Ubuntu for a arm64 based computer

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Ubuntu for a arm64 based computer

Post by bigpup »

I just tried Ubuntu OS Desktop arm processor version.
Installed it to SD card.
Booted on a Raspberry Pi 400

I thought I was using my Android based phone.
A lot of stuff seemed the same as it is on my phone.

This thing was about 8GB in size, after it completed the install.
Fast, it was not! :thumbdown:
Everything you tried to run, took 5 to 10 seconds to start, and open up in a window.

Any of the Puppy versions for a Raspberry Pi, work fast, as they do on a regular x86 computer.
Same SD card install.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Ubuntu for a arm64 based computer

Post by Geek3579 »

I agree. Ubuntu Desktop is too slow and clumsy for any serious work, even in a Pi4 with 4+GB RAM.

Puppy runs very well, although the range of software I found limiting. Anybody else care to comment on this ??

I now run TwisterOS, ( or MX-Fluxbox ). Both really build on the basic raspbian OS, adding their own Desktop and other features. They are lightning fast, offer a huge range of options for software and an easy to use desktop experience which can be easily configured (especially TwisterOS).

Best of all, I can run a selection of Windows applications under WINE as part of Box86 which comes with Pi-Apps, which is very easily setup under TwisteOS. Yeh, its a lot of layers, but it does work, mostly. FYI, Box86 has been around a couple of years, but has only been part of Pi-Apps since late 2020.

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Re: Ubuntu for a arm64 based computer

Post by r96chase »

Meanwhile, I just installed Linux Mint Xfce Edition on my ThinkPad and it works pretty good so far. I might use it as a daily driver, but here's the thing: my ThinkPad X140e is pretty old, so I might use Puppy again eventually.

Anyway, did you try Ubuntu MATE on your Pi 400? Because I wonder if you tried vanilla Ubuntu or something.
Otherwise, I would guess it's gonna run a bit slow anyhow.

I am a crash-course Linux novice. :lol:

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Re: Ubuntu for a arm64 based computer

Post by ozsouth »

When I mention Puppy to most linux folk I get called a minimalist. Maybe true, but if waiting 5-10 sec for apps to start is the norm in big distros, give me Puppy anyday.

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