ZOOM 'portable' - currently @ v5.16.6.....with updater!

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...v5.5.4

Post by peppyy »

I've have that problem trying to download anything from Mike's google-drive & recently IIRC without regard to which web-browser I was using: endless 'spinner' or silence and if I click the browser's download icon which should show progress it reads "Canceled".
I think it this phenomena has to do with the privacy and security add-ons being used. I found the same solution as you:
Select Download All
When that's done, google AFAICT zipps the package. And the browsers then find no objection to handling it.

Thanks mikesir. The loop I had warned about (unable to scan files over x-mb) I guess once they zip it they have also scanned it. :lol:

Got it running now on the laptop, (2nd graders at the local school want to see and learn from our Greenhouse) so we are working to make that available to them.

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...v5.5.4

Post by mikewalsh »

mikeslr wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:31 pm
peppyy wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:09 pm

Side note, I was unable to download the newer one, kept getting a loop when I clicked download anyway.
Edit, I got it, I selected download all and that worked.

I've have that problem trying to download anything from Mike's google-drive & recently IIRC without regard to which web-browser I was using: endless 'spinner' or silence and if I click the browser's download icon which should show progress it reads "Canceled".

I think it this phenomena has to do with the privacy and security add-ons being used. I found the same solution as you:

Select Download All

When that's done, google AFAICT zipps the package. And the browsers then find no objection to handling it.

@mikeslr :-

Hi, Mike.

Strange. I can't figure out why Google would need to zip an already-zipped package for a second time.

Um; to which "privacy & security addons" would you be referring? Mine.......or yours? You've confused me now..!

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...v5.5.4

Post by peppyy »

Got it running, now I just have to figure out how to use it :oops: Things like saving the login. I got second camera and such to work though I have to do some more testing on audio and final setup before I hand it to my better half. It asks for apulse player and when I found the recordings I did in ~/Documents/zoom for testing had no audio. Probably need to test it more after some sleep :? Had a late night with no power from a nasty storm.

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...v5.5.4

Post by TerryH »

mikewalsh wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:10 pm
mikeslr wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:31 pm
peppyy wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:09 pm

Side note, I was unable to download the newer one, kept getting a loop when I clicked download anyway.
Edit, I got it, I selected download all and that worked.

I've have that problem trying to download anything from Mike's google-drive & recently IIRC without regard to which web-browser I was using: endless 'spinner' or silence and if I click the browser's download icon which should show progress it reads "Canceled".

I think it this phenomena has to do with the privacy and security add-ons being used. I found the same solution as you:

Select Download All

When that's done, google AFAICT zipps the package. And the browsers then find no objection to handling it.

@mikeslr :-

Hi, Mike.

Strange. I can't figure out why Google would need to zip an already-zipped package for a second time.

Um; to which "privacy & security addons" would you be referring? Mine.......or yours? You've confused me now..!

T'other Mike. ;)

This is a weird thing that google does when selecting multiple items to download at the same time. Very annoying, particularly if it's just a single download and accompanying md5 checksum.

I downloaded the latest version, copied all the libs I had added to the previous version and it's working well, as per previous version.

Thanks Mike, nicely done.

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...v5.5.4

Post by mikewalsh »

@TerryH :-

Huh. That explains it, then; it's only the last year or so I've started including the md5sums.....and if Big Brother decided to call that a 'multiple download', well; there's not a lot I can do about it, is there?

Personally, if I want to download more than one item, I download 'em singly, one after another. There might be more than one item in transit at any given time, but they're started individually...

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...v5.5.4

Post by mikeslr »

mikewalsh wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:10 pm

Um; to which "privacy & security addons" would you be referring? Mine.......or yours? You've confused me now..!
T'other Mike. ;)

Hi Mike, I thought it was mine. In the last year I've gotten into the habit of installing Adguard --rather than Ublock-- and privacy badger into all the web-browsers. And it's only in the last year that the difficulty surfaced.

