WDL_Arch using qemu kvm-enable with Fossapup64 guest

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WDL_Arch using qemu kvm-enable with Fossapup64 guest

Post by wiak »

This isn't a full HowTo but just a simpler blog post that I might turn into a proper HowTo later once I experiment more. This 'Blog' subforum is itself just a personal experiment to forum track what I hope will be my more regular WeeDogLinux-related blog entries at https://tinylinux.info But that site doesn't include comments and, anyway, I think a 'forum' is a better place for discussions on any such activity (I'll update tinycore.info blog itself soonish - have to git clone the site first...). Also, if I ever lose the tinylinux.info blog site at least a copy of some such posts can be found here.

Today's blog post is about my playing with qemu/kvm.

I used to use virtual machines every day in my job. Primarily vmware, but I was also involved in research activities/development with User Mode Linux. Mind you, that was many many years ago and my computer back then was incapable of using kvm so the likes of qemu was slow (though a bit better than bochs...). Today, however, I decided to give qemu with kvm-enable a try since my 2008 HP Elitebook 2530p (intel core2duo machine with 4GB RAM) is in fact capable of Virtualization (just need to enable it in the BIOS).

Even though this machine had a recent SSD harddrive failure/disaster, it still proves capable of using qemu/kvm despite my now booting it from but a 16GB sdcard... Using WDL_Arch64 as the host, and for first experiment using Fossapup64 as the guest system.

Once I had enabled virutalization in the BIOS, getting this running was simplicity itself and more so since WDL_Arch64 is absolutely compatible with full Arch Linux per its qemu wiki page: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/QEMU

Basically, I needed to:

1. Install qemu with command:

Code: Select all

pacman -Sy qemu

2. Create a raw image file (I made it 2G) with command:

Code: Select all

qemu-img create -f raw img1.raw 2G

3. Finally, I booted FossaPup64 iso in the qemu virtual machine with command:

Code: Select all

qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom isos/fossapup64-9.5.iso -boot order=d -drive file=img1.raw,format=raw -m 1G -enable-kvm

Which works fine. Wow, wasn't that simple...? Runs beautifully even on this terribly crippled old dev machine of mine...

Note: I also checked, using lsmod, and found that kvm-intel was automatically loaded as a module without any further work by me:

Code: Select all

[root@bootstrap RAM]# lsmod | grep kvm
kvm_intel             327680  0
kvm                   970752  1 kvm_intel
irqbypass              16384  1 kvm


Screenshot QEMU running on WDL_Arch64 with FossaPup64 guest
Screenshot QEMU running on WDL_Arch64 with FossaPup64 guest
WDL_Arch64host_FossaPup64guest_qemu.jpg (72.99 KiB) Viewed 1961 times

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Re: WDL_Arch using qemu kvm-enable with Fossapup64 guest

Post by Clarity »

This Puppy/DOG document has been around for years to assist users in setup & operation of KVM-QEMU.

It could be a companion to your work.

And, I highly encourage users to consider the QEMU GUI as it promotes a "complete visual" of setup of the virtual PC in a single screen.

QEMU-GUI(1).jpg (28.08 KiB) Viewed 1936 times

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