Applications installed via the Puppy Package Manager of any Puppy are catalog at /root/.packages. Note the ./dot. It's a hidden folder. To view hidden files/folder you have to 'show hidden files', which if your file manager is rox you do by Left-Clicking rox's "Eye" on its Toolbar.
FWIW, you may be better off uninstalling OpenJDK 8 --if it was installed-- and using one of the SFS rerwin, viewtopic.php?p=8935#p8935 or MikeWalsh, viewtopic.php?p=21405#p21405 have published. SFSes are Menu>Setup>SFS-Load on the fly rather than installed.
Puppy Package Manager only knows what dependencies an application has if the major distro it accesses lists them. But those who create applications for a major distro assume that the OS provides a specific infra-structure. Puppys have their own unique infra-structure and may lack something the application's creator assumed to be present. When possible, it's always better to use an application specifically compiled or built for Puppy.