There's an easy test: set up a second version of palemoon without them and see. Will do and report back. After breakfast. :)

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...v5.5.4

Post by keniv »

I've also mentioned problems downloading Mikes stuff though not Zoom. I mainly download portable palemoon and iron 32bit.I too have had the "zipping files" thing. I normally download using palemoon in which I have ublock installed. I tried disabling ublock once and managed to download without problems however, this does not work consistently. It seems a bit hit and miss to me as even with ablock enabled it sometimes works OK but on other occasions I get the kind of problems others have described.



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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...v5.5.4

Post by mikeslr »

Back from breakfast. In the meantime it occurred to me that an easier way to setup a test was to just rename the profile folder to "xprofile" so that it wouldn't be recognized and a 'virgin' web-browser could be used. So I did that with Iron. That enabled me to get the links to Mike's google-drive using Palemoon and paste them into Iron's URL box.

I had no problem downloading zoom, or the two applications keniv just mentioned: Iron 32-bit and palemoon, both 32-and-64 bit.

Now to see which addon generates the problem. I suspect either or both the two I mentioned. I'll install adguard first.

Installed Aguard into Iron. No problem downloading vivaldi. No problem downloading Google-Chrome portable with both Adguard and Privacy Badger installed. Those were the primary suspects. I'll have to change the current profile's name, and remove the x from the old, and re-launch Iron to see what else I might have done.

Nope. Those were the only two.

For some reason I had to rebuild iron's profile. In doing so I set Iron to "Block third party cookies." Guess what. Now I couldn't download google-chrome portable but received a notice that I could find out why. I clicked the offer and the webpage which opened advised, among other things, that "Blocked Third-party cookies can prevent Drive Web downloads." :twisted:

Talk about Google wanting to know everything everyone does. :roll:

There appears to be a way to configure settings to specify "sites that can always use cookies." I wonder if by 'site' a specific google-drive is possible, or to access a specific google-drive must I authorize cookies for everything on 'google.com'?

I've had enough diversion for the day. I'll opt for the 'work-around': Download-All; let google zip and download all.

Still, I wonder if that means I'll have to download everything from one of Mike's 'here's a bunch of stuff' folders the next time he places a new goody into it? :? :lol: :roll:

And on the third hand, I had no problem downloading amethyst's EssentialPIM.sfs. Amethyst doesn't set-up a separate mdsum download; well, any mdsum for that matter.

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using a link for a zoom meeting

Post by foxpup »

I use your portable in Fossapup and it works fine. Thank you very much.

I only use it to join a meeting I have been mailed a link for.
One does not need a login, signin or signup with Zoom for this.
Clicking on such link does not produce anything usefull. It produces a webpage with a "Launch Meeting" link that does nothing.
In that case, this is how to do it:
Copy the link and paste it in a texteditor. It looks something like this:

Code: Select all


Open portable Zoom and click "Join a Meeting".
Use the numbers after "/j/" for the meeting ID (94333444004) and fill out a nick of your choice on the second line. Click "Join".
Use the code behind "?pwd=" as passcode (d3NrdUlrcVBWNWNWNHdydldzQZzzQT90).
"Join Meeting".

This may be of some help to someone.

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...v5.5.4

Post by mikewalsh »

@foxpup :-

Glad to hear it's proving useful for you.

I have a feeling it's going to be in regular demand for quite some time to come, so if this helps other Puppians to stay in contact with family/friends/whoever, I'm good with that. As stated earlier, I will of course endeavour to keep it up-to-date.

Thanks for the info about the meeting 'links'. I'm quite certain others will find it of equal value.


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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...v5.6.0

Post by mikewalsh »

Evening, all.

Zoom have just dropped an update down the tubes, so.....here's v5.6.0, packed in portable format for y'all.

No noticeable changes, apart from one annoying one; it now starts up in the centre of the screen by default. I used to have it open across on the right of the display, and it would stay there from one session to the next. Not any more.....

Moan aside, you can find it at the Drive, here:-

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

Hope it's useful for one & all. Enjoy!

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.6.0

Post by mikewalsh »

Afternoon, gang.

Zoom is now updated to v5.6.1, so.....here's the new portable version for y'all.

Everything still working just the same; no major changes, though apparently there are modifications somewhere down the pipeline in the not too distant future. We'll see what happens if, as & when they arrive.

