how do i update all packages?

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how do i update all packages?

Post by helloworld »

how do i update all packages,inlcuding packages in ISO ,the new installed packages after installing iso, all pets ,sfses and etc.IN one word, everything. like apt-get dist-upgrade
AND,how do i install brave browser, i only got this:
sudo apt install apt-transport-https curl

sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg ... eyring.gpg

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list

sudo apt update

sudo apt install brave-browser
BUT,how to add it to puppy repo

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Re: how do i update all packages

Post by sonny »

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Re: how do i update all packages

Post by darry19662018 »

Puppy doesn't work like other distros updating every file. Browsers can be found on this forum to keep your gateway to the internet updated.

Other updates such as security updates can be found posted on the forum and other programs for the many Puppies. Deltas are released by developers as a method of updating an installation.

Finally as I have said before when using Puppy Package Manager for the first time Update it.

If Puppy is not your thing after reading this then try the Dogs they use apt and synaptic and dpkg.

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Re: how do i update all packages

Post by bigpup »

Puppy does not use apt.

It uses Puppy Package Manager(PPM)

Installing programs is a little confusing at first.
This info may help you:

Fossapup64 9.5 does have the Quickpet program. (icon on desktop)
Quickpet->Info->Fossapup updates
This will install any bug fixes and updates, that 666philb (developer of Fossapup64 9.5), feels need to be added.
Make sure to reboot and save, so changes are now being used.

Puppy in general, updates by coming out with a new version of Puppy.
Puppy is very much about.
If it is not broken!
Do not try to fix it.

Get out of the idea you need to constantly update!!!

Internet browsers, are the only programs, that do need to constantly update.
Most have an internal update feature, to do that.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: how do i update all packages

Post by sonny »

bigpup wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:34 pm

Get out of the idea you need to constantly update!!!

Update is actually Winxiety & Winsanity propaganda.
With Puppy, we must renew our mindset!

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Re: how do i update all packages

Post by helloworld »

sonny wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 6:48 am

Brave browser: ... _amd64.deb

thanks,but i found another way, you can try this:
(if necessary,use proxy before executing pkg command:
export http_proxy='http://yourporxy:port'
export https_proxy='http://yourporxy:port'
export rsync_proxy='http://yourporxy:port'
export ftp_proxy='http://yourporxy:port'
export ftps_proxy='http://yourporxy:port'
export HTTP_PROXY='http://yourporxy:port'
export HTTPS_PROXY='http://yourporxy:port'
export RSYNC_PROXY='http://yourporxy:port'
export FTP_PROXY='http://yourporxy:port'
export FTPS_PROXY='http://yourporxy:port'

pkg add-repo stable main ####add repo

pkg search-all brave #### find package name
pkg add brave-browser ###install package and depdencies

Last edited by helloworld on Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: how do i update all packages

Post by helloworld »

bigpup wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:34 pm

Puppy does not use apt.

It uses Puppy Package Manager(PPM)

Installing programs is a little confusing at first.
This info may help you:

Fossapup64 9.5 does have the Quickpet program. (icon on desktop)
Quickpet->Info->Fossapup updates
This will install any bug fixes and updates, that 666philb (developer of Fossapup64 9.5), feels need to be added.
Make sure to reboot and save, so changes are now being used.

Puppy in general, updates by coming out with a new version of Puppy.
Puppy is very much about.
If it is not broken!
Do not try to fix it.

Get out of the idea you need to constantly update!!!

Internet browsers, are the only programs, that do need to constantly update.
Most have an internal update feature, to do that.

hi,i got this : pkg list-downloaded | pkg update -
pkg list-builtins | pkg update -,
hopefully ,it works.but if puppy works in its own way ,i dont recommend this.

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Re: how do i update all packages

Post by sonny »

Updating (changing/adding to the current ecosystem) is a risky business.

i.e. apps called "A", "B", "C", "D", & "E" have been living and working in perfect harmony.
Then, you add a new app in town called "F" into the mix ...
Then, A stops working or C starts getting unstable, etc etc.

