Sorry if I missed this one somewhere but I can't find a cheat code to copy changes.dat to RAM and the searches brings up just about every post about grub4dos ever.
Is this possible:
copy2ram and [cheat code to copy changes.dat to RAM]
post boot unmount media
end of session mount media again
sync changes.dat from RAM to media
or abort sync if the session became a sandbox instead
I'll promise to keep changes.dat at a reasonable size vs. total RAM capacity.
2 and 3 aren't necessary, just nice in some cases.
I believe I've done it in antiX/MX (but that might have produced 2 diff. persistent homes depending on persistence cheat code IIRC, quite messy)
Another persistence question: are changes.dat or .../live/changes/ always uncompressed?
antiX/MX compresses into a homefs file but maybe that's only done to preserve disk space at rest?