How to overclock Raspberry Pi in raspup?

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How to overclock Raspberry Pi in raspup?

Post by lizardidi »

Currently, the only raspberry pi i have is the $5 raspberry pi zero running on cpu governor 'performance'. It feels much snappier compared to the default 'powersave' governor.

What should i do, in raspup, to overclock the cpu frequency? I plan to overclock it to 1100mhz to squeeze a little more power from it with the power of puppy. I checked /boot/config.txt, however the config file is very different to Raspbian and Dietpi.

I already tried to edit the frequency values in few files such as scaling_max_freq, available_cpu_freq etc... but without success.

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Re: How to overclock Raspberry Pi in raspup?

Post by bigpup »

Not too many of us using these Raspberry Pi computers.

what does a Google search come up with about overclocking them?

I have a Pi 400 and getting the governor, to run in performance, was enough for me.

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Re: How to overclock Raspberry Pi in raspup?

Post by lizardidi »

bigpup wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:54 pm

Not too many of us using these Raspberry Pi computers.

what does a Google search come up with about overclocking them?

I have a Pi 400 and getting the governor, to run in performance, was enough for me.

Thanks @bigpup for reminding me!

I should have know, like other OSes, you can overclock Raspup using the same parameters.

By default, overclock parameters are not added in Raspup. To add the parameters, check your left bottom corner of desktop, click on the first partition of sd card (label as mm0p1), then look for config.txt, open config.txt with text editor, and add the following lines:

#overclock settings for raspberry pi zero to 1.1ghz

#initial turbo (force cpu to run at max clock for n seconds, n=0-60)

Click save.

Close the text editor.

Reboot your Raspberry. Done, your Raspberry should now overclocked.

To check, open terminal and key in:

watch -n 1 vcgencmd measure_clock arm

Always check board temperature after overclocked with:

/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp

Note: some of the above parameters only work for Rpi zero. if you have other Rpi models, remember to change the values accordingly.

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Re: How to overclock Raspberry Pi in raspup?

Post by bigpup »

EasyOS for the PI 4 has a temp reading in the tray.
Need to figure out what it is using.

I have gotten some stuff that is in Raspup, but not in EasyOS for Pi, added to and working in EasyOS for Pi.

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Re: How to overclock Raspberry Pi in raspup?

Post by bigpup »

Raspup 8.2.1
Raspberry Pi 400 computer

Puppy Package Manager(PPM)
Do a search for pmcputemp.
It should find
Downlaod and install it.

To get it to auto load and run on startup.
There is a pmcputemp.desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart/
Open pmcputemp.desktop file in a text editor.
change the line

Code: Select all



Code: Select all


Reboot and save.
Should now have CPU temp reading in the tray.

Screenshot.jpg (7.15 KiB) Viewed 2295 times

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
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