"If you want to keep anything up-to-date, you must keep everything up-to-date."

Always do it with extra care.

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Re: how do i update all packages

Post by helloworld »

sonny wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:05 pm

Updating (changing/adding to the current ecosystem) is a risky business.

i.e. apps called "A", "B", "C", "D", & "E" have been living and working in perfect harmony.
Then, you add a new app in town called "F" into the mix ...
Then, A stops working or C starts getting unstable, etc etc.

"If you want to keep anything up-to-date, you must keep everything up-to-date."

Always do it with extra care.

you are right,cause i just got my puppy fucked after i just did several pkg commands.Puppy works in it's own way,i cant just simply put my experiences of other distributions on it.After this mishap,flatpak appimage and the like should be good choices

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Re: how do i update all packages?

Post by sonny »

For me, (Windows) security update is a sign of insecurity. Puppy's update-free system is seal of security.
Just update your mindset, brother. Not your Puppy.
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Re: how do i update all packages?

Post by vhradice »

I missed something? I just installed Puppy on an old thinkpad. I use Fedora on my main pc. With Fedora there are updates to the programs there. I open a terminal window, go to su, and then enter dnf update. This goes out to the repositories and finds all of the updates to all of the installed programs. This gets security updates and bug fixes for the installed programs. Is the same facility available in Puppy? If so, how do I do it?

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Re: how do i update all packages?

Post by bigpup »

Puppy does not have that type of update ability.

Get out of the idea you have to constantly update stuff.

Puppy is very much following the idea:
If it is not broken, do not try to fix it.

A web browser is about the only software, you need to update.
Each browser, will have some way to update it, provided by info in it's help.

Puppy only does an overall update, by releasing a new version of Puppy.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: how do i update all packages?

Post by vhradice »

Thank you

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Re: how do i update all packages?

Post by mikeslr »

As others have written, Puppy is not like other Linuxes. Properly used, it is more secure and will serve you for many years without having to do an 'entire update' --which, in Puppy terms consists of the following:

With your current Puppy in one Folder (that's all it needs, its own folder, not an entire partition) download a more recent Puppy ISO. Unpack that into its own, uniquely named folder. Run grub2config or Frugalpup-Installer to update your boot-menu. You'll then be able to boot into either Puppy. If and when you're entirely satisfied with your 'new' Puppy, boot into it. Delete your 'old Puppy's' Folder and re-run grub2config or Frugalpup-installer to generate an updated grub.cfg file; or just manually open grub2config and delete the stanza of the 'old' Puppy.
Typically, other Linuxes require their own partitions currently using at least 20 Gbs of a hard drive. Typically --before fleshing it out-- a Frugally installed Puppy requires less than 500 Mbs. After fleshing it out a Puppy rarely needs more than 2Gbs. That's because in addition to application you install, a Frugal Puppy can use AppImages, SFSes and Portable-Applications. Those are not installed and can often be used by several Puppys.
Read How Puppy Linux Works, ... 827#p55827 and this post. ... 853#p65853. But here's the gist:
A Puppy Linux consists primarily of READ-ONLY files-systems which can't be tampered with, but can be replaced. Among those replace-able file-systems are the kernel and the drivers (files to communicate with computer hardware) which must be compiled specifically for a kernel. Another READ-ONLY file system is the puppy_VERSION_of_Puppy_version-number.SFS. It provides your Windows and File-Managers, and those applications that Puppy's creator thought all users are likely to want. It can't be modified, but there are applications to REMASTER it: delete unwanted applications, update builtin applications, and include your choice of other applications, including Windows and File-Managers. Remastering creates a new version of that file-system which you use to replace your 'old version'.

