Improving your code development skills

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by rockedge »

I'm feeling a victory is need to ponder or dwell.........relax and you are coding for fun and almost at the goal line.

I set up my favorite chess set also not long ago to re-engage but find so far it hard to put 110% into my game. Probably I'm at a stall...I have had little success as of late advancing a WeeDog-Void desktop and I broke a good Puppy trying again to get OpenShot going semi decently. I really need to patch it back's a heavy lifter of a system. GLIBCXX updates.....STAY AWAY

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Grey »

@wiak Congratulations on the victory Image! But why are you so serious about all this? Muscovites have recently become somewhat nervous, in a hurry somewhere, they have some business :) And you have there the Tasman Sea, the Pacific Ocean, nature. Well, there is a lot of ultraviolet radiation Image, I agree, but what to do. Better to relax a little Image

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:07 pm

I'm feeling a victory is need to ponder or dwell.........relax and you are coding for fun and almost at the goal line.

Suddenly I had to temporarily stop playing chess, so play that one game that would give me my highest playing record thus far...

I had an urgent request, from my partner, to create easy access to google drive including some parts using encryption. I finished that effort today. Actually end result is similar to use as "save2flash' in Dogs and Puppy (different technology of course). I simply have an executable file (a script in practice) that just needs single-click on it in filemanager and rclone copies up only items that have changed in desktop folder stored copy of what is upstairs on the google drive. Actually I have a second executable file, for the encrypt and upload case (so one for case when encryption not wanted - for use when web browsing gdrive and need to access some material then - encrypted folders unreadable during such browsing so have allowed for unencrypted areas...). Usual rclone with its crypt technique and Google API. Works nicely. I don't have any agent running to autosync though (actually I don't entirely trust actual sync like alone autosync systems since easy to get one side wrong, which could then overwrite the other end with unwanted bits and pieces, or worse, unwanted deletions no matter how careful/expert the system-user is - no thanks - simple save2gdrive approach, and possible save from gdrive back again approach, suits me better).

I don't use the rclone mount approach since I find that slow on my rural broadband and want an actual local clone anyway for offline use.
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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by rockedge »

wiak wrote:

simple save2gdrive approach, and possible save from gdrive back again approach

I totally agree with the danger of automated saves in cases where the master directory is somehow corrupted or files deleted or re-arranged.
Like the save2gdrive on demand approach better.

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by 6502coder »

wiak wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:41 pm

Really, I don't have a clue why I am currently torturing myself playing games of chess...

"Chess holds its master in its own bonds, shackling the mind and brain so that the inner freedom of the very strongest must suffer."
-- Albert Einstein

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Grey »

Recently I saw a math problem from a textbook for the third grade (in Russia this is an elementary school, children are 9 years old). Many parents are unhappy and swear at the high complexity of the modern school :)

The bottom line is this. The first two figures weigh 10 kilograms. The second two weigh 20 and the third pair is 24. And how much do the last three pieces weigh?

Perhaps wiak will let his nine-year-old son solve it.
Here it should be borne in mind that children (if not geeks) do not know systems of equations. Therefore, they cope with the task with elementary logic.

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Keef »

Well I worked it out - eventually.
In your face, nine year olds.

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by TerryH »

The sum of the first 3 examples / 2

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by wiak »

TerryH wrote: Wed Jul 28, 2021 8:28 pm

The sum of the first 3 examples / 2

Damn, I never saw it so easily as TerryH now so obvious answer to me.

Instead I looked at first two groups and said to myself that green is ten more than red and then mentally substituted that into the third group to determine that red was seven.

Then again, if the question had been what weight is red, and green, and blue, I get the answers being: red:7, blue:3, green:17

I haven't let my 9 year old try it yet. I expect he will have no clue though.
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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Grey »

Yes, it can be done in different ways. But what is required of children is to understand that each figure has a pair and it is necessary to divide their total weight by two. 10+20+24=54 and 54/2=27
The most interesting thing is that when parents begin to help their children solve such a problem, they immediately begin to draw up equations :) :

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Perhaps for such reasons, one program requires a top processor and a lot of memory, while another program does the same on ancient hardware :)

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by joet12345 »

Grey wrote: Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:53 pm

Recently I saw a math problem from a textbook for the third grade (in Russia this is an elementary school, children are 9 years old). Many parents are unhappy and swear at the high complexity of the modern school :)

The bottom line is this. The first two figures weigh 10 kilograms. The second two weigh 20 and the third pair is 24. And how much do the last three pieces weigh?