Available from the link in post #1, as always.


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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.6.4

Post by mikewalsh »

Evening, gang.

Zoom has just been updated to v5.6.4.......so here's the new 'portable' for your delectation.

Available from the usual link in post #1. Hope it's useful for some of you. Enjoy.

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.6.6

Post by mikewalsh »

Right, gang.

Here's the new release of Zoom-portable for y'all - v5.6.6 - available from the link in post #1.

Hope it's useful. Have fun with it!

Mike. ;)

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.6.7

Post by mikewalsh »

Hi, gang.

.....and another update to this popular video-conferencing app; v5.6.7 is now available.

Find it at the usual location in post #1.


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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.6.7

Post by Maybe »

Mike, hello!

Please explain to me how to use portable applications? Where to save downloaded files and which file to click to make the application work?

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.7.1

Post by mikewalsh »

Sorry for the delay with this one, gang. "Life" got in the way, as usual.....

Here's the 'portable' version of Zoom v5.7.1, for those of you who want it. :D It's available from the link in post #1.


Mike. ;)

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.6.7

Post by gabtech »

@mikewalsh Where is the download link?

gabtech :thumbup2:

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.7.1

Post by mikewalsh »

@Maybe :-

Maybe wrote: Sun Jul 18, 2021 4:57 am

Mike, hello!

Please explain to me how to use portable applications? Where to save downloaded files and which file to click to make the application work?

Well, the way I build them, you download the tarball, OK? You extract it to get the portable directory, then you move that whole directory to where you want to run it; usually anywhere you want so long as it's outside the 'save'. That's kinda the idea here.....to keep the 'save' relatively lean, and not clutter it up with too much junk.

Having moved it where you want it, you click to enter, then click on the 'LAUNCH' script. All of my 'portables' have this, and each 'LAUNCH' script is custom-setup for the particular application; all things being equal, it should just fire straight up.

With the Zoom-portable, there's a custom launcher specifically for Bionicpup64, because Bionicpup seems to have problems finding the Qt5 libs. This contains a 'workaround' for that, y'see.

Mike. ;)

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.7.1

Post by mikewalsh »

@gabtech :-

gabtech wrote: Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:11 pm

@mikewalsh Where is the download link?

Sorry 'bout that. The link's in post #1; I'm in the process of migrating stuff from Google to MEGA, and the URL has just now been updated. It should be active now.

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.7.1

Post by geo_c »


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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.7.1

Post by superchook »

Thanks Mike from me. I have added your Zoom 5.7.1 "portable" to both my computers this week.

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.7.1

Post by mikewalsh »

Afternoon, gang.

Sorry about this; I know I've only recently uploaded v5.7.1, but Zoom have just pushed another update out the door. Without further ado, therefore, here's v5.7.3 in 'portable' format.

Available, as always, from the link in post #1. Don't shoot the messenger...! :oops: :)

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.7.4

Post by mikewalsh »

Evening, all.

Another update for y'all. Here's v5.7.4 of Zoom-portable for your delectation....

With this release, the user now has the ability to create a Menu entry for the portable, should one be required. The 'MenuReadMe' explains how it functions.

Available from the link in post #1. Enjoy!

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Re: ZOOM 'portable'...now at v5.7.6

Post by mikewalsh »

Morning, gang.

Here's the new version of Zoom-portable for y'all - v5.7.6.


A few changes:-

These are now packed as ROX-apps. Simply d/l; unzip; move anywhere you want (but outside the 'save', naturally). Then simply click to fire it up.

Because of the afore-mentioned issue with Bionicpup64 & its apparent inability to 'see' its own, built-in Qt5 libs, there are two Zoom ROX-apps; the Bionicpup64 'special'.....and a 'standard' one for everybody else!

Each only contains the relevant 'LAUNCH' script, appropriately re-named to 'AppRun' instead, this being what makes ROX see it AS a ROX-app. And you cannot have two, identically named scripts in the same directory. ROX won't allow it. If I re-name the 'AppRun' script to something else to differentiate it, it's no longer a ROX-app!