Updates to portables applications and SFSes are often available; with regard to Web-browsers, frequently. And there are applications you can use to 'build your own.' Like Puppys, you can try the new without deleting the old, and if necessary, revert. The same is true of AppImages. But for complex AppImages like Video-Editors, e.g. Openshot, you'll have to wait for some non-puppy dev to publish a new version.

Only a Puppy's SaveFile or SaveFolder is write-able. These are employed to preserve customizations, settings and user-installed applications. Remastering combines their contents with the original puppy_VERSION_of_Puppy_version-number.SFS.

There's another application of which you should be aware: nicOS-Utility-Suite, ... 983#p12983. Using its Save2SFS module, you can capture the contents of your current SaveFile/Folder and any installed applications no-yet-Saved to a READ only SFS your Puppy will automatically use. Having performed such capture, you can remove (to a location where it won't be used, but stored if you need to revert) your SaveFile/Folder and boot into a Puppy using ONLY READ-ONLY file-system. If you've booted from a USB-Key, after boot-up you can remove the Key. Hint: Locate portable web-browsers in /opt so they will be included in a READ-ONLY file-system.

As ... 853#p65853 notes, the only component of Puppy which is not easy to update are the glibc libraries required by OpenSSL, the latter being a module used by web-browsers. Only if and when that becomes necessary will you have to upgrade to a new version of Puppy. See that post for more information.
Because of the way other Linuxes are constructed and operate, to maintain security and usability they must be frequently updated. Because of the way Puppys are constructed and operate, Xenialpup64 published in November 2017 continues to be usable --albeit without some 'bells & whistles'-- and, if managed properly, entirely secure.
Hence, Puppy's philosophy: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

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Re: how do i update all packages?

Post by Feek »

vhradice wrote: Mon Sep 05, 2022 8:51 pm

I missed something? I just installed Puppy on an old thinkpad. I use Fedora on my main pc. With Fedora there are updates to the programs there. I open a terminal window, go to su, and then enter dnf update. This goes out to the repositories and finds all of the updates to all of the installed programs. This gets security updates and bug fixes for the installed programs. Is the same facility available in Puppy? If so, how do I do it?

Your request could be fulfilled by Vanilla Dpup 9.2.x (compatible with Debian) developed by dimkr (see Mainline Puppy Linux Distros section).
A new .iso is released every week including Debian security updates and woof-ce improvements.
Packages installed by the user from the Debian repository can be updated with the command "apt update && apt upgrade" in the terminal.
I have a 10 year old Thinkpad and I can say that this puppy has been running great on it for 2 months now.

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Re: how do i update all packages?

Post by wiak »

Feek wrote: Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:05 am
vhradice wrote: Mon Sep 05, 2022 8:51 pm

I missed something? I just installed Puppy on an old thinkpad. I use Fedora on my main pc. With Fedora there are updates to the programs there. I open a terminal window, go to su, and then enter dnf update. This goes out to the repositories and finds all of the updates to all of the installed programs. This gets security updates and bug fixes for the installed programs. Is the same facility available in Puppy? If so, how do I do it?

Your request could be fulfilled by Vanilla Dpup 9.2.x (compatible with Debian) developed by dimkr (see Mainline Puppy Linux Distros section).

VoidPup (includes 32bit and 64bit support) is another good one and Void Linux package manager (xbps) and repos tend to be nicely quite up-to-date.

VoidPup (Mainline Puppy) : ... 697#p50697

Code: Select all

xbps-install -Syu

I 'think' to upgrade. Been on ubuntu-based dpkg/apt for a while so I temporarily forget xbps usage sorry.
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Re: how do i update all packages?

Post by mikeslr »

My apologies. With regard to Puppy Linux, ‘I’m an old foggy’. Although I’ve explored VoidPup and developed some techniques to use it in a manner ‘I like’; and have recently spent some time using VanillaDpup as a test-bed in exploring different methods of running Wine, I tend to forget about some of the potential they offer not found in other Puppys.

But before continuing to discuss that, I think it important that you know about an ‘Update’ mechanism built into Fossapup64 which hasn’t been mentioned; and which –as far as I’m concerned-- is either equivalent to ‘the newfangled stuff’, or at least adequate.