Perhaps wiak will let his nine-year-old son solve it.
Here it should be borne in mind that children (if not geeks) do not know systems of equations. Therefore, they cope with the task with elementary logic.

With out using math (because I suck at it) but only using "visual logistics it does not make sense to me.

O + Square = 10


O + triangle = 20

So using geometry I know a triangle is half a square. So the circle is a bigger number than the square. So assuming all circles and squares are identical, then

The circle to me = 7.5

The square = 2.5

So the first pair is 10

The logic for the second pair O and triangle just goes poop... the logic breaks... at least to me for visual logic learning... back in high school the only class I 100 all tests was geometry... 8-)

Everything is geometry actually... paintings, buildings, statues, 3d graphics...

You can see in this old book how geometry is also in carpentry: ... 6/mode/2up

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Clarity »


Imagining myself as a 9yo. OK, here goes:

  • .
    all 3 must be 27


I'm still 9 :idea:

I would have to be 10yo to give you the weighted value for each. I not 10, yet. ;)

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by joet12345 »

Clarity wrote: Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:25 am


Imagining myself as a 9yo. OK, here goes:

  • .
    all 3 must be 27


I'm still 9 :idea:

I would have to be 10yo to give you the weighted value for each. I not 10, yet. ;)

Now calculate a human fingerprint? :lol:

My point is,

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

Math or geometry?

I say geometry came first and we use math to try to explain it... math cannot predict a human baby fingerprint so it breaks/fails there.... from my reasoning... :thumbup: :D :thumbup2:

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Clarity »

joet12345 wrote: Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:40 am

I say geometry came first and we use math to try to explain it.

YES! Mathematics is a "language" and it should have always been taught as much. The GREATs in history knew such.

Geometry is and has always been an exercise in logic, known as "Proofs".

Enjoy "coding" :!:

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Grey »

Geometry? Fingerprints? What's going on here?

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by rcrsn51 »

Clarity wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 5:37 pm

Geometry is and has always been an exercise in logic, known as "Proofs".


Look up "geometry" in Wikipedia.

The traditional study of Euclidean Geometry involves many proofs, but there is much more to the subject than an "exercise in logic".

See, for example, Analytical Geometry.

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Grey »

Instead of geometric shapes, the problem may contain pairs of teddy bears, little bunnies and hedgehogs of a suitable weight (it would even be more interesting for children). Why do pairs weigh the same? Both bunnies are from the same fairy forest and eat the same carrot.
Geometry and fingerprints are far-fetched in this case.

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by joet12345 »

Grey wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 5:49 pm

Geometry? Fingerprints? What's going on here?

My reasoning comes from mathematicians trying to explain how the universe works using math. Yes I understand math works but when they say math is the ultimate knowledge of how everything works does not make sence to me...because...

Where is the formula that can determine a human finger print using mathematics? There is none...the fingerprint is made at random...

The fingerprint is not just one example, you can also say all the bumps and dimples on the skin of any citrous fruit ski.

So coding is just understating stuff (language) but not the ultimate proof of how life/universe works...

From my limited understanding of such things, magnetism, light, and sound are very close in relation to each other... light is static rubbing a balloon on your hair.... clouds (hot and cold) create thunder in the sky via static chanrge (how water rubbing on cold water)....but to be honest, I have not done very extensive research in this so for now, I understand math is not the answer of how life works but only geometry does...

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by joet12345 »

Also people need to understand that in the old days (before brainwashing television) it was not uncommon for a 9 year old to be very smart.

In the modern that it is uncommon because their brains are being fed illogical cartoons since being born...

It is not that a 9 year old is not capable to understand complex things. The fact is that it shows how the Television makes kids dumb.... so when a kid shows to be smart they see him/her as a prodigy when in reality he/she is just shows how the current state we are living is starving kids from truth actual learning from everything how the world works.

Influencing and encouraging great minds of those prodigies (they do exist) is not a goal for any government....= suppression of true knowledge.

In fact, if very smart kids are raised, they can just understand how the government works and remove then using their own tactics... :lol:

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by amethyst »

Grey wrote: Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:53 pm

Recently I saw a math problem from a textbook for the third grade (in Russia this is an elementary school, children are 9 years old). Many parents are unhappy and swear at the high complexity of the modern school :)

The bottom line is this. The first two figures weigh 10 kilograms. The second two weigh 20 and the third pair is 24. And how much do the last three pieces weigh?

Perhaps wiak will let his nine-year-old son solve it.
Here it should be borne in mind that children (if not geeks) do not know systems of equations. Therefore, they cope with the task with elementary logic.

