Should I use SSH over LAN to access another Puppy PC?(SOLVED)

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Should I use SSH over LAN to access another Puppy PC?(SOLVED)

Post by soniabu »

Hello to all. I hope you are all well. I'm fine.
I need to access from my linux pc (fossadog64) the folders of another linux pc (bionicpup32) in the LAN to save folder and files.
Is it okay if I install SSH and use this software or is there other preferable tool?
thanks sonia

Last edited by soniabu on Sat Apr 10, 2021 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SSH ?

Post by rockedge »

It is. Look here ->
under the PETS in Bionic. There are 2 PETS called Dropbear. This is a SSH server, easy to use and set up. One is 64 and the other 32 bit.

use the built in Puppy SSH client to access the other machine.

Or use FTP! Install pure-ftpd or it might be there already. easy to use for file transfer.
then there is SAMBA which also built in but somewhat more complicated to get going.

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Re: SSH ?

Post by soniabu »

txs Rock, I'll try. :thumbup2:

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Re: SSH ?

Post by rockedge »

You will need to make keys for dropbear for it to work. But that is easy to do as well.
Let me know how you make out in case you need another tip to get it working! Once it is it should be what you are looking for

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Re: Should I use SSH over LAN to access another Puppy PC?

Post by fredx181 »

Hi sonia, another option may be simple-python-http-server, rcrsn51 made a gui , can be installed with synaptic or apt.
It's very easy to use , no password or key required.
The files can be accessed from your browser, for example

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Re: Should I use SSH over LAN to access another Puppy PC?

Post by s243a »

soniabu wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:40 am

Hello to all. I hope you are all well. I'm fine.
I need to access from my linux pc (fossadog64) the folders of another linux pc (bionicpup32) in the LAN to save folder and files.
Is it okay if I install SSH and use this software or is there other preferable tool?
thanks sonia

If alternatively you want to use openssh, here are some instructions (attached):

How To: Setup Open SSH Server
-- From the facebook puppylinux usergroup.

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Re: Should I use SSH over LAN to access another Puppy PC?

Post by Geek3579 »

I transfer files using PureFTP as the server, and gFTP as client, both found in most OOTB Puppy Menus. It is easy to setup.

Just START PureFTP in the Server, and note the LAN IP address by hovering over the Internet symbol in the Task Bar. The firewall may need to be turned off, also.

Then type in the details on the client gFTP, including the IP address, and the default/typical parameters for Puppy, namely: port (21), name (root) and password (woofwoof) unless these have been previously changed by you, the user.

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scan network in HOME

Post by foxpup »

I suppose this is not in the new Puppys anymore:

Limbomusic wrote:

Oh and a funny story:
Apparently I,m a bit slow on the uptake. I,ve been using puppy linux for a couple of years now and to get into my shared computers on the network - I have always used YASSM-search. But lo and behold - all this time there was a happy little folder called "network" in HOME.... with a little application called "scan network" - wow - lol - and it asks username/passwords for the shares -boom badabing - and hey! - Theyre automatically mounted when I boot the PC (as long as u have a save-file of course) ! Apparently I missed that marvelous feature for all this time. ;)

I just love Puppy Linux and may The Buddha bless the developers with hugs and kisses.

It is from Limbomusic on the old forum in 2017: ... 626#951626
HOME=/root/ in the case of Puppy.
I wonder if this is the package "network_roxapp" you can find on ibiblio in the repos for tahr, slacko14 ...???
May work on other Puppys as well because, as far as I can see, it just has scripts, no binaries.
Just found this offer for network_roxapp from @01micko on the old forum:
You may need mpscan, resources in a post on the link.
More to find on 'Barry's Old News' as well.
This seems to come from Fatdog (@kirk ), as many improvements in Puppy do,
so you may have a look there as well as it may be better maintained there.

I wonder how Limbomusic is doing.
He was a wonderful colorful guy.
Remember his topic "anybody need a hug?" in pre C times, 2017-2018?

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