If you open Menu>Setup>quickpet fossa, you can run ‘Fossapup update’ which is maintained by 666philb, Fossapup64’s creator. Running it will install about 40 updates consisting primarily of security patches published by Ubuntu Fossa Focal, and ‘bug fixes’ for problems brought to 666philb’s attention by actual Fossapup64 users. You can view the list by Clicking quickpet’s Help>Installed bugfixes. Note that most became available when Ubuntu was, itself, perfecting Fossa Focal and Fossapup was first deployed to Puppy fans. By now, Ubuntu Fossa and Fossapup have had two years of user testing. It should be expected that additional ‘bugfixes’ would be rare; as is the case with Bionicpup64 (also by 666philb and having its own Quickpet) which has been available for 3 ½ years.

per peebee, creator of VoidPup, “See: /root/Startup/00_start_vpup
Looks like your installs want to update icu and that has been blocked by the above holds.....
You could try removing the holds (e.g xbps-pkgdb -m unhold icu ) but do this in a safe test environment in case of "consequences" ... 018#p66018.

So, my guess is that peebee has builtin some configurations which prevent a 'full upgrade'. And for good reason:

Although not writing about Voidpup, spiritwild posted: "“Just a fair warning......If you are not familiar with apt, you can fall down a rabbit hole of "wtf just happened. I'm using devuan puppy with synaptic and if you update certain files, as with any linux flavor, you will brick the whole system.” ... 205#p58205*

I recall posts to the same effect regarding Slackos, puppys binary compatible with Slackware, which, IIRC, via Puppy Package Manager, could install all the updates published by Slackware.

VanillaDPup, on the other hand, per dimkr it's creator:
"Vanilla Dpup 9.2.x is built by an automated pipeline that produces weekly builds (9.2.0, 9.2.1, ...) with the latest security and stability updates from Debian and the latest 5.10.x kernel, using a stable woof-CE tree with cherry-picked fixes from the latest woof-CE.” ... 045#p59045.

Technically, those aren't 'upgrades' they are 'updates' providing security and bug-fix patches. With all due respect to dimkr --whose expertise with Linux far exceeds any I could dream of obtaining-- those updates depend on his 'cherry-picking' from among the various improvements several Puppy devs have worked on; and an automated process --i.e. selected by a computer program without Human intervention-- to draw in those improvements the Devs at debian have produced.

"Computers, and the programs which run under them, are idiots operating at the speed of light". To Quote/Paraphrase, I think, Matthew Broderick's character at the end of a movie named 'War Games', "The only way to win is to not play the game."

To upgrade a debian system --from say 9.2.12 to 9.3 or 10.0 -whatever debian names its next iteration-- will require under debian a process something like that spelled out here, ... debian-11/. In my previous post I spelled out the process of replacing one Puppy with a newer one: a procedure which --if you never write data files to your SaveFile/Folder-- never jeopardizes that data, takes less than 5 minutes and insures that you will at all times have an operating system you can boot into.

As far as I know, glibc libraries --or their equivalents-- remain foundations in Void, VoidPup, debian and VanillaDpup, and an operating system, itself, including those, can only employ one set of glibc libraries. Until an operating system's glibc libraries can no longer insure its security or provide the structure for required applications, there is no compelling reason to Upgrade that system. And when there is, upgrade means replacement.

Please forgive me if I have not been properly impressed by the glamour of the Emperor's new clothes.

* Edit: peebee offers 'safe to use' updates to VoidPup via delta files. IRCC, some other Puppys can also be safely updated using delta files made available by their respective creators.

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Re: how do i update all packages?

Post by mistfire »

QuickPup64 was able to update packages from upstream slackware current repo. But use it under your own risk. Just to Menu > Setup/System > Get Package Updates

NOTE: Package updates only works for installed program/app that used slackware package format.

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