The currrent release of OtherInstalls is version 11, viewtopic.php?p=45288#p45288.
It now writes to '/var/local/otherinstalls.d/boot-entries'.
With this version, converting an existing grub4dos boot entries is the preferred method for DebianDog/UbuntuDog frugal installs.
I've had a "bright" idea, perhaps OtherInstalls would be simpler if it focused on copying/translating existing working boot-entries into grub2 entries in '/etc/grub.d/40_custom'. If necessary from a working frugal install of a single OS on a usb stick.
------------Original post------------
I have attached 'OtherInstalls-1.tar.gz', extract the 'other-installs' script with:
Code: Select all
tar xf OtherInstalls-1.tar.gz
This is a CLI utility that searches partitions for non-Puppy installs, and generates grub2 boot entries for them in '/etc/grub.d/40_custom'.
Since "FrugalPup->Boot" now processes all files in '/etc/grub.d/', the next time "FrugalPup->Boot" is used to replace 'grub.cfg', these entries will get included in the grub2 menu and when selected should boot the appropriate OS.
This represents an idea I had after being made aware of a possible need for FrugalPup to "work" with booting things other than Puppy frugal installs.
It currently works for Windows, both uefi and non-uefi.
It's coded for EasyOS, but I don't know if that works.
It would be helpful if someone who uses FrugalPup, (or at least grub2), and EasyOS could test this, please.
To use, run the following command in a console opened in the directory containing 'other-installs':
Code: Select all
You can append a "-h" parameter to see it's help.
To test the EasyOS stuff:
Ensure that there is no current '/etc/grub.d/40_custom' file, run 'other-installs', check that the contents of '/etc/grub.d/40_custom' look reasonable.
try using the entry in a real 'grub.cfg', either use "FrugalPup->Boot" v31 to replace the 'grub.cfg' or directly edit 'grub.cfg' and cut+paste the generated entry from '/etc/grub.d/40_custom' into it.
My plan is to either develop this as a standalone utility, or perhaps include it as an extra facility in FrugalPup.
I would like it to be capable of handling more OS's, particularly frugal installs.
But I don't want to go down the rabbit holes of becomming familiar with each of lot's of different OS's.
So, I'm looking for helpers to give me information about booting various OS's with grub2, how to recognise an installation, and to test booting those OS's.
Which OS's?
Well any that folk might want to multi-boot with Puppy, while using FrugalPup to manage boots.
If this come to fruition, I will remove the current support for Windows from FrugalPup.