xenialpup 32-bit with Wine Builtin

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xenialpup 32-bit with Wine Builtin

Post by mikeslr »

Not infrequently, someone asks if there is a Puppy which has Wine built in. An intermediate step in building a Chrooted-Wine SFS was the creation of a puppy_xenialpup_7.5.sfs in which Wine was built-in and functional. As the end-product was to be an OS run as a Chroot --isolated from the MainOS-- and installing additional applications into an already finished Chroot (other than portables) is time-consuming-- I took the opportunity to include into the build both those applications I might want in the Chroot or if the SFS was to replace Xenialpup’s Main SFS. Portable Seamonkey and a ‘Hardened’ firefox-esr replace palemoon. Wine, itself, almost doubles the size of a Main.SFS. Two Windows programs recommended by amethyst (Atlantis Wordprocessor and Sumatra pdf viewer) were added. As a consequence, even using xz compression, the resulting puppy_xenialpup_7.5.sfs is a 988 Mb file.
It’s available for download from https://www.mediafire.com/folder/g6g66r ... lpup-32bit.

As the primary operating system, it will at first look something like this.

Xenialpup--Wine-Builtin.png (363.66 KiB) Viewed 1281 times

Note, however, when you've created a SaveFile/Folder it is likely that the ‘Xenialpup’ Savefile Icon which appears at the foot of the tree will likely make its initial appearance somewhere near the birds. :lol:

While I had to swap kernels to do the remaster, it can be used as a substitute for the puppy_xenialpup_7.5.sfs with the kernel (vmlinuz) and zdrv.sfs peebee included in the ISO, http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/puppy-xenial/32/, or any of the many kernels you’ll find on this thread, viewforum.php?f=65&start=25 or at archive.org. Remember, however, that if you’re assembling your own xenialpup operating system, you’ll also need a zdrv.sfs (drivers) which, being kernel-specific, are packaged as a module with 'huge' kernel, and perhaps an fdrv.sfs if firmware was not packaged with the drivers. For firmware (fdrv) see viewtopic.php?f=97&t=3856

And, of course, you’ll need an initrd.gz –initial ram disk-- which will know what to do with the system files that make up a xenialpup. I’ve uploaded a copy of peebee’s original to the above-linked mediafire folder.

The final remaster used was not the first. So I don’t know all the revisions which occurred between it and peebee’s original. About the only other applications that I know were recently added are:

gyrog’s frugalpup-Installer; shinobar’s grub2config; sc0ttman’s pkg-cli, OscarTalk’s VPN On-Off; Argolance’s CleanRam; zigbert’s pwidgets; and AppFinder. Thanks, guys, for your great pets. And

A BIG THANK YOU :thumbup: :D to 666philb* for xenialpup.

Possible Problem & Solution: As is, xenialpup properly displays thumbnails, for example those you'll see file-browsing into /usr/share/pixmaps. You may have a problem when you create a SaveFile/Folder with rox no longer displaying them. I did. Someone (bigpup? williams2?) provided the solution. What happened was that a 'white-out =.wh' has been written to /root/.thumbnails. Note the ."dots" indicating hidden files. File-browse into your SaveFile/Folder on storage, into the /root/.thumbnails folder, show hidden files, and delete the .wh file. Remember to unmount a SaveFile. A reboot is necessary. Can't be done by an ordinary file-browse into /root/.thumbnails as that .wh is a system file in RAM then being in use.

If you are running xenialpup as the main operating system, you won’t need the Create_Chroot_links2MainOS-1.pet which is also to be found in the mediafire-folder. More about using xenialpup in a chroot is discussed here, viewtopic.php?p=35555#p35555

* Edited after reading MikeWalsh's post. But, thanks peebee, anyway for the great work you also do.
I'll get around to thanking MikeWalsh properly for his inspiring work on Chroots.

Last edited by mikeslr on Mon Aug 30, 2021 1:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: xenialpup 32-bit with Wine Builtin

Post by mikewalsh »

@mikeslr :-

Erm; far be it from moi to pick holes in your enthusiastic post, but er.....don't you mean 666philb?

Xenialpup is NOT a product of peebee's labours......and peebee is far from single-handedly responsible for the whole of mainstream Puppy output over the last several years..! :D

I swear I can hear Phil B. crying into his cocoa..! :lol: :shock:

Mike. ;)

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