NEW ADDITION: I've also included a fetch 10gtkdialogGTK3_filemnt64.sfs module that I'm using with WDL_manjaXFCE created using this skeleton initrd. You can change its layer number in WDL of course and it 'might' be usable in other WDL distros (I haven't tried). Actually, I've hardly tested 10gtkdialog...sfs, so consider it purely experimental.
Gtkdialog of course is used to run Dog/Puppy bash/gtkdialog type utils. Filemnt is used to auto-open sfs modules in filemanager - to get that working in WDL_manjaXFCE, right-click on the sfs and choose "Open With", and look for and select "Filemnt SFS", similarly there is a "Filemnt CD" and "Filemnt DATA" - I can't actually remember which file types these are for... Also there is a "Extract deb" as used in DebianDog's for extracting deb files - but I haven't tested if my current sfs arrangement will work with that in similar Open With fashion.
To use: Remove the dummy tar from Then make executable with chmod +x, and finally run the script to download 10gtkdialogGTK3_filemnt64.sfs. Once downloaded put it in same directory as the other boot sfs files.
You can download here (which is also where WDL skeleton initrd download is):