check filesystem integrity of a Hard disk formatted as NTFS under Linux.

What I did?

I downloaded the free trial of Windows Enterprise as ISO " etc ... ut-windows

Also in that same page GetDataBack was mentioned..there is a trial version.


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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by kuman11 »

bigpup wrote: Mon Sep 13, 2021 1:37 am

For exfat file system checking.

In a terminal

Code: Select all


e2fsck is a complete package of programs for checking file systems. (well some common to Linux ones)
When you run it, with the correct command options and drive partition identified, to check.
It should automatically choose to use the correct tool, to check the filesystem, it finds on the partition.

If Slacko 7.0 has the full e2fsck package of programs.
exfatfsck should be one of them.

Luckily, it's included. I run it, it said 'no errors found', it's not unmounted properly.
Though pMount still can't mount it ...

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by bigpup »

Exfat is not fully supported in Puppy Linux, by all possible programs, used in Puppy.
No one has really tried to get the code changed, in a lot of the programs.

Gparted program.

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by kuman11 »

After a few days of no use it turned back to normal, now pMount mounts it.

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Re: Aside from using Hiren's for fixing a ntfs HD fs, is there some other utility I could use in Slacko 7.0

Post by kuman11 »

I still haven't used Hiren's because it's bootable & my notebook can't boot it.
Btw, there's any of the utilities in Slacko 7.0 used for creating a bootable usb with Puppy,
that I can use to burn another program different from a Puppy?

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