geo_c wrote: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:56 pm I don't like my drive icons anymore. I'll probably take another approach on those.
I think your drive icons look good, glow-in-the-dark version of JQBraised (if I've spelled that correctly not sure in X-Tahr without).
That's also one of the best Conkys I've seen but I've issues with Conky overall:
1. Experimenting with settings I found inconsistent data, i.e., I didn't believe what I was seeing and it changed between settings.
2. It's too much data & I can't pick and choose.
3. It's not nearly as straightforward as running task manager which almost gives me the info I want, ram & cpu strain and the benefit of task kill to boot.
I would use Conky otherwise. K.I.S.S.
Re. drive icons: They're useful for live sessions. I'm leaning towards a cleaner desktop, am distracted by desktop clutter, but in a live (PUPMODE 5) JWM session without Thunar or PCmanFM to mount and unmount partitions, we need to access to static storage media.
So every live boot sans a functioning alt-file manager I need to either use Pmount, run the Puppy Event Manager, load partition icons at boot, or get squirrelly at the terminal mounting partitions.
I did things like made a custom live boot to share between machines, or change PUPMODE between 5 & 13, and it creates all kinds of anomalies related to file access.
We need to make generic custom boots like the official releases, and the way that's making sense to me right now is loading all JWM desktop partitions, even though I'm going to spend every live session removing most of them at boot.
A file manager is a natural environment to load and unload partitions and saves a lot of hassle. THERE I only have to unselect the devices I don't want to see (accidentally mount) each boot.