If you wish, you CAN still add a MenuEntry. To enter a ROX-app, you need to rt-clk->'Look Inside'. Then just run the 'MenuAdd' script. Same procedure to run the 'MenuRemove' script...


You can find these at the usual location in post #1. Enjoy!

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Re: ZOOM 'portable' - v5.7.6 : now as ROX-apps

Post by keniv »

Hello Mike,
I noticed that you also intend to package your portable browsers as Rox-Apps and in fact I think I saw this done with Opera. Given the instructions for using the Rox-App and the portable seem similar I'm not sure what the difference is between them. I wonder if you could explain the difference between them and the advantages of using the Rox-App over the portable. It has just struck me that this might not be the best place to ask this question so if it should be somewhere else then I apologise in advance.



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Re: ZOOM 'portable' - v5.7.6 : now as ROX-apps

Post by mikewalsh »

@keniv :-

There IS hardly any difference, Ken. I'm experimenting. One click less, that's all..!

Instead of click to enter, click to 'LAUNCH'.....here you click on the portable and it runs immediately. And ROX-apps are Puppy's 'native' portable format, as opposed to the methods Fred and I have developed over the last couple of years. The contents are basically the same; it simply launches in a slightly different way.

However, I've already discovered that NOT all apps/programs will work as a ROX-app, so I shan't be doing this with everything by a long chalk.....

I'm gauging feedback. If folks like it better this way, I'll continue with it. If not, I'll return to the previous format. Nowt "mysterious" about it.....and I know some people don't like change for the sake of change.

We'll see how it goes.

Mike. ;)

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Re: ZOOM 'portable' - v5.7.6 : now as ROX-apps

Post by keniv »


There IS hardly any difference, Ken. I'm experimenting. One click less, that's all..!

Instead of click to enter, click to 'LAUNCH'.....here you click on the portable and it runs immediately.

Thanks for that information. In a way the portable was one click if you dragged LAUNCH to the desktop, changed the name to that of say that of the browser, then set the icon. I've also made menu entries though since you provided an automated version I've used that.

And ROX-apps are Puppy's 'native' portable format,

I'll try one of these to see if I like them better than than your portables though I think it will be a browser as I must be one of the few people in the world with a PC that doesn't use Zoom.

and I know some people don't like change for the sake of change.

Yep, I might be one of those. I've got used to the portables and how to update them etc.



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Re: ZOOM 'portable' - v5.7.6 : experimental as ROX-apps

Post by ronriel »


Thanks for making these easy-to-use portable apps even easier to use. Those Menu Add/Remove scripts are very helpful additions.
Just one request though. Can you make the restartwm part optional with a "yes/no" in the terminal or "enter if yes". It surprised me a bit as I had lots of programs/windows open when I ran the script, and it restarted the WM. :o
Thank again!


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Re: ZOOM 'portable' - v5.7.6 : experimental as ROX-apps

Post by mikewalsh »

@ronriel :-

ronriel wrote: Sun Aug 29, 2021 6:02 pm


Thanks for making these easy-to-use portable apps even easier to use. Those Menu Add/Remove scripts are very helpful additions.
Just one request though. Can you make the restartwm part optional with a "yes/no" in the terminal or "enter if yes". It surprised me a bit as I had lots of programs/windows open when I ran the script, and it restarted the WM. :o
Thank again!


NOT a bad idea, that!

"X" needs to be restarted, because that's how you get the new MenuEntries to show up after they've been added...../etc/xdg/templates/_root_jwmrc has to run and do its thing for them to show, y'see. Same when removing them.

Obviously, if you don't know this, then it WILL catch you unawares...

I've added a bit of extra code to bring up a wee YAD box with two buttons:-

- Restart now : runs restartwm straightaway
- Restart later : exits the script and does nothing. This allows the user to close programs/apps, etc. Just remember to re-start "X" later.....either that, or the entries will show up when you next re-boot.

I'll add this in to the Zoom 'portable' tomorrow, and re-upload it . I'll start adding this extra stuff into other portables, as & when they get updated.

Cheers! Feedback in action...

Mike. ;)

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