I have to agree with the parents. Pretty tough for a 9 year old. I would actually be worried if it was not tough for most 9 years olds. :shock:

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by rcrsn51 »

joet12345 wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:53 am

... light is static rubbing a balloon on your hair....

Wrong. Look up "light" in Wikipedia.

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Grey »

Here we have already switched to physics :)

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by joet12345 »

rcrsn51 wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:57 am
joet12345 wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:53 am

... light is static rubbing a balloon on your hair....

Wrong. Look up "light" in Wikipedia.

I don't trust Wikipedia since they just change stuff at will.....sure they claim it is open for anyone to edit but they just change it back to their agenda.

The ireason I say this is from people past history books... I need to research and come back with information but light is very similar to sounds.... they are both waves and particles.... :lol:

Edit: Here for example one of the great minds in the past history that few people know about (I know Albert Einstain is a fraud) his name is Charles Proteus Steinmetz ... 1/mode/2up

I am not even going to pretend that I understand what he writes but he basically knew how to repair dam generators like nothing... he was a crippled short guy that spend most of his life trying to figure out electricity...

This is just one example.... not from WIkipedia lol

I can post more as my brain remembers where that info is... :ugeek: :?:

Edit2: This guy basically discovered how our modern ground works because lightning was was damaging many transformers in the early days.... with a ground, the lightning goes to the ground and does not damage the equipment..... that is our modern GFCI receptacles in kitchens/batthrooms... you can still feel an electrical shock but it will not be 100% full...lower than 50%...

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Grey »

The Russian Academy of Sciences has a department for the fight against pseudoscience. At the same time, on one of the central television channels there is a program in which pseudoscience is praised. The host of the program, Igor Prokopenko, is a clear follower of Erich von Däniken. The department for the fight against pseudoscience of the Academy of Sciences CANNOT defeat the TV show and its presenter. Harmful to the population - they recognized it, but they cannot win.

Tell me, how do you feel about the statement that planet Earth is not a planet at all, but flat as a dish? Astronauts lie to us that the Earth is a spheroid?

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by joet12345 »

rcrsn51 wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:57 am
joet12345 wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:53 am

... light is static rubbing a balloon on your hair....

Wrong. Look up "light" in Wikipedia.

Look here how even here how high voltage electricity resembles fire:

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by joet12345 »

Grey wrote: Tue Aug 03, 2021 5:51 am

Tell me, how do you feel about the statement that planet Earth is not a planet at all, but flat as a dish? Astronauts lie to us that the Earth is a spheroid?

Ahhh yes water always levels :lol: (it does not curve).

I think the size of the earth is a lie... yes it is a ball but the size is false...

I know by looking at pictures from telescopes that galaxies are flat, small, big, and even upside down... meaning galaxies are flat in outer space and are spining in any direction on an x, y , z

The majority of picture from the earth are made in a computer and not real picture...

And let me not start on how your eyeball alone makes everything curve based on how they work.... yes your eye balls have lenses that curve lines...

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by rcrsn51 »

@joet12345 Your Steinmetz links are interesting, but you appear to be equating "light" with "lightning".

I would suggest some research on James Clerk Maxwell. Any high school physics text will do.

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by Grey »

Too many YouTube. Already three videos. I suspect that soon their number will increase like an avalanche.
It will be extremely inconvenient to browse the topic. Before it's too late - stop! Otherwise, I will ask moderators to move videos into a separate topic, for example, "Instructive videos from YouTube."

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by joet12345 »

rcrsn51 wrote: Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:32 pm

@joet12345 Your Steinmetz links are interesting, but you appear to be equating "light" with "lightning".

I would suggest some research on James Clerk Maxwell. Any high school physics text will do.

I will look in to that when I have time. I love learning :thumbup2:

I have not done many research in this subject to be honest. I Just recently, a couple of months really, found out about Charles Proteus regarding electricity... I've done very like research in Nikola tesla too... the father of alternating current and the first maker of a battery operated car... etcetera

My point is that light, sound, magnetism, and electricity are very similar... they are different but their similarities are very close.... to try to make an analogy, I can try:
We can say a duck egg is sound.
A chicken egg is light.

The animals are different but the eggs are similar in the eggs look. Just down in the quantum DNA that determines what animal hatches. So light and sound are very similar, but yes some quantum phenomena changes them...but they are very close as the analogy of an egg I gave.

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Re: Improving your code development skills

Post by rcrsn51 »

joet12345 wrote: Wed Aug 04, 2021 3:30 am

We can say a duck egg is sound.
A chicken egg is light.

A better analogy would be:

A duck egg is red light.
A chicken egg is blue light.
A golf ball is